Yang Meiyu looked back and made sure she left the man far behind. The result was expected, so she didn't have any surprise or joy.

The girl reached out and took off her heavy helmet. Her short hair was scattered in the fast night wind. Under the dark night, it gave people a lazy and beautiful feeling. Anyway, the result has been decided. The next thing is to drive the car to the destination, and then accept a higher level of defeat. No, to be exact, it's the man's defeat.

The bright light in the rearview mirror suddenly stabbed his eyes. Yang Meiyu turned her head slightly, looking surprised. At the same time, there was a faint roar of the locomotive.

Is that the guy?

Yang Meiyu's cold pupils can't help but widen. I can't believe that he's catching up! Maybe I read it wrong, or?

No, I'm not wrong.

On the dark locomotive, the man's hair stirred in the wind, and the beautiful but smiling face was him!

The other side took off his helmet and galloped on the road at such a speed. Is he crazy? Yang Meiyu is even more surprised, why is it that the guy who was thrown away by himself suddenly catches up? It's like a dying man suddenly stands up.

Is it a sudden rise in state! The girl put on her helmet again, turned on the gas and raised the number on the dashboard. Hum, no matter what, the winner must be herself.

However, after driving for dozens of seconds, Yang Meiyu found that the distance between the two sides did not increase because of her own acceleration, but continued to decrease. She thought that the other side would catch up because of her temporary relaxation, but now it seems not so.

That man, with the greatest speed, wants to catch up with himself! This is a sudden thought in her heart. The maximum speed of "Hongdian" is 250 miles, but she dare not drive at the maximum speed on such a dense road.

And the other party actually... Is that guy really not afraid of death?

Thinking a little distracted, in front of a gold cup suddenly slowed down, Yang Meiyu feel behind a cool, busy side body to avoid.

No, it's not a time for wishful thinking. She has to concentrate. She is in a cold sweat. She says in her heart.


Xiao Shili watched the front, let the wind blow his cheek, just that kind of nerve high tension feeling, has completely disappeared, instead of a kind of in the rapid sprint, as if with the wind into one pleasure.

The effect of Baojian seems to have come a little late, but after all, it caught up. Since the disaster, the car on the road seems to have been enchanted and will automatically get out of the way. In a word, it can be interpreted as one's luck.

The state of the locomotive seems to have changed in some way. Xiao Shili unscrupulously pushed the throttle to the maximum, and the number on the dashboard gradually tended to 250. At the same time, he pulled the heavy ancient books out of his arms with his other hand.

This is the first time that Xiao Shili has witnessed the change of good and evil value. Good value is good value! This means that you don't have to worry about any consequences, and you can make every layer of luck envelop you!

Great. It's not a problem to overtake that woman at such a speed. Xiao Shili in the fast pleasure, but did not know that he ignored another serious problem.

I hate it! I hate it! Damn it!

Why does it seem that there are so many vehicles all of a sudden, so there is no way to continue to increase the speed!

Yang Meiyu's two rows of white Xiaobei teeth gently bite together. Now it's more than midnight, but looking at the road in front, there seem to be more and more cars. In this way, it means that it's impossible to get rid of the annoying guy behind.

It is impossible for the two people to travel between the cities at such a high speed without attracting the attention of the police. Just as we were about to get off the North Ring Road, two police cars and sirens appeared on the main road leading to the city.

The girl is obviously an expert in avoiding the pursuit of the police. After a sharp turn, the car immediately drove onto another path on the left. Before the game, there were two alternate routes, but this one didn't belong to any of them. But at the moment, Xiao Shili is the God who blocks and kills the God and the Buddha who blocks and kills the Buddha. No matter where you go, I will accompany you to the end.

The road seems to lead to the outskirts. The scenery along the way gradually becomes desolate. After a few minutes, the police car rings and disappears.

The police are not the problem! Yang Meiyu didn't pay any attention, but from time to time from the light reflected in the rearview mirror, she saw that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

No matter what, this guy can't surpass me, no matter what!

Unconsciously, the girl's right hand began to constantly force, the dial pointer constantly jump, slowly close to the max.

There must be no problem. Your mount is a "red battery". How can a common civilian vehicle compare with your favorite car? As long as the horsepower output of the "red battery" reaches the maximum, you will soon be able to throw away your opponent! She said to herself.

The two cars were flying at the same time on the not wide road. At this time, a black object appeared in front of the street lamp, which seemed to extend straight ahead.

Bridge? Xiao Shili felt slightly moved. He was not familiar with the place, so he didn't know whether there was a bridge, but he didn't seem to have any impression when he looked at the map before.

The part of the bridge in the distance, because the distance between the street lamps is far, and the light source is uneven (it is obvious that some of the street lamps are broken), appears to be a little shadowy. You can only see it about 30 meters clearly, and you can't see it farther away.

The most basic requirement of a car driver is anticipation. Although Xiao Shili is not a professional driver, he knows this. Looking at the black bridge in front of him, he suddenly has a bad feeling in his heart.

It is said that he has a treasure to protect himself, and he has no worries at all. But Xiao Shili didn't know why he suddenly felt this. He always felt as if something was in his heart. He was very uncomfortable, but he couldn't think of it for a moment.

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