The answer to him was a dagger. The officer's skull was penetrated, the blade went straight into the brain, blood flowed from the seven holes, and he fell down with his eyes wide open.

Gao Xiang couldn't understand what they were saying. He could only judge the content of the conversation from their expressions. Xiao Shili looked surprised several times. Now he saw that he had killed each other with one knife. He asked, "how do you know where sister Yu is?"

Xiao Shili shook his head. "This man is just a researcher under the military establishment. He can't know too much about military operations."

However, Li Yuanqi guessed that their conversation was mostly related to the liquid in the three injection tubes, so he asked, "what is the reagent they used to trade with Maxim?"

Xiao Shili then repeated what the officer had just said to several people. Everyone's face was shocked. Gao Xiang picked up an injection tube, put it in front of his eyes, looked at it carefully for a long time, and said inconceivably, "is this thing really so powerful?"

"Judging from the strength that maxim has shown before, it should not be false." Xiao Shili also took out the other two gene medicaments, "here are two more, but they are also defective products extracted from waste liquid."

Looking at the red liquid in the test tube, they all showed a look of longing. After seeing Maxim's inhuman power, they could not help but yearn for the enhancement of their body and strength.

Gao Xiang said regretfully, "brother, why did you kill him just now? We should keep this scientist alive, and then use his family as a threat to steal more drugs for us, so that after everyone gets injected, they can become more like Maxim. "

"No“ Xiao Shili looked at the test tube in his hand and said, "although these defective products can also play a strengthening role, there must be some side effects harmful to human body, and the damage is likely to be huge, otherwise the government would not discard such a huge thing. Of course, the other party won't have much good intentions for us, so they won't tell us that. "

Li Yuanqi nodded, "brother is right, but these drugs are valuable samples. If we can analyze the chemical composition in them, maybe we can develop the finished gene preparation ourselves."

Xiao Shili put away the three injection tubes, "this matter is only for a few of us to know. The value of this gene drug is too great. It's hard for individuals not to be tempted by it, so the less people know, the less they will be in order to avoid confusion."

All three nodded and said yes. The bald leopard was preparing to deal with the body. Just then, a faint roar seemed to come from the sky. Gao Xiang was the first to hear it and frowned, "what's the sound?"

"It's like the roll of the helix of a helicopter." Li Yuanqi said, went to the window, looked up, eyes suddenly became a little surprised, "it's really a helicopter!"

At this moment, in the dark sky, a mig-24 armed helicopter stopped and floated over the farm. In the open cabin door, a figure stood at the door, facing the wind. This man looked only in his twenties. His fully armed Russian uniform was shaken by the strong wind, and he looked down at the houses and lights below without expression.

In the engine room behind him, two rows of fully armed soldiers were sitting neatly. Each of them had a combat mask on his face, but he could not see his face. His hands were flat on his knees. Under the slight shaking of the helicopter, the soldiers were still, like stone carvings.

Another figure then slowly stood up from the cabin and snorted, "I really don't know what kind of guy we are going to capture. Two medium-term strengthening soldiers are deployed at the same time. The old men in the committee's presidium really underestimate our strength."

"More than that, I heard that there is a final enhancer on the way." Standing at the door, the young man facing the wind said faintly.

"What? Are you kidding, Victor? " Before squatting on the ground, the face was surprised, "terminal enhancer... I haven't seen it yet, where is the other side?"

"I heard it's like airsickness and fear of heights. I can't take a plane. I can only come here by military car." Victor.

"Yes, I heard that although the strength of the final enhancers is terrible, they are very weak."

"Yes, the final enhancer uses a completely different attack method from ours. Assuming that the two of us and this team are in front of each other, we should be killed instantly." Andrew looked up at the distant sky.

"Forget it! Since the final enhancer is late, we don't have to wait for him. Anyway, the goal will be defeated in an instant The man yelled at the cockpit, "come down!"

"Yes, sir!"

Armed helicopter like began to slowly fly down, the following houses and trees in the field of vision become closer and closer, Viktor said, "Igor, this mission has special instructions, must take the live target back, and ensure that the target can not be too serious damage, wait a moment, you'd better be careful."

"Don't worry, just don't kill each other. I'm confident about that." Igor laughed. "It seems that the opponent this time is a local gangster organization. Oh, look, someone has come out of the yard."

Xiao Shi left and stood in front of the window, looking at the helicopter in the night sky above. At this moment, the other side began to land slowly, and the target was obviously where he was.

"Is it the rotnikov family helicopter?" Gao Xiang doubts a way, "so late, who can come here again?"

"No way." Li Yuanqi frowned, "it's from the military."

At this time, by the light on the ground, everyone saw a Russian flag on the tail of the plane. In addition, there was an emblem with two swords crossed. In the center was a party emblem composed of a sickle and a hammer.

"KGB..." Xiao Shili could not help but read.

"What?" The bald leopard was stunned.

"The largest intelligence department in Russia, in terms of overall strength, is comparable to half the strength of the Russian army."

"Yes, that emblem is indeed KGB's, but..." Li Yuanqi said suspiciously, "didn't KGB disappear as early as the collapse of the Soviet Union?"

"It doesn't disappear. It just goes underground and continues to operate secretly. Few people know about the existence of the KGB, even the Russian government and military." Xiao Shili's face was not pretty.

Gao Xiang said nervously, "have they found out that we have killed their people and chased them here?"

No, it's not about tonight. Xiao Shili knew in his heart that since he played with the KGB people in Ulan ude that time, the KGB must have been tracking him all over the country. This time, he was found by the other party, but it was good. He was about to find the military people, but the other party found him first.

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