For a moment, hundreds of Shenji envoys surrounded by them, looking depressed, retreated more than ten meters backward, leaving an area with a diameter of more than 50 meters. Only members of the Huangwu formation were still standing in place.

The remaining 11 people in the Huangwu group were also very ugly at this time. More than 40 mature people were just like ants in front of each other. It was impossible for them to do so. Moreover, even the strongest team leader was forced back by the other party. Was this guy really poisoned and dying?

The sense of fear rises from everyone's heart. After seeing the power of Xiao Shili, everyone can't help but feel a sense of retreat. The end of a thin man is a very clear example. If he is strong, he will just die.

However, Huangwu group always advance and retreat together. If the team leader doesn't leave, he and others can't retreat half a point. Besides, as one of the three major groups, it's a bit shameful to leave without fighting. Besides, the host is watching all this, so everyone barely moves.

Among the eleven, Iwasaki snorted, straightened up, and walked towards each other again. However, a drop of sweat flowed down the bridge of his nose from his forehead. Everyone, including himself, looked down upon the young man in front of him. After a big war and killing the four poisoned people, the other side still had such strength, if it was in its heyday, What a terrible force that would be.

However, after seeing the scene of killing dozens of people, Iwasaki also found a problem. Although he is huge, his brain is not stupid. His years of combat experience is his keen insight.

From Xiao Shili's sword swing, Iwasaki found that he held the sword with his left hand, but his right hand was always hanging on his side. Even when he turned and swung the sword, his right hand didn't move at all. The same was true of his right foot. When he turned, he moved his left foot first, and then dragged his right foot with his body.

It seems that the opponent was seriously injured, so that his right hand and right foot could not be used. In this way, the opponent would be greatly restricted in terms of attack and movement, especially in terms of mobility, with only one foot, even the basic movement would be a problem.

Seeing this, I can command my subordinates with long-range attack ability to make use of the weakness of their mobility to attack the opponent, but it's a bit mean.

Iwasaki to erase this idea from the brain, they want to openly kill each other, and then give its first level to the master! Prove your ability.

Iwasaki stood ten meters before Xiao Shi left. He took a deep breath. His whole body muscles swelled, and suddenly he hit the ground.

This blow will be a powerful force into the ground, in front of a straight line on the ground suddenly broke up, toward Xiao Shili collapsed in the past.

Have you been seen through your weakness? As soon as Xiao Shili's eyes were fixed, he concentrated his strength on his left leg and jumped up from the ground to avoid the collapsing ground below. At this time, a piece of gravel was flying in front of him, and a huge stone with two people's height was flying in front of him. Suddenly, the huge stone was broken, and Iwasaki's huge body suddenly flashed out from behind the rock.

It turns out that breaking the ground is not an attack made by the other party against their own weakness, but the so-called blindfold and preparatory action. Is the real play a blow hidden behind the rock? Xiao Shili snorted. It seems that big man has great wisdom.

"But, I'm sorry, even with the tactical layout, you're still not my opponent." Xiao Shili said to Iwasaki, who was flying up in the air. He was just about to wave his fist, but the figure of the other side suddenly disappeared in front of him.

This speed... Iwasaki's eyes were wide open. The other side's two attacks just now didn't show his speed. He just wanted to take advantage of his disadvantage of being seriously injured and not being able to move. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by the other side's speed,

Iwasaki's reaction was quick. In a hurry, he quickly summoned his armor shield. He only felt that his head sank, but his feet fell on top of him and stepped on his light shield.

Iwasaki was surprised again. Although the armor shield is a defensive ability, it can also cause counter damage to the enemy. The enemy could stand on the surface of the shield without being hurt. However, this surprise was soon overwhelmed by the pressure he felt next.

Xiao Shili held the huge sword in his left hand and stabbed it at his feet.


With a roar, purple light surged down, and a crack appeared on the surface of the light shield again.


Second sword!

The third sword!

Two people fall on the ground together, Iwasaki male stare big eyes, light shield is split out of a circle of cracks, the center of the crack interweaved into a smashed black spot.

The color of the Royal armor shield is very weak. If you can bear another blow, it will disappear completely.



The people of the surrounding Huangwu group can't care much any more. It's important for the rescue team leader to rush up against the pressure one after another.

They didn't dare to step forward before, but they were afraid that they would be the first to be killed by each other. However, if so many people fight together, no matter how strong Xiao Shili is, he would be badly hurt.

Anne has made up her mind to live and die with Xiao Shili. At this time, seeing that Xiao Shili has ushered in the last moment, she is desperate to get ready to fight.

At this time, seeing that Xiao Shili was about to be hit hard by more than a dozen experts, a low voice suddenly came from the sky, "all step back."

When the people in the Huangwu group heard the sound, their faces suddenly changed. Qi Shushu stopped and stood still

At the same time, all the emotions on the faces of all the Shenji envoys around them, including Chiba Xiang and tanse Kui, all converged, leaving only the color of reverence.

Among all the people, only Anne has a deep hatred in her eyes and stares at the sky.

In the distance, dozens of helicopters are still hovering and roaring. Just at this time, a figure appears in the open position of the tail end of a helicopter.

It can be seen that, unlike ordinary helicopters, it is a transport aircraft, which is larger than ordinary helicopters in volume. The lift deck at the end is for the convenience of loading and unloading. At the moment, everyone who saw this scene felt that this transport plane was so constructed to facilitate someone's access.

With the shadow in a flash, he jumped from hundreds of meters to the bottom without the help of ropes.

With the falling wind, a man gently landed in the middle of the field. He fell from hundreds of meters, and when he landed, he didn't make any noise, even a trace of dust didn't rise.

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