Lin Shihan opened her eyes and looked at Xiao Shili with a puzzled face. The other two looked at Xiao Shili in surprise and surprise.

Xiao Shili opened his hand and said slowly, "I think there must be some misunderstanding. If we can, we should have a good talk."

Commander Peng is extremely obedient to Lin Shihan, but the terrorists are not so polite. He is scolded by a little girl in public, and his face is not enough. At the same time, the terrorists feel relaxed. He even dare to propose to negotiate with himself. His anger rises in his heart. It seems that he must stand up a little more and let the terrorists fear again.

"You guys, hold your heads in both hands and lie on the ground!" His face was like a tiger roaring, and his face was like a different person in an instant, shaking everyone's heart.

Seeing that Xiao Shili stood still, his face sank and he stepped forward. His big hand, like a palm fan, immediately grabbed at Xiao Shili's chest.

It seems ordinary, but it's the same type of Military Boxing. It's the characteristic of all soldiers' fighting to strike the fastest speed with the simplest action, and pursue stability, accuracy, ruthlessness and one deadly move. If ordinary people don't react, they will be caught in the chest.

Xiao Shili, also aware of the fierce grasp, immediately stepped back and stretched out his hand to separate the other person's palm.

The young man, who looked thin and weak, but was only 16 or 17 years old, was surprised to find that he could avoid his grasp. He immediately flipped his wrist, grabbed each other's wrist and pulled back. They felt each other's strength at the same time.

After Peng pulled, his last move was to bend his knees and hit the other side's waist. Now he was even more surprised to see that he didn't move. He immediately opened his knees and kicked the other side's chest.

As soon as Xiao Shili fell down, he avoided the lightning like kick. Unexpectedly, the opponent changed his moves so fast that when the leg was empty, it turned into a leg in mid air and split straight at Xiao Shili's head. Xiao Shili bent down. This move could not be avoided, so he immediately hit the lower shade with his fist.

Although this fist is a bit insidious and obscene, it's really the most appropriate way to deal with a dangerous situation. When he saw that the opponent's reaction was so quick, he was surprised in his heart. He turned slightly, and his left foot still went straight down.

Xiao Shili was hit on the shoulder by his opponent's foot. He sank down and almost fell to his knees. However, the blow also hit his opponent's thigh root. Commander Peng leaned back and took a few steps to stabilize himself.

Their eyes collided in the air, and they both saw the coldness in each other's eyes. Commander Peng laughed a few times, "OK, OK, I'm Peng Zhihong. I've never met an opponent in my life. Today, I'll accompany you for several times." Laughter at the same time, suddenly ahead of step out, the body soared into the air, a volley kick, with a huge kick to the other side.

After learning the secret formula of Qianlong, Xiao Shili felt that he was the most powerful opponent he had ever met. If he hit the kick, no matter how good he was, he would never be able to stand up. At the moment, he didn't dare to be careless. He held his breath and concentrated. He arched his body to avoid this leg and rushed to the other side with both legs.

Peng was in mid air, but his body was not restricted at all. When he saw the other side rushing towards him, he immediately pressed his palms on the other side's shoulders as he fell down. Xiao Shili was afraid that he would grasp his arm again, so he didn't dare to stretch out his hand. He waved a knife in his left hand and cut it to the other side's neck.

This move seems to be a game of losing both sides, but once commander Peng wins the move, his attack will be resolved. He immediately circles one hand back to block the knife. When the other hand is about to touch the other's shoulder, Xiao Shili's other hand quickly comes out and cuts into the other's arm.

Commander Peng still underestimated the opponent. He thought that the attack was not aimed at his own vital point, so he didn't evade the block. Just as he grasped the opponent's shoulder with one hand, his big arm was also cut off, and his whole arm suddenly became numb and weak. However, he didn't expect that the opponent's strength would be so great. Heart a surprised, not waiting for the other side to blow out the second move, quickly jump back a few steps.

In the process of Xiao Shili's resting Qianlong xinjue, he had to introduce the power of gentian into the thousand pulse and hundred acupoints around his body. As time went by, he had a certain understanding of the acupoints of the human body. However, he chopped the Ma acupoint on the other side's left arm. According to his strength, if it was not for the massage treatment of professionals, the whole arm could not return to normal operation within three hours.

After a few steps back, Colonel Peng found that the other party did not come after him. One of his arms was temporarily abandoned. The other party was reluctant to take advantage of this opportunity, which was obviously merciful. Although they did not win or lose, Xiao Shili's move clearly showed that he was defeated.

The muscles on his face wriggled a few times. However, he did not expect that he would be defeated in the hands of a little boy. It was a great shame for him. Under the fierce impact in his heart, he stood in the same place and could not speak for a long time.

Xiao Shili seized this opportunity and said, "senior colonel Peng has accepted. If you don't mind, can you listen to me for a few words?"

At the moment, Colonel Peng seemed to have looked at the boy with new eyes. His eyes were no longer full of hatred and disdain. He was stunned for a while. After staring at the other side for a few seconds, he nodded slightly, "here are 30 seconds. Go ahead."

Xiao Shili said in a serious voice, "can you tell me who and in what form did you receive the order to come here to carry out the mission tonight?"

"It's a military secret," Peng said coldly

Xiao Shili then said, "is this order transmitted orally or in written form to you? It should not be regarded as a military secret."

Peng felt that he had not answered the other party's question at all, but he wanted to know what the other party wanted to say. Maybe he could make Lin Shihan give up. After a few seconds of silence, he said in a deep voice, "I came here after receiving the instruction letter from the superior. What's your problem?"

Xiao Shili nodded, "I doubt that the instruction letter you received is false."

Major Peng couldn't help laughing, "do you really think that we soldiers are all fools, and we can escape a life by relying on this fantastic reason?"

Xiao Shili ignored each other's ridicule and said quietly, "I have evidence."

"OK, show it to me!" As Peng said this, he looked at Lin Shihan and said in his eyes whether this guy is crazy or not.

Lin Shihan also stares at Xiao Shili strangely. She doesn't know what she's thinking. It's not so easy for ordinary people to make a fake secret order even if they are in the military region. How can they make a fake secret order? Moreover, the military is not so stupid that they can't even tell a fake secret order.

Du Mengfei and others have the same idea, but they think that Xiao Shili is just procrastinating to think about the strategy of getting rid of himself. Now they are secretly preparing to cooperate with his next action.

Xiao Shili looked at major Peng, "if I guess correctly, it's not a familiar officer who sent this instruction letter to you, but a stranger I've never met. Is that right?"

Lin Shihan, Du Mengfei and others are all in a daze. They don't know what Xiao Shili's words mean.

Unexpectedly, commander Peng nodded, "that's right, so what?"

"Moreover, after you received the secret order, you must have doubts about the identity of the other party, but the other party has everything that can prove his identity. When you put forward to call the superior for confirmation, the other party has various reasons to stop you, and one of them must make you feel scared and give up the idea of confirmation."

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