"Don't say that, Mr. Xiao. In this world, everything is possible. There are no 0 (percent sign) and 100 (percent sign) in the probability. Although some things seem impossible to you, it may take only a small chance to happen."

Xiao Shili did not answer the woman's words, but fell into meditation.

"That's all for today. It's very late. I won't disturb your rest, but in the next time, we will contact you from time to time." The woman seems to have achieved her goal, and she is about to hang up.

"Wait a minute." Xiao Shili called each other, "I don't like to keep a long-term relationship with only one voice. Next time, I hope we can have an interview." He really wants to see the real face of Anne.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao." Anne was very charming this time. "I'm in the United States now, and I can't leave for a long time. Of course, we also have people in China, but they have nothing to do with our research. And today we have reached a very good cooperative relationship. I think they can probably return to China tomorrow."

Of course, Xiao Shili understood that the other party's people in China were naturally for the purpose of monitoring and monitoring themselves. Of course, he won't completely believe women's words, "that's fine, but if I find out that someone is watching or following me, I will never provide you with any useful information in the future."

"You can rest assured that we will do what we say. Good night, Mr. Xiao. "

"Good night."

After hanging up, Xiao Shili pushes open the window and lights a cigarette. At this time, the waves in his heart started. He thought that he had just got a treasure by accident, but unexpectedly he was connected with a series of unrelated people. Behind all this, it seems that there is a huge organization whose power is far beyond the ocean. Xiao Shili looked up at the dark night sky, Let the cool night breeze accumulate in my stomach.

After a lot of deliberation, Xiao Shili decided not to take Baojian with him for the time being, unless he used Baojian to change his luck when he encountered something particularly important.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the little secret that old man Lu had told him, so he touched the point on the cover of the fortune cheat treasure. Sure enough, he felt a slight bulge. Then he pressed down the point, and the book in his hand suddenly gave a strange sound, which quickly unfolded and folded in a red light, Just like the scattered Rubik's cube, it kept gathering and finally turned into a small book the size of a matchbox, which fell into Xiao Shili's hands.

"It is suggested that the fortune cheat treasure has been locked temporarily. During the lock period, the good and evil values will still be loaded, but the user's luck will not be adjusted. You can unlock it at any time to check your good and evil values and change your fortune against the weather." A voice in my head said.

As soon as he pressed his finger, the treasure returned to its original size. Xiao Shili felt more deeply that it was not a book. At the same time, he was very happy. In this way, he could take the treasure with him at any time without worrying about disturbing his life. At the same time, he could use it immediately in case of emergency.

The cell phone on the desk rang again, this time from Feilong.


"Brother Li, I haven't slept yet."

"How's it going?"

"It's all ready. I'll wait for you. When do you start?"

"Tomorrow, according to the plan." On Xiao Shili's thoughtful face, he unfolded again and gave a slight sneer.

Although there is a canteen on the campus of the College of excellence, and the food is not bad, many students still choose to eat out of school after school at noon because it is difficult for them to talk.

After school at noon on Thursday, the playground was full of people. A large stream of people poured out of the school gate along the main road. Chang Kunyu put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly to the school gate with the crowd. He was not conspicuous in the crowd. He was less than 1.7 meters tall and had dark skin. If it wasn't for his school uniform, he would be no different from the migrant workers moving bricks into the city. No one would have thought that such a person was acting for the ruling power of the whole senior secondary school. In addition to G4, Yang Meiyu was the biggest one in the whole school.

Chang Kunyu left the school gate, waved to the two followers behind him, and walked along the sidewalk alone. He didn't go to the snack street opposite the school like others. He went home to eat the food cooked by his parents at noon every day. It has become Chang Kunyu's habit day after day. It has been like this since the first grade of primary school. Until high school, he thought that he would continue like this until the third grade of senior high school. When he went to college, he would really leave his parents.

His home is not far from the school, but it's troublesome to cross several small alleys. Every day when he goes to the nearby Hutong, every family has already had dinner. At this time, he will speed up his pace, because he knows that his parents must be sitting without moving their chopsticks, waiting for him to come back.

I don't know if it's because of the hot weather. Today, these small alleys seem to be very long. Chang Kunyu's mood has been very depressed these days. However, in less than a month, the situation at the next higher level has changed dramatically. The original distribution of power of the eight classes can be said to be shuffled again after being disturbed by someone.

He has long noticed the sudden rise of class 1 and class 6 in senior high school. The eldest seems to be a boy named Xiao Shili. At present, except for the four, seven and eight classes that Yang Wei, his eldest brother, has mastered, all the remaining five classes are in his hands. Even Liu Qinglong, the former eldest of class 2, and Gao Xiang, the eldest of class 5, are subordinate to him, This is not a small warning signal.

Although Chang Kunyu doesn't think that only a senior one student will pose a threat to senior two, he also clearly feels that Xiao Shili is not a fuel-efficient lamp. What the other side did that day in the football match was obviously a provocation to senior two. If he doesn't get rid of him, he will be in great trouble in the future.

However, at least the other party has not started with Yang Wei's influence at present. Instead, Yang Wei has repeatedly made trouble with the other party, collected protection fees from the classes under the influence of the other party, and beaten the students. This is not the case once or twice. But Xiao Shili seemed to ignore it silently every time, and didn't make any counterattack.

This is very gratifying for Chang Kunyu. It shows that the other party knows that Yang Wei is supported by a senior two, and the other party should be afraid of it. What makes him feel headache is that he has reported the matter to the boss, but the boss's attitude is very negative, and he doesn't need to care about what he says. Yang Wei is also relying on his sister, is clearly nodding to himself, secretly is still provocative to each other.

Chang Kunyu is in a bad mood these days because of this. He always has a bad feeling. Since watching the football match that day, this feeling has deepened a little bit. But the problem is that no one attaches importance to his opinions.

After turning a corner, Chang Kunyu lowered his head and thought about things. He didn't find someone in front of him until he was about to bump into someone else. Looking up, there were several people standing in the blocked Hutong, all dressed in the school uniform. Several people did not block the road, but left a gap one person wide.

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