Xiao Shili thought of the way to change his luck as he wanted and avoid his own misfortune. In fact, it was very simple.

That is to do more good and try not to do bad. As long as there is no evil value recorded in the treasure book, and all that exists is good value, then I don't have to worry about the unstable factor of consuming good value or evil value every time I change fortune.

Although it was difficult for him, Xiao Shili decided to give it a try.

After school, Xiao Shili didn't go with Gao Xiang. In fact, several other people didn't have time. They were all busy with the things Xiao Shili told them.

After a person left the school gate, Xiao Shi walked 200 meters away and turned into an alley. Not far away, he saw a beggar sitting on the ground dressed in rags and with a lame leg.

This beggar, Xiao Shili, was often seen when he was at school. He used to be sitting on the side of the road begging. Later, after being beaten by the comprehensive law enforcement team, he only dared to stay in this alley. However, as far as Xiao Shili knows, his lameness was completely pretended. Once again, he came here at night, I also saw the beggar swaggering along the road with two legs.

When he saw someone coming, the beggar immediately began to kowtow and said, "poor brother, a good man is safe all his life." The alley was dark and humid, and there were few people in it at ordinary times. After being rushed here by the comprehensive law enforcement team, he had no money for several days, so he had to go to the garbage heap to pick up food at night.

Xiao Shili stops in front of the beggar. The latter kowtows more frequently, and his address changes from big brother to grandfather. It's hard for him to meet someone who wants to give money.

Xiao Shili takes out 20 yuan from his pocket and puts it in the broken bowl in front of the beggar. The latter grabs the money and thanks repeatedly. However, after a few seconds, he finds that the passer-by is still standing in the same place and doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

Xiao Shili is no doubt waiting to hear the prompt from his mind. He knows that the "prompt" does not come immediately after the completion of a task. The time of appearance is not fixed, so he needs to wait a little longer.

But a few minutes later, the prompt still didn't appear. Not only Xiao Shili, but also the beggar kneeling on the ground were puzzled. He looked up and said, "brother, you don't want me to change, but I don't have any money except these twenty."

It doesn't make sense. In doubt, Xiao Shili took out the treasure from his schoolbag and looked at it. On the snow-white page of goodness, the value displayed was 80, without any increase.

It's strange that I have done a good deed. Why hasn't my fate changed? This is the first time since I got the treasure.

After thinking about it, Xiao Shili suddenly leaned out and grabbed the beggar's skirt. He said in a fierce voice, "give me the money."

The beggar was completely silly, looking at this 15-year-old boy who looked like a student.

"This... This is what you just gave me."

"Didn't you hear me when I said to hand over the money?" Xiao Shili grabs each other's neck again.

The beggar gave a gurgle in his throat and a look of fear appeared on his face. He trembled and handed over the crumpled twenty yuan.

Xiao Shili snatched the money and said, "take off your clothes, shoes and hat, too!"


"Take it off if you want to!"

The other party is only a 15-year-old student, but his eyes are a bit gloomy and chilling. Although the beggar is several years older than the other party, he has been at the bottom of the society for many years and has been bullied by others. He has no sense of resistance at all. At the same time, he has not reflected the meaning of the other party's words at all. His mind can't turn around, but his body has already obeyed Xiao Shili's orders, Take off your clothes.

If giving money to beggars is not a good deed, then this time the villains can be regarded as home. Xiao Shili waited for a few seconds, and his eyes were staring at the black page of Baojian. About a minute later, he still didn't respond.

"Big... Big brother, you... Please. I have this dress. It's useless for you to ask for it. You..." the confused beggar begged on the ground. He didn't even have underwear now. He was completely * * now.

What's the matter? Xiao Shili was both puzzled and depressed. Like when he got the treasure for the first time, he flipped through it from beginning to end, but still didn't find any sign of change or abnormality.

Well, after going back and forth for several times, Xiao Shili found that this thing really has some magical power, but there is also a very annoying place, that is, it almost doesn't manifest according to his own mind. What he deliberately wants, Baojian often doesn't help him to achieve, but usually benefits himself in unexpected circumstances.

In this case, no matter how much you try and ponder, it's useless. Xiao Shili put the treasure back in his schoolbag. His character is that he doesn't have the interest to keep the things he can't control. He will abandon them or even destroy them.

So from today on, he decided not to use this book again.

After throwing down the twenty yuan, Xiao Shili turned and walked to the entrance of the alley. The beggar knelt on the ground, tilted his head and looked at the young man's back. He muttered in his heart that people in the street usually think of himself as a psycho. Today, he met a real psycho

The football match was held the next afternoon after two classes in the school stadium.

As soon as class was over, the announcement of the start of the football match came out on the radio. The school attaches great importance to the football match and believes that it is an important opportunity for students to enhance mutual unity, strengthen physical quality, promote the all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique, and create a good communication atmosphere for senior one and senior two.

Facts have proved that the school's view is indeed correct. For a period of time after the competition, in order to fight with other classes, each class consciously United. In the process of fighting, their physical fitness was also strengthened. This time, they broke the deadlock and had many good "physical exchanges". Of course, that's later.

Xiao Shili came to the stadium in a white sports suit. The stadium on the campus is absolutely the size of a general city stadium. There is a green field in the middle, surrounded by a circle of runways. Even if the stands on all sides sit down, there is no problem that there are twice as many teachers and students in the whole school.

Xie Hui went to the student union to draw lots. Although she didn't fight with the student union yesterday, she also made a scene. Xiao Shili was a little worried, so she asked Li Yuanqi and two other boys to go with her. Now most of the boys in the class regard Xiao Shili as the boss of the class. Generally, no one dares to refuse what he said.

There are still 20 minutes to go before the game. Many people are warming up on the playground. Gao Xiang and Fei long are also on the field. Neither of them takes part in the competition of their own class. Instead, they stay in Xiao Shili's class as assistants to watch the boss's game.

The stands around him were full one after another. Xiao Shili was really looking forward to the appearance of a person, but he was disappointed. Several inquiring brothers came to report that they didn't find Yang Meiyu. It seems that she won't appear today.

This is also normal, the sophomore's "first battle girl" usually does not come to school, the girl does not like football, football games, of course, she will not come. However, Xiao Shili thought that if the other party had a boyfriend or other people to participate in the competition, she might be there in person and come on.

"Brother Li, look." Gao Xiang suddenly pointed to the nearby stand, "see that one who called?"

Xiao Shili looked at it, and sure enough, there was a person on the phone. All the people in that area were sitting and only a few were standing, so it looked very obvious. It was just that the distance was too far away. He only saw that the person was a little dark, and nothing else could be seen.

"His name is Chang Kunyu. He's from the fourth class of senior two. When Yang Meiyu is away, he is in charge of the whole senior two for that girl. If something happens at ordinary times, if it's not too big, you don't need to ask Yang Meiyu, he can decide for himself. " Gao Xiang said, "it can be said that Yang Meiyu is the most trusted person in senior two at present."

"What's the relationship between them?"

"Well... I don't know." Gao Xiang shakes his head. "There is no rumor about them outside. Even if there is one, some people imagine it."

"Is the message reliable?" Xiao Shili looked at the black figure.

"It's absolutely reliable. I have an old watch who works for Chang Kunyu as a sophomore in high school. I can't be more clear about him." Gao Xiang vowed and added, "brother Li, you can rest assured that my old watch will never disclose the conversation between me and him to each other."

"Well." Xiao Shili nodded and looked around. He wanted to get closer and see what Chang Kunyu looked like, but another thing suddenly caught his attention.

At the moment, there are many people sitting in the stands around, and almost all classes have arrived, but there is a strange phenomenon. Almost all the audience present are crowded at the corner between the north stand and the East and the west, while the south stand is almost empty.

In this empty stand, two groups of lonely people were sitting on both sides of the stand, separated by about 50 meters.

From this distance, we can see that there are about * * people in one group and only three people in the other group. Although the two groups are sitting in a stand independently, they do not seem to be intimate. It is not difficult to see from the distance between the two sides.

Gao Xiang and Fei long look at Xiao Shili's eyes. Their faces change for a while. At this moment, there is a more strange phenomenon, that is, although the competition is about to start on the next field and all classes are warming up, all eyes on and off the field seem to focus on the South stand and the two groups.

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