As expected, he still can't get rid of his identity as a student. Xiao Shili walked forward with self mockery and lit a cigarette. Before he got to the gate, the guard rushed out of the small house.

"Ah, who said you, smoking is not allowed here at the school gate, and it's already ten o'clock..." when the security guard saw the student raise his head, a "ten" in the back was stuck in his throat, and his expression was stunned.

Xiao Shi can't help but step forward and knock on the iron door. The security guard looks at his action. It takes a long time for him to react. He runs over and the key opens the door.

"Hard work." Xiao Shili patted the security guard on the shoulder and walked into the school gate. The latter was staring at his back. This guy... Hasn't disappeared for a long time. When did he come back!

Xiao Shili went through the small square at the main entrance and went straight to the direction of the teaching building. At this time, the radio exercise was over, and a large number of students poured out of the stadium and went back to the classroom. Even so, the figure walking in the campus with both hands in the bag and a cigarette in its mouth has attracted the attention of many people.

"Ah, look, is that Xiao Shili from class six, grade one in senior high school?"

"It's really him!"

"What? Didn't he drop out long ago? "

"Don't talk nonsense. There are still many people in the school who are his younger brothers. It's said that he went to the society for a period of time, and now his influence is more powerful than before."

Although the voices of the students around him were very small, some of them came into Xiao Shili's ears. In the strange eyes around him, Xiao Shili ignored these eyes and entered a higher teaching building.

However, I didn't come to school for more than half a year, and I seldom appeared in school at the beginning, so after all, only a few people recognized Xiao Shili. Most people just thought that the student dared to walk around with a cigarette in his mouth in the campus, which was very awesome.

After entering the classroom of class 16 of senior high school, the noisy classroom that had been waiting for the class immediately quieted down. After all, this is my own territory, and my classmates still recognize Xiao Shili.

"Here we are." In the first row in the middle, Li Yuanqi raised his hand to say hello.

Xiao Shili walked over and sat down behind him, "so early?"

"I've been away from school for so long, so many things are unfamiliar. I can't make it up if I don't come back quickly." Li Yuanqi looked at Xiao Shili and said, "it's you. I didn't expect you to come back to school."

"Nothing to do, boring, just come and have a look." Xiao Shili held the back of his head in his hands and leaned back in his chair, "what's the next class?"


"What has changed in the school recently?"

"It's said that a new girl is the new flower of our higher level."

When they have a boring chat, it's not that they have nothing to say, but that some things can't be said in school. Both of them keep silent about what happened some time ago. Assuming that they are heard by others, they will think that they are crazy.

The seat behind Li Yuanqi was originally Xiao Shili's, but it was already assigned to someone else. The owner of the seat saw that his seat had been occupied, and Xiao Shili was sitting on his seat. He could not say anything, but he could only shrink in the corner of the last row and watch eagerly.

At this time, a figure suddenly stood next to Xiao Shili. The latter looked up and said, "good morning, monitor."

Xu Rong's expression was a little nervous, and she bit her lower lip slightly. Although she was a little afraid in the face of this person, her duty as a monitor still forced her to stand up at this time.

"Well, that... Xiao Shili classmate..." Xu Rong summoned up courage and finally said, "you haven't come to school for half a semester. You have been expelled from school... So... We'll have class later, please..."

The class suddenly became more quiet, and everyone's eyes looked to this side. Many people thought that Xu Rong was brave enough, but what she said was true. Even if she didn't say it now, she would say it later when the teacher came.

Li Yuanqi was slightly stunned. He didn't know about it. However, he was absent from class for a semester without saying hello to the school. It's also understandable that he was expelled. It's probably because of his good grades. In the morning, he was called by the teaching director to the teaching office and scolded him, but he didn't say that he wanted to be expelled.

In other words, I ignored one thing. Director PI didn't know why he had been dismissed by the school. Now he has a new teaching director. That's why this happened.

He was about to speak, but Xiao Shili stood up and said to Xu Rong with a smile, "well, I know."

Xu Rong was very kind-hearted, but she didn't have the heart to do so. After all, for anyone, expulsion is a matter of great influence on the future, so she said busily, "Xiao Shili, classmate. Otherwise, you can fight with the head teacher again. The school hasn't met you. Maybe you still have a chance."

"I see. Thank you." Xiao Shili then walked out of the classroom without any pressure in the eyes of the people.

Of course, Li Yuanqi knows that Xiao Shi can't come to school just because he is bored. A few people have just returned to J City, and there are too many things waiting for him to deal with. At this time, Xiao Shili left the classroom directly, but he didn't know what he was going to do.

Xiao Shili just walked out of the classroom when he happened to meet Lin Shihan, holding a stack of teaching plans, coming from the other end of the corridor. They suddenly saw each other, and their faces were slightly stunned.

Lin Shihan's eyes trembled slightly, and her breath seemed to be in a hurry. They walked towards each other. Just when Xiao Shili stopped and was ready to say the first sentence, the other side walked straight by him.

Xiao Shi can't help but be stunned. Looking back, Lin Shihan seems to have never seen himself. What he left behind is a beautiful figure.

"Sister Shihan?" Xiao Shili was surprised and puzzled. He couldn't help crying.

Lin Shihan stopped and turned around, but his face was calm and even cold.

"What's the matter?"

Xiao Shili didn't know how to open her mouth for a moment. She was angry with herself, or because of something else.

"If it's OK, I'll go to class." Lin Shihan turned around and said, "also, although you have been expelled, you still need to call me a teacher in school."

Listening to the fading footsteps and the girl's disappearing figure, Xiao Shi left standing in the same place, and a sense of loss suddenly rose in his heart.

Speaking of it, I have nothing to do with Lin Shihan, but the relationship between teachers and students is a little better in private, and I can barely be regarded as a friend. The feelings between the two people are only based on some unintentional ambiguous actions. They have not promised anything to her and she has not acquiesced in anything. They just stay on two parallel lines which are very close to each other. Maybe, it's just my wishful thinking.

The sense of loss comes one after another. Xiao Shili tries to stop thinking about it, but it keeps pouring into his mind.

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