Mei Yu put her hands flat on the table and her chin on the back of her hand. She looked at the boy with a smile, and her eyes were full of joy, as if she had got the greatest happiness in the world.

"Hoo..." Xiao Shili put down his lunch box and took a long breath. Finally he finished eating. His stomach was full. In other words, it was the best meal he had ever eaten in school.

"Yu elder sister, I think we should talk about..." this time the man's words have not finished, hand was suddenly caught by the girl, and then all of a sudden was dragged out of the classroom.

"Hey, where are you going?" Xiao Shili was surprised and ran downstairs with the girl all the way.

Out of the teaching building, Mei Yu just let go of Xiao Shili's hand and suddenly turned around, "go shopping with me!"

"Shopping?" Xiao Shi was stunned.

"Let's go!" Meiyu said to hold the man's hand again.

"Please, it's class time." Xiao Shili said helplessly, "besides, why did you find me?"

Mei Yu's expression suddenly becomes very aggrieved. Her eyes are full of kitsch and tremble gently. "Don't you want to?"

"I'm afraid of you." When Xiao Shili saw that the girl seemed to be about to cry, he felt soft in his heart. If it was another girl, he didn't care. But this expression appeared on Yang Meiyu's face. He was really afraid.

"Forget it." Anyway, he also ate other people's Bento, even if it was compensation. Xiao Shili sighed, "where are you going?"

"Do you agree?" Meiyu's eyes had brilliance again, "great!" Said suddenly hugged Xiao Shili, two people's bodies close together, the girl's cheek on his chest. Xiao Shili's expression was slightly surprised. What's the matter? Words to the mouth, and finally did not ask the export.

Although nine out of ten men hate shopping, ten out of ten men will not refuse a beautiful girl with good figure. Xiao Shili would be happy to be dragged out by an enchanting, sexy and charming student sister at a different time, whether it's for dinner or shopping. But now she is in an extraordinary period, and Yang Meiyu's behavior is too abnormal. Even though they have lost their old grudges, they don't have to be so kind to themselves. Logically, she should be resentful.

But Xiao Shili couldn't see any resentment or scheming from the girl's eyes. Even a little bit, it can be said that what he saw from Meiyu's eyes was nothing but sweetness and joy.

"How nice, how nice?" In the Chanel shop of Jindu building, Meiyu is wearing a floral skirt, holding the skirt in both hands and turning around in front of the mirror.

Xiao Shili sat on a large sofa at the back and looked at the girl in the mirror. After a long time, he just gave a faint smile. "Most people change their temperament because of what they wear, and there is a kind of people whose temperament will only be changed because of what they wear no matter what kind of clothes they wear."

"What do you mean?" Meiyu turns around. She likes to look at the man's deep expression.

"Nothing, just said..." Xiao Shili pointed to the mirror, "this dress is too narrow."

"Narrow?" Mei Yu raised her skirt and looked around. "It's a skirt." Of course, she didn't notice that the original pure style floral dress had a completely different effect on her. The thin skirt was tightly attached to the girl's body, and the outline of two big peaches in front of her chest was dazzlingly swinging in front of her chest. The pretty * * even slightly lifted up the skirt, even the straight and round legs were exposed under the skirt, which also aroused people's reverie of crime.

There are also several men who accompany their girlfriends to look at the clothes in the shop. Their eyes radiate to this side uncontrollably, completely ignoring the existence of their girlfriends.

Xiao Shili squints his eyes, and suddenly comes up with the beautiful image of Ye ruoqing in a long skirt. If ye ruoqing wears such a dress, it will definitely make people feel the light purple and the breeze blowing in the evening. What Meiyu gives people is still a kind of temptation at night.

He looked at the clothes on the shelves around him. Although it looked like an ordinary skirt, the price tag on it was dizzy. It was totally beyond his means.

Meiyu seems to turn a blind eye to the price tag, trying one by one, then putting it down and leaving without blushing at all. Make next to shopping guide Miss from time to time with a kind of inquiry look at Xiao Shili, make him uncomfortable.

Although he just went shopping with his schoolsister, Xiao Shili still had a kind of obligation that was close to his boyfriend. But he didn't have enough money in his pocket to buy a button on these clothes, so he couldn't help blushing.

The whole afternoon passed slowly. Meiyu came out of one store and then went into another store. Her physical strength was very good.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Shili sat down on a row of chairs and refused to leave. Two people are sitting in a dessert shop in the shopping mall, sucking juice and looking at the people coming and going. Xiao Shili finally thinks it's time to say what he wants to say.

He took a gentle look at Mei Yu, who was gently sucking a milkshake. "Sister Yu, I'm very happy and honored to accompany you shopping today. In addition, your Bento is delicious, but I think we have to understand some words."

"Well? What's the matter? " Meiyu obviously felt the difference in each other's words, also stopped sucking and raised her head.

"I heard about you quitting the organization when I came to the school today. If it's because of the accident that happened in the competition that day, I don't think it's necessary for you at all." Xiao Shili looked at the girl. Although he knew it was too late to say this, he still wanted to let the other party know, "that day's competition didn't come to an end, and no one between us lost or won, and..." he wanted to say, "you don't have to thank me for that day's events." But the words to the mouth, but slightly stagnated, this sentence is not said.

Meiyu's expression quieted down a little bit, and gradually recovered into calm. She didn't speak, but just watched Xiao Shili quietly.

Xiao Shili's eyes dodged because of the girl's gaze. He didn't know why. The girl's silence made his original thought confused.

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