"By the way, are you hungry? I'll go out and buy you something to eat." Xiao Shi left and stood up, thinking that Meiyu had lost too much blood, and now she was still in the recovery stage, especially she couldn't go hungry.

Meiyu nodded like a little girl, "I want to eat soybean milk and fried dough sticks. I want the snack bar downstairs of our company, the second one on the left."

"I see." Xiao Shili smile, enjoying his wife's exclusive coquetry, "wait for me, I'll be right back."

Out of the gate of the hospital, quickly stopped a taxi, told the driver the location, Xiao Shili just reaction, the company downstairs?

I don't know what's going on now. Let's go and have a look. Last night, I was so emotional that I didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment. However, I have a vague impression that half of the whole corridor seems to have collapsed, forming a hollow area. The degree of damage should not be small. Otherwise, when so many people call me, The tone is so dignified.

"Master, I can't go ahead. The road is closed."

I didn't expect that before I entered the block where the company building was located, the road in front of me was forbidden. The driver stopped, looked at the front and said that several policemen were standing on one side of the road, guiding the traffic on the other side.

Xiao Shili paid for the car, got out of the car, walked forward a few steps, and was soon stopped by a policeman, "stop, stop, you can't pass here, if you want to go to school, go that way."

Xiao Shili took a few steps along the direction pointed by the police. He thought that Lao Zeng was quite able to do things. Most of them were orders from Zhao Changhe. He sealed the blocks with a radius of several hundred meters directly. People couldn't get into the blocks. Needless to say, the reporter couldn't even see the shadow of Shenyi group building, The possibility of online communication has also been eliminated to the minimum.

Shenyi group is located in the downtown area. There are many shops and office buildings in the block. In this case, the breakfast shop is definitely out of business. Even if it can be opened, there is no one to sell it to?

Xiao Shili went to a corner where there was no one. He summoned the devil's wings and went into the invisible state. He went around the blockade and walked into the block. Along the way, he saw many policemen gathering the owners of the shop together to work for these people.

At the moment, Xiao Shili felt that if the whole government wanted to hide something, it would be as if it had never happened.

When he came to his company building, Xiao Shili looked up at the building with a hemispherical depression in the middle. It looked like a piece of cheese. Suddenly, a piece of cheese was taken away from the middle with a round spoon. If he was far away, it didn't look like a ruin, but it looked like a post-modern work of art.

Feilong is taking a group of people to clean up the scene. The police didn't intervene in this. The main thing is to move out the bodies of the four people, pour gasoline on them and burn them on the spot. The destruction should be done cleanly. Although the four people are assassins sent by Yakuza to assassinate them, they may be registered when they enter the country. In case the Japanese are crazy one day, they will come to investigate the missing people, It's not easy to deal with international disputes.

Xiao Shili didn't say hello to everyone. After leaving, he went to other places to buy Meiyu a rich breakfast, and then quickly took a taxi back to the hospital.

Carrying breakfast just walked into the ward door, Xiao Shi left a greasy "baby" has not called out, but look suddenly a Lin.

In the ward, three men in black suits were standing at this time. One of them stepped forward after seeing Xiao Shi leave, and said politely with a smile, "Hello, you are Mr. Xiao Shili..." however, when he finished, his face was frozen, and he could not help but step back.

For a moment, Xiao Shili thought these three people were killers sent by Yakuza, and almost killed them. At the moment, they were all shocked by the murderous spirit released from Xiao Shili, and their faces changed, and they all stepped back.

After learning that these three people were just ordinary people, Xiao Shili relaxed a little and looked at them coldly, "who let you in?"

"Sorry, we are..." a man wants to explain.

"Who let you in?"

No matter who the other party is, she even enters Meiyu's ward without permission. Meiyu needs to rest now and can't be disturbed. The doctors and nurses in the hospital don't even stop these people. Xiao Shili's anger has begun to rise.

It seems to be frightened by Xiao Shili's eyes. A man explains, "I'm sorry, we..."

"Get out of here!" Xiao Shili interrupts directly, before he can control himself.

For a moment, the three people were stunned, and they were at a loss. The other one coughed and suddenly raised his voice, "we are the Military Commission of the central government..."

Before he finished speaking, his neck was suddenly held tightly by a big hand, and his body was lifted up immediately. Xiao Shili looked coldly at the man struggling desperately in his hand, "I gave you a chance."

"Wait a minute." Meiyu knew that Xiao Shili was really angry. Thinking of the identity of these people, she cried, "Shili, these three are from the capital. Let's listen to them first."

After listening to Meiyu's words, Xiao Shili pauses for a moment, and then releases his hand. The man falls down and lies on the ground, covering his neck with his two hands and panting with his mouth wide open.

See the other side is a little too arrogant, originally thought to say their own background, the other side immediately changed obediently down, did not expect the other side simply ignored! What's more, I've already told you about the Military Commission of the central government. This guy doesn't even pay attention to the central government. Is he crazy?

"Give you ten seconds." Xiao Shili said coldly.

The other two stood up straight for a moment, and thought with lingering fear that Marshal Lin's advice before leaving was right. At the beginning, it should not be said that it was sent by the government, just hold his old man's name. One of them said, "Mr. Xiao, please don't be angry. We are sent by general Lin. general Lin wants to invite you to the capital, So let's pick you up. "

Old man? Xiao Shili was a little surprised. How could the old man suddenly call himself to the capital, and he didn't even call himself in advance. It's not like the old man's style.

Is it because of this? It's impossible. The next morning, the news couldn't have spread so fast. Moreover, with such a small matter, the old man could just put down a word, so as not to ask himself to go to the capital.

Should not be... Anxious to get married with Lin Shihan as soon as possible, the location is in the capital? The old man had this idea for a long time. Maybe when he was in Japan, the Lin family had already started to prepare.

Thinking of this, Xiao Shili can't help but look in the direction of Meiyu. He is a little guilty. He can't do anything about it. At least he can't do it now. He doesn't want to go to the capital, but he still needs to convince the old man face to face.

So Xiao Shi thought about it and said to the three people, "go out first and wait outside."

They didn't dare to say anything more. After learning each other's temper, they completely lost their high spirited expression and flexible ability. Anyway, their task was to invite each other. The other side didn't refuse, which means that the task is likely to be completed, and they all quietly retreated.

Xiao Shili came to Meiyu's bed, sat on the chair beside the bed, dedicated to the breakfast, apologized, "sorry, I didn't buy the soybean milk fried dough sticks of that family, and, you are now recovering, you can't just eat soybean milk fried dough sticks, drink this bowl of lean meat porridge first."

Meiyu opened her cherry mouth. Her lips just touched the porridge, and suddenly she drew back, "hot!"

Xiao Shili takes it to his mouth and blows it. It's the first time that he feeds a girl. He has no experience and scolds himself stupid in his heart. After he tries the temperature with his mouth, he feeds it into Meiyu's small mouth.

Mei Yu had a good appetite when she woke up. After she finished a bowl of porridge, her face became ruddy. At this time, she asked, "Shili, who is that old general Lin? Why did he suddenly ask you to go to the capital?"

Xiao Shili has been making up excuses in his mind since just now. At the moment, he said, "he is an old commander of the military region and a former comrade in arms of my grandfather."

Mei Yu nodded and said curiously, "I don't know. My grandfather was in the army before."

"A long time ago, even I almost forgot myself."

"Why did your grandfather's comrades ask you to go to the capital?"

Xiao Shili shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. My grandfather didn't call me. Don't worry. I'll be here with you. I won't go anywhere."

Mei Yu shook her head. "Since it's the people of the grandfather generation who asked you to go there, you'd better go and have a look. Maybe there's something urgent."

Xiao Shili didn't want to go. He just wanted to be with Meiyu. But if he didn't go there himself, he said with regret, "I'll go there. When it's done, I'll come back as soon as I can."

"It doesn't matter. I can take care of myself by myself, and there's not only one person here." Meiyu soft smile for a while, shook Xiao Shili's hand, "go early, come back early."


After Xiao Shili went out, he called Chang Kunyu and said he was going to leave for a while. He asked him to send someone to take care of Mei Yu. Then he put down a sum of money for the hospital and asked them to transfer Meiyu to the most advanced ward. Every day, he arranged someone to take special care of him. If there was any situation, he would report to himself as soon as possible.

Last night, Xiao Shili walked out of the hospital with three men in suits. There was a shiny black red flag car outside. Two of them opened the door for Xiao Shili. After sitting in, Xiao Shili didn't know if he was allergic to his nerves. He always felt that the three people looked at him strangely.

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