Xiao Shili put down the phone, eyebrows are tightly locked together, turned to Lin Shihan and said, "sorry, Shihan elder sister, I have something to go first, I'm really sorry."

"Ah?" Lin Shihan stood up and saw that the expression on Xiao Shili's face was obviously wrong. He was embarrassed and worried. "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I didn't learn anything today." Xiao Shili laughed reluctantly, "I'll call Shihan when I have time."

"Ah... Good." Although Lin Shihan was worried, she didn't know what to say, so she had to send him to the door. The figure of the young man disappeared at the corner of the stairs. She leaned against the doorframe and looked down at it, but she couldn't help but be in a daze.

"Hello." Xiaoqian gently poked her, "be honest, what's your relationship with him?"

Through the performance just now, of course, several girls can see that they are not lovers, so they are just teasing them. Otherwise, Lin Shihan would not have such a reaction. If it's an ordinary teacher and student, and it's not like a sister or brother at all, I feel a little strange.

Lin Shihan didn't seem to hear each other's words, but she was still staring at the stairway. She finally understood that at that time, when she was kissing him, he turned his face to her. Does that mean that... She stopped herself from thinking about it again, but she couldn't help wondering what his last unfinished words were

In addition, she also had a feeling that the phone call Xiao Shi had just answered was not an accident at home or at school. She had a vague feeling that the identity of the other party seemed to be more than just a student, and that pretty face seemed to become more mysterious now

Out of the door, Xiao Shili took a taxi and went straight to xinmenqiao commercial street. Needless to say, it must be Longyin bar.

Wen Yang didn't elaborate on what happened on the phone, but from Lao Si's tone, Xiao Shili felt that the situation seemed very bad. In terms of power, I'm not the best among the brothers. In terms of force, I'm not the best among the brothers. In terms of intelligence, I'm a military strategist. If it's a dispute on the street, you just need to find big brother to solve it. This time, we have to find ourselves. We can see that even the power of big brother can't solve the problem.

Even the elder brother can't help... Who can have such great ability? This area is the elder brother's field. He is the most comfortable in this area. No one should fight against him on the basis of relationship and friendship, unless he comes from a foreign film. But what's their revenge?

Rao Shi, Xiao Shili, has a flexible mind. At the moment, he can't understand it. Fortunately, xinmenqiao commercial street is not far from here. Ten minutes away, he will soon know what's going on.

As soon as he got out of the car in the commercial street, Xiao Shili frowned. The storefront of "Longyin" on the street was beyond recognition. There were only two glass doors left with a frame, and the signboard also fell to the ground. The things in the shop were still on the sidewalk, apparently smashed.

Xiao Shili's expression suddenly became gloomy, and a burst of uncontrollable anger suddenly shot up from his chest. Several stores nearby were intact. It seems that the other party was specifically aiming at "Longyin".

In a mess of the shop, three people sat on the overturned bar with ugly faces. The room was completely smashed, and even a complete table was not left. In addition to them, there were a few guys in the shop. It seemed that they all had a little color on their faces.

As soon as Wen Yang saw Xiao Shili, he jumped up and said, "what's the matter with you? I couldn't get through all night when I called you. In the end, my second brother remembered your father's phone. What's the matter? Why are you holding your dad's cell phone? "

Xiao Shili didn't speak. He went to the center of the room, looked around, and said, "who did it?"

Ma Yi raised his eyes and threw a cigarette, "Li Jinglong."

Li Jinglong, this name is a little familiar. Xiao Shili thought about it, and finally remembered that the two men who came to the store last time to collect the protection fee said, "are they the boss of this street?"

"It's not just this street." Dazhuang corrected, "it seems that you really don't know much about the gangsters in J city. Have you heard of Qinglong Gang?"

"Shit, that's a damn vulgar name." Xiao Shili is not used to swearing at ordinary times, but when he is in a bad mood with a few brothers, he still occasionally confides.

"Don't worry about the vulgar name. There are three most powerful forces in J city. They are Jixue League, brotherhood, axe gang and Qinglong gang. Although they are just a small Gang, they are allied with axe gang. That's why Qinglong Gang dominates the whole street." Da Pang began to teach his third brother.

"In fact, there are no big shops in this street. They are all small shops. The money collected by Qinglong Gang every month can't support any nightclub in the city." Wen long added.

Of course, Xiao Shili knew about the three gangs. He picked up a high stool and sat down. "Is Li Jinglong the boss of Qinglong Gang? But what's our holiday with the green dragon Gang? "

"Do you remember that night we beat three people here?" Ma said, "one of them is a distant cousin of Li Jinglong."

"I see." Xiao Shili nodded with a gloomy face. Although he knew that he was in trouble, he didn't regret it at all. "It's been two weeks. Why do they want to come here now?"

"After Li Jinglong's cousin was beaten, he was in a coma in the hospital for half a month. The remaining two are all members of the Qinglong gang. They are not seriously injured, but they are afraid that the blame will come down, so they left J city overnight. " Dazhuang took a smoke. "I heard from a friend on the road. As soon as the boy woke up, he told his cousin about it."

"When did it happen?"

"Just last night, they called you after they left. They couldn't get through."

Xiao Shi didn't want to hear the story. He took a look at several people and said, "are you all right?"

"It's all right, but a few guys are hurt." Ma Yi took a look at the four or five young men in the corner.

"What's the offer?" Xiao Shili of course knows that this matter can't be ended by smashing a shop casually. The brothers are not hurt, but the other party doesn't let them get hurt.

"Hum, you guessed it." Dazhuang gave a slap and said, "their goal this time is you. In seven days, Qinglong Gang wants us to collect 500000 yuan. Otherwise, they dare not guarantee your life and your family's life."

"Me?" Xiao Shili suddenly laughed, not because the other party specifically refers to himself, but was curious, "Why me?"

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