"Look, they're all gone. They're still looking." Xie Hui suddenly came out from one side and put her hand heavily on the man's arm.

"Ouch!" Xiao Shili bares his teeth in pain and turns his face back. Xie Huidu has a small mouth and an unhappy expression. It's really charming.

"What for?" Xiao Shili doesn't like girls to use violence against her for no reason, but she looks like she has offended her.

"Of course, I'll teach you a lesson. I'll peek at Mr. Lin, the big sex wolf!"

"I..." Xiao Shili was speechless for a moment, but as soon as he looked back, he immediately said, "I'm not alone. You see, they're all watching!"

As soon as Xie Hui looks back, sure enough, all the boys are still staring at the direction of Lin Shihan's departure. Their eyes are blurred, and they almost don't stay. Compared with them, Xiao Shili is really good.


This may be true, but the little girl didn't know her relationship with Lin Shihan. Xiao Shili said with a smile, "do you know all this?"

"Of course, you big sex wolf!"

Today, Xie Hui is wearing a peach T-shirt with a V-shaped collar under her school uniform. At this time, she takes off her school uniform, and the T-shirt inside is propped up. Xiao Shili is condescending. At first glance, it's a beautiful scenery. Under the girl's white neck, the deep ditch and the snow-white meat on both sides can be seen. It seems that the little girl is developing well, No wonder that little eye stood there for a long time yesterday, swallowing all the time.

Now that they are all called sex wolves, they can't be polite. Xiao Shili suddenly approaches Xie Hui gently. The latter is slightly stunned at first, and then seems to be in a panic. His big eyes look at Xiao Shili with some confusion, but they all forget to speak.

The distance between them is getting closer and closer. Just when Xiao Shili's lips are about to touch the girl's pink cherry mouth, the man suddenly turns his head, then sucks his nose and says gently, "well, when I took a bath last night, I used Jasmine Shower Gel."

Xie Hui seemed petrified and motionless. At the last moment, she even closed her eyes slightly. She didn't know why. Her brain seemed to be in a confused state for a moment. Until the man left her neck, the girl took a breath.

Xiao Shili turns around and walks to a group of dumb classmates. Some of the people beside him are completely silly. Some of them have ambiguous smiles on their faces, while others are surprised. They think that Xiao Shili even dares to provoke Xie Hui. It's crazy.

"Xiao Shili, big bastard!" It was only when I went out a long way that I heard the girl behind me yelling and scolding with a red face.

The competition will continue in five minutes. Qi Hai goes to Xiao Shili and frowns, "tell me, what do you want to do?"

The latter smile, "of course, is to win this game."

"That's the way?" Qi Hai looked unbelievable.

"What's the problem?" Xiao Shili looked at the other side with a smile, "let their main force come down one by one in this way. In the end, there are only substitutes left, which means that we have won."

"But... But..." some of Qi Hai was shocked. He had never heard of such tactics, but for a long time, "but some of them were too mean."

"Mean? No, it's just tactics. " Xiao Shili gently bumped the other side's shoulder with the knuckle of his bent middle finger, "for you, maybe winning with the other side in a fair competition on the court is called victory, but for me, winning is winning, losing is losing, there are no rules to follow."

Qi Hai Leng in situ, looking at the man in front of him, he can't imagine in this gentle white face, what kind of soul is hidden in the end.

"But is it really OK for us to do so?" Another player said somewhat uneasily.

"Don't worry, we'll help you with anything." Li Yuanqi patted several people on the shoulder, "you have paid protection fees, at least in the school and nearby areas, your safety, by us."

Among these people, Li Yuanqi is the only one who understands Xiao Shili's mind. The competition is only a secondary aspect. The main purpose of the boss is to arouse the anger of the senior two. Anyway, the two grades will fight each other sooner or later. In the case of mutual ignorance, it's better to start a war first and then wait, See how much weight each other has.

Obviously, the fire didn't burn up just now, but it went out unexpectedly, so now we need to do more.

When he said that, other people immediately felt relieved, and their faces were eager to try. Since they entered the school, they had been taken care of by the senior two. Now it's a good opportunity for revenge.

The game started again. At the beginning of this time, the senior two showed a strong offensive posture, as if they wanted to quickly enlarge the score and defeat the opponent. One reason is to regain face. The other reason is that everyone is choked by the failure of the fight.

"Damn, let me go. There are many beds in our school hospital." Xiao Shi left his position in the middle line and gave a sneer and a drink. The rest of them didn't cross the half court, but lined up behind him. At the moment when the senior two came close with the ball, the * * individual rushed up at the same time, leaving no room, and shoved at the other side's feet.

After the incident just now, two people have been carried down. The rest of the senior two players have some shadow in their hearts. No one wants to be the third. They are much more careful in dribbling, breakthrough and passing. Ten minutes later, none of them has been shoveled down.

But in this way, the original fierce attack of the senior two was completely suppressed, which could have instantly disintegrated the situation of the senior front. However, under the psychological state of the players' fear of hands and feet, there were many mistakes, and the ball was repeatedly robbed by the senior one.

In the face of the crazy violence of grade one, grade two is to see in the eyes, scold in the heart, but they dare not to treat him in his own way, can only silently endure being fouled. The other side is not afraid to wear shoes barefoot, foul, big deal two people are off the court, one because of injury, one punished, a rookie for a main force, worth it. If I come like this, I will fulfill the wish of the other party.

Xiao Shili and Qi Hai cooperate with each other to kill each other's camp at the moment. Although Xiao Shili's dribbling skills are not so good, when he sees the "king of violence" rushing with the ball, the other side's defenders haven't intercepted him. He feels a little empty at first. He knows what the consequences will be if he gets a kick from him.

Although Qi Hai didn't act violently, technically, they didn't have to say that their cooperation actually broke through layers of obstacles and directly smashed into each other's forbidden area.

Both of them are not slow. This is too sudden. The reaction of senior two is not good, but it's too late. Xiao Shili quickly broke through the two defenders of the other side, and the two men formed a single sword against the goalkeeper. Xiao Shili quickly stopped the ball and suddenly put up his right foot.

The goalkeeper's pupil suddenly shrinks in front of the goal. He knows that if he shoots this foot, even if he stops it, his hand bone will be injured. Now he quickly snatches it from the goal and rushes to the other side, trying to stop the shot before he starts. As long as he blocks the ball casually, his defender will make up for it and defuse the attack.

The goalkeeper is getting closer and closer to the shooter, but Xiao Shili doesn't move. It seems that he is gathering strength, which aggravates the psychological pressure of the goalkeeper. Instead of waiting to die, he should take the initiative to attack. He suddenly rushes out of the goal and pours at Xiao Shili. While running, he first covers his face and crotch with his arm to avoid the disaster.

When the distance between them was less than five meters, Xiao Shili suddenly got up, and the ball was close to the ground and flew out horizontally. At the beginning of the game, the goalkeeper of the other side tightened his heart for a while, and then he was happy. If the ball really hit him, it was also a foul of the other side. According to the boy's previous performance, he had to take a yellow card, which was not far from his end.

However, when he reacts, he turns his face and suddenly stands in the same place.

The opponent's kick is not a shot, but a pass!

The ball arrived at the foot of Qi Hai. Facing the open door, he didn't hesitate. He turned around and started shooting. A white light flew straight to the open door.

At the moment when the ball entered the net, there was thunderous applause and cheers. All the senior students in the stands stood up almost at the same time, shouting excitedly. Even the classes that did not belong to Xiao Shili's influence were the same. At the moment, there was no class division, only the men's blood and glory.

The senior one, like the main force of the senior two, even drew 1-1 in the middle of the second half. This situation has never been seen before since the entrance of the senior one.

Chang Hai, who scored the ball, was naturally the most excited. After running around the field in a crazy way for half a circle, he did not forget to give his assists to his teammates. The true hero of the ball quickly ran to Xiao Shi and hugged his enemies and friends tightly. Then they were surrounded by other teammates who ran and cheered.

As a layman, Xiao Shili can't help being affected by this atmosphere and feeling a little excited. At this time, he realized the charm of sports for the first time. This feeling is really good.

However, surrounded by laughter and the mutual clapping and celebration of his teammates, Xiao Shili turned his head with a smile, but his smile slowly froze on his face.

Over the shoulders of several teammates, eyes inadvertently stay in a corner of the field, where a girl with long hair quietly stands outside the sideline, the white skirt hem is gently swayed by the evening's prestige, black hair dancing in the sunset, the whole person is like a melancholy and elegant goddess in the Greek God's words.

The girl is holding a dress and a bottle of water in her arms. She is watching the game seriously, but it seems that whoever loses or wins has no influence on her, because ye ruoqing's eyes are only focused on one person.

Xiao Shili looked at the figure in a dazed way. He thought he would never see her again in his life after watching her figure disappear in the community that night. At this moment, when she suddenly appeared in front of him, Xiao Shili's heartstrings seemed to be gently touched by an invisible hand. Surprise, sadness, loss, bitterness, luck, a myriad of emotions mixed together, and the unspeakable feeling spread from his heart.

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