Kurgs stares at each other, but he can't speak at all. It's hard to feel his heart being grasped in his hand through his chest. He was originally aiming at the other's heart, but in the end, he was played with his own heart.

So he can only use his hoarse groan to express his inner shock and fear.

Fear, yes, this may be the first time that kurgs felt fear. As a great Lord and the most powerful soldier in the country, kurgs always valued the glory of soldiers more than his own life. He thought that the humble emotion of fear would never appear on him, but when his heart beat against each other's finger Wall every time, Fear is like the tide of the night, spreading silently.

In addition, in addition to fear, he was also shocked by another idea. The other party had already seen through that he was secretly improving his defense, but he deliberately pretended not to know, but he was secretly improving his defense, in order to draw himself into the trap set by the other party.

How funny and ridiculous it seems to me that I was so proud of my achievement.

Although Xiao Shili has great strength, his strongest strength is his precise layout ability, which is well known by people who know him. One of the most serious mistakes kurgs made was to set up a situation in front of Xiao Shili, which was undoubtedly a suicide attempt.

"There is no grudge between you and me. I could have let you live." Xiao Shili looked at each other, "but you have made a very serious mistake."

His voice suddenly became very light, even some misty, but fell into other people's ears, but it became very heavy.

"You shouldn't have done it to her."

Xiao Shili closed his eyes, and his right hand suddenly crushed the warm beating thing in his palm.

Kuerges opened his mouth wide, his eyes were bulging, and his whole body suddenly twitched. The blood sprayed out from the seven orifices. Xiao Shili drew back his hand, and the blood from the chest wound gushed out. The man's huge body was like a lifeless stone carving, which was directly patted on the ground.

Xiao Shili shakes off the blood on his hand, steps back two steps, and looks at each other's body. Suddenly his chest trembles and a mouthful of blood spurts out.

Although he improved his defense, withstood the opponent's attack with his muscles, bones and bones, and kept his heart, he was still injured after all. The destructive power of kurgs's fist was not easy to match. Although the destructive power did not damage the internal organs, it spread to all parts of the body along the muscles and bones.

"How are you?" Hearing ye ruoqing's worried voice, Xiao Shili tries to put down the tumbling Qi and blood pressure in his chest and smiles at the girl beside him.

Ye ruoqing summons angel to cure Xiao Shili with holy light. Xiao Shili takes a look at a beautiful strange woman beside ye ruoqing, but she is not an entity. Like Xiaobai before, she is just a shadow.

Shenxunnai is also looking at Xiao Shili with a kind of curious eyes at the moment. Although he has gained the ability of filfado, he has defeated kurgs with his own strength. For a human, it is really incredible that he has defeated the mainland's gaze 100 million years ago.

Xiao Shili nodded to Shen xunnai. It was not long ago that he realized that ye ruoqing was also the host of one of the four war spirits. He had the same identity and destiny with himself. Whether it was fate or their original destiny, they were connected.

Shenxunnai took a look at the body of kurgus on the ground and said, "this body can't be left here. It must be completely destroyed. There are Oracle cells fused with kurgus in the body of Shinda. Even if the owner dies, these cells can still keep alive. Kurgus is not dead, If these cells are introduced into the body of the second adaptation, kurgus will revive with the help of another body. Although this person is not a big disaster, it is also an extremely troublesome existence. "

Xiao Shili nodded and stepped forward. Shen xunnai added, "I mean, it's frustrating."

In the palm of his hand, he summoned the roar of the Yanmo, and pointed his sword at the corpse of kurgs. When Xiao Shili was about to condense, a figure suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him, blocking the front of the corpse.

Xiao Shili frowned and saw a young man in front of him. He was wearing a white robe on his slender body, which fluttered slightly in the wind. His polite eyes and graceful smile on the corner of his mouth all strongly exuded a sense of extraordinary bearing,

"Brother Zimu!" Ye ruoqing cried.

Xiao Shili looked at each other, and guessed the person's intention in his heart. After hearing ye ruoqing call each other, he turned around and said, "do you know each other?"

Ye ruoqing nodded, "brother Zimu is a senior in the college." Thinking that Xiao Shili might not know about Shenkai academy, he said, "Shenkai villa, but we also call it Shenkai Academy. I learned everything about Shenji envoy, including the use of ability there."

After listening to ye ruoqing's words, Xiao Shili looks back, but he doesn't relax his vigilance in his eyes. The other person suddenly appears before he is about to burn the body of kurgs. If it's a coincidence, it's too hard to convince himself.

But Li Zimu nodded respectfully to Xiao Shili and said with a smile, "I've heard about the name of the son of the dark night for a long time. Today, I see that it's really extraordinary. I'm shocked and admired by brother Xiao's strength. Brother Xiao killed Zhentian Xingcun today, which is a great harm to the world. In the future, he will be famous all over the world and respected by all the world."

Xiao Shili said indifferently, "I'm serious. If you don't mind, please get out of the way first. After I destroy this corpse, it's not too late." When speaking, keep your eyes on the other person at the same time.

Li Zimu didn't seem to care about Xiao Shili's eyes. He said with a smile, "my father has always admired brother Xiao. If you don't mind, please go to Shenkai villa with my younger brother for a chat. Have you heard the name of Shenkai villa?"

Xiao Shili naturally knows that Shenkai villa is the largest organization of Shenji envoys in the world today, in which numerous powerful Shenji envoys are gathered. Yakuzabi's Shenkai villa is just a gap between rats and elephants. Shenji envoys, as a unique individual in the world, can be said to gather such a group of people and restrain them to a certain extent, Maintain the stability of the world.

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