"You..." of course, Yang Meiyu noticed that men's eyes were always staring at their skirts. Although they could meet many such eyes when they were walking on the street, when they were facing the cold and murderous look in her eyes, the most they could do was to take a glance at them, and then they immediately moved away nervously. They didn't dare to take a second look. No one dared to be presumptuous in school, Men can only secretly drool and secretly look at the boss's charming posture behind her back. It's the first time for her to be stared at by a man for a long time.

Sex wolf, obscene, pervert! Yang Meiyu can't help scolding in her heart, but she can't scold each other in front of so many people, and she can't use force to make him turn his eyes, and she can't just walk away. She can only continue to stand in place to accept the obscenity of men's eyes.

In fact, there is no other reason why she has to go on the stage. Her best players have already lost to each other. If she sends others up again, the result will be the same. She didn't know that she had made a big mistake until now, that is, she didn't realize that this man had hidden his strength so deeply., It's too late to regret at the moment. The only one who can defeat the other is himself, but it's only possible.

The girl's expression of shyness, uneasiness and anger all fell into Xiao Shili's eyes, and her emotion was almost teased. Then she looked away and gave a smile. "I understand that sister Yu wants to end it by herself, of course, but she doesn't have to fight."

Men's eyes finally leave their own body, Yang Meiyu finally relaxed a little, smell a bright in the eyes, "then what do you want to compare?"

"If I know right, Yujie should like drag racing very much."

"Drag racing?" Yang Meiyu's gorgeous face was slightly stunned, and then she couldn't help laughing.

"What is sister Yu laughing at?"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course." Xiao Shili had expected that women would have such a reaction, but his face was as usual.

"Have you ever played with a car before?" Yang Meiyu makes no secret of using a kind of domineering language. Since she can go to the hospital to test Xiao Shili in person, naturally she has done some investigation on him behind his back. The result of the investigation doesn't contain the information that the other party likes or is good at racing.

"No Xiao Shili replied truthfully, "but I know that sister Yu's drag racing technology is one of the best in the whole eastern district."

"Now that you know it, you're going to die yourself." The girl snorted scornfully.

"You don't have to worry about it. In a word, does sister Yu accept the gamble or say no?" Xiao Shili looked directly at the other side.

Yang Meiyu did not speak, a pair of beautiful eyes again carefully observed the man in front of him, the other side in the end what idea, no one stupid enough to choose a bet that he will lose... And so on, her eyes suddenly flickered a light.

No... the situation at the moment seems to be similar to that before. If you think about it carefully, weakness is just your own view of the other side, but is this man really in a weak position?

Just like before, when the other party said that he wanted to challenge three people by one person, he thought he would be defeated, but the result was beyond everyone's imagination.

Oh, I see. Yang Meiyu has a sneer on her lips. The same trick can't work twice here. Xiao Shili, your strategy is to disguise yourself first, so that the other side can relax their vigilance, and then win by surprise.

But this time, I'm afraid you're going to play with fire. Yang Meiyu said with a cold smile in her heart, even if you know a little racing technology and hide it deeply, you will never be my opponent.

Xiao Shili, you really overestimate yourself this time!

In return, I'll make you pay!

"Well, sister Yu, haven't you thought about it yet?" Xiao Shili showed a trace of impatience in his expression.

"Hum." Yang Meiyu suddenly turned around and walked out. "At 0 o'clock this evening, at the entrance of Luojiang bridge, I'll see you again."

"Hum." Xiao Shili looked at the enchanting figure of the woman, and a smile appeared on her white face.

In the box on the second floor of Hongbin tower, people sat around a table, but the food at the table did not move at all. It was not that everyone was not hungry, but that they could not eat at all.

This meal was invited by the owner of the hotel. Less than an hour after the incident, the owner rushed to see that his shop had not been damaged. After listening to the description of the manager and the waiter, the owner was very grateful and insisted on keeping Xiao Shili and others for a meal. The shop was surrounded by nearly 200 people who were doing business on the street, It's a miracle that they haven't even moved a brick.

"Brother Li, you really want to race the car with that girl!"

Gao Xiang was the first to stand up. Just now, after Yang Meiyu left, Xiao Shili didn't say a word. When he returned to the box, he just ate in a muffled voice. As a result, his brothers scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks like ants on a hot pot. It's less than ten hours since 12 o'clock!


"Brother Li, this is not sure!" Feilong said anxiously.

"Is it?" Xiao Shi put a piece of fish in his mouth.

"Alas Gao Xianggang sat down and got up again. There's no need to talk about Yang Meiyu's strength in racing. The boss is clear about this, and he said it in front of the other party just now.

"No, I'll go to the girl now and make her disabled. If I can't, I'll do something on the locomotive." Gao Xiang said and walked toward the door. He opened the door and said to the two people outside, "little two, tiger son, follow me."

"Xiangzi." Xiao Shili stopped him at the back, then put down his chopsticks, took out a napkin and wiped his mouth in a slow and orderly way. After high-intensity physical consumption, calorie supplement is essential. "Do you think I will lose, right?"

Gao Xiang stopped and didn't speak for a long time. Li Yuanqi said, "it's not that we think you will lose, but that the probability of winning is too small."

"One meaning." Xiao Shili took a sip of tea.

"Brother Li, no matter what, you are really in a mess this time." Feilong is holding his shoulders. Xiao Shili didn't discuss with a few people about three things before, which has already made everyone very worried. This time, he suddenly decided to do it again. Moreover, the racing is a matter that many people are laymen, so they naturally have no bottom in their hearts.

"Well, you all think I'm going to lose this gamble." Xiao Shili stood up from his seat, "but I tell you, I will win. Is there anyone who has any opinion?"

"Brother li..."



In the face of several brothers' worried expression, Xiao Shili only shook his head and said: "when did I disappoint you?"

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