When Xiao Shili came to the "Longyin" bar, they were already waiting in it.

"Old three, what's the matter, so urgent?" Dazhuang was drinking a can of beer. "Did you think of something?"

Xiao Shili sat down on a sofa. Although "Longyin" still hasn't resumed its business, the things in the hall have been basically cleaned up, "let's wait until we get together."

Just as they were talking, several people pushed the door and came in. It was Gao Xiang, Fei long, Li Yuanqi and Chang Kunyu. They came up to Xiao Shili and called "brother Li" in unison.

"Good." Xiao Shi stood up and looked at everyone. "Everyone is in the same piece. I don't need to introduce you any more."

Dazhuang and Wenyang are surprised. Gao Xiang and Liu Qinglong are the thugs of the eastern district. Just now they said "leave brother" respectfully. It turns out that the third one is waiting for them today. How come the third one has never told himself about this.

Gao Xiang and others were also surprised. Two of the three people opposite were the most famous boss in this area, not to mention the bald head like the black iron tower. They were ruthless and single handedly. Liu Pengdong's influence was the biggest among the small gangsters in the eastern district.

Several people nodded to each other. Dazhuang and Gaoxiang had seen each other before. Now they said with a smile, "Lao Gao, I haven't seen you for a long time

"Haha, it's all because of following brother Li that the brothers have a good life. Unexpectedly, brother Dong and brother Li are also brothers." Gao Xiang saw that several people in the original piece were unexpectedly gathered together at the moment. When he came, Xiao Shili didn't explain it. He also felt more cordial in his heart at the moment.

Several people are mixed together. Naturally, we all know that Liu Pengdong's network is powerful. The thugs in the eastern district are not unfamiliar with him, and even have some connections with the underworld. Seeing him at this time, people could not help but feel a little more at the bottom of their hearts.

"Third brother, who are these two? I've never seen them before." Wen Yang goes to Li Yuanqi and Chang Kunyu and gives them a cigarette.

"Let me introduce you." Xiao Shili walked behind them and patted Li Yuanqi on the shoulder. "This is Li Yuanqi, the city's number one student in this year's senior high school entrance examination. This is Chang Kunyu, the senior two of the elite."

Li and Chang are new comers because they haven't been on the street. But they have heard about some famous gangsters in the East District. Now they know each other.

"Hey, third brother, you have all kinds of talents now. Even good students are dragged into the water by you." Wen Yang smiled and said.

The others looked at Li Yuanqi curiously. They didn't know how he got mixed up with these people as a promising student.

"Third, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it now." Dazhuang gives everyone a cigarette and then sits on the sofa.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start." Xiao Shi stood in the middle of the crowd and leaned against the bar. "We all know about this. I'll stop talking. I've got some ideas about the previous plan."


"That's great."

"Let's talk about it."

When they heard this, they were both surprised and delighted, and immediately urged.

Xiao Shili said straight away, "if we want to fight with Qinglong Gang, the only possibility is to get the concealed guns, but there is one link that we can't pass, that is, we can't know where the weapons are hidden." He looked at the crowd and said, "I spent a whole night analyzing all the venues and private assets under the name of Li Jinglong, and found that none of them met the conditions for hiding weapons, so this was the most headache for me before today."

Wen Yang can't help but ask, "what is not in line with ah?"

"It's not hard to tell." Xiao Shili said with a smile, "Liu Qinglong's private assets are only two bars and an Internet bar. These two places are places with high incidence of accidents. Once something happens, the police will come to check. Of course, Li Jinglong will not risk putting his gun in that place. As for the court, it's an outsider's, let alone impossible. "

"Well, there are two villas in his family. Besides, they can be put in the mistress's house, eh?" Asked Dazhuang.

"Come out to hang out, sooner or later know to return, no one wants to harm the family, found a large number of guns in his home, his family can not get rid of the relationship, as for the mistress..." Xiao Shili smile, "if you, would you do this?"


"Women are the most unreliable." Several people said at the same time.

"Then these places are impossible. They are gone. Ya won't bury his gun in his ancestral grave." Wen Yang said anxiously, "Oh, third brother, don't take our appetites. Let's talk quickly."

"Don't worry. In addition to these industries, there is an old-fashioned house hidden in the eastern suburb of Li Jinglong, which is said to be the ancestral house of his family." Xiao Shili took out his mobile phone and threw it on the table. "Here's a picture. Have a look."

When several people looked at the photos, he said, "from the photos, this house has a history of at least 60 to 70 years, which can be traced back to before liberation."

"That's right." After looking at the photos, Feilong nodded and said, "the old houses in the eastern suburbs are very old. I heard my grandmother say that when she was young, there were houses for some wealthy businessmen and families at that time."

"So you think Li Jinglong has hidden his gun here?" Ma Yi finally said a word.

"Strange, how do you know that Li Jinglong has a ancestral home in the eastern suburb?" Wen Yang was the last one to see the photo and put in a sentence with doubts..

Xiao Shili ignored him and said to his second brother, "from the 1930s to the 1940s, it was a time of war. Many cities in G province had several wars of different scales. Because of the times, the houses at that time had to take into account the factors of war in structure. At that time, the cellars of ordinary people were actually air raid shelters, And these rich people want to save their lives, not to mention that. "

"Well." Ma Yi pondered, "if you think about it, it's really possible."

As soon as Wen Yang wanted to speak, Gao Xiang called out, "Hey, I can't understand a word of what you said. What does it have to do with fighting? The guns of that era can't be used even now. "

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