Li Yuanqi came forward with a piece of paper, cleared his throat and read aloud,

"First, those who disobey my brother's loyalty should break their left hand and be expelled from the gang immediately."

"Second, those who embezzle the property of the Gang should break their right hand and be expelled immediately."

"Third, if brothers kill each other, they should break their hands and expel the gang immediately."

"Fourth, those who divulge the secret of the Gang should break their tongue and be expelled immediately."

"Fifth, those who flee in the face of battle will be killed without amnesty."

"Sixth, those who betray gangs will be killed without mercy."

After reading, Li Yuanqi roared, "have you heard me clearly?"

"Clear!" The thunder echoed below.

Xiao Shili felt the vibration of the eardrum and nodded with satisfaction, "all the income and funds of the gang in the future will be managed by Yuanqi. Anyone who uses the funds must first get Yuanqi's consent."

"Yes." Li Yuanqi responded.

After all this, Xiao Shi went up to the second floor alone. After nearly an hour, Gao Xiang, Fei Long and others came in one after another and took their seats in front of the round table.

"The staff of each hall have been appointed?"

"It's settled." Said the three in turn.

"Now let's talk about what's going on." Xiao Shili looked at a few people. "Now we have two stadiums. Compared with similar places in the city, the scale of these two stadiums tends to be medium, but it's the first time for us. Few of the brothers in the gang have ever had the experience of watching stadiums, so one of the things we need to do now is to take care of these two stadiums, I want a map of the power distribution of the whole Eastern District, including the information of various gangs, including the number of people, the background and the number of venues. In a word, the more detailed the better. Brother Yu, I'll leave it to you. "

Unexpectedly, Chang didn't immediately nod his head, but frowned, as if thinking about something. After a few seconds, he raised his head and said, "brother Li, before that, I have a question."


"It's about the two companies of the Qinglong gang that we used to have. I think we're doing something too obvious?" Chang Kunyu's face showed a trace of worry. This problem bothered him for a long time. He wanted to remind Xiao Shili for a long time, but because of the complexity of these days, he had no chance to say it at this time..

"Lao Chang, what do you mean? What's too obvious?" Gao Xiang didn't understand.

"As soon as the Qinglong gang was destroyed, its two courtyards were occupied by a certain gang. Isn't that easy to arouse the suspicion of Taoist people?" Chang Kunyu frowned and said, "now it's possible that everyone on the road has decided that we did it."

"So what?" Feilong said, "doubt belongs to doubt. No one has any evidence to point out that it's us. Now we have to find someone to cover up the bigger market. Can the boss find us by himself?"

"All the people on the road are not fools. The simplest truth is that behind a thing, the person who makes the most profit is the initiator." Chang Kunyu shook his head. "So, it's not doubt at all, but certainty."

Gao Xiang and Fei long look at each other, but they don't talk. In fact, they are convinced by each other.

Xiao Shili said with a smile, "brother Yu is right. We killed Li Jinglong. Now no one in the Eastern District doubts this."

"Then we still..." Chang Kunyu opened his eyes wide. He thought that the other party didn't expect this.

"If I didn't inform you at that time, I would have taken people to accept the two houses first. You must have tried your best to stop me, brother Yu." Xiao Shili looked at Chang Kunyu and said with a smile.

Chang Kunyu thought that it was true that Xiao Shili was too fast at that time. On the third day after Li Jinglong's death, the court was successfully put under the name of the Dark Alliance. When he figured out this festival, it was too late. He should have regretted this engraving, but looking at Xiao Shili's relaxed expression, he was puzzled and asked, "since you know, why do you do this?"

"If we don't do that, all our previous efforts will be wasted. To put it simply, killing Li Jinglong has nothing to gain except my life." Xiao Shili said with a faint smile, "otherwise, you think" boiling point "and bath center will give me the venue."

"Of course, it's because we killed the Qinglong gang..." Chang Kunyu said half of the time, and suddenly reflected that Xiao Shili didn't hide the fact that he killed Li Jinglong. Instead, he made his light public and used it as a bargaining chip and capital. On the contrary, when things were over, although the dark alliance could wash away its doubts, it could not build its own power in the eastern district, These two venues are bound to be unavailable.

"But it's a little too risky." Chang Kunyu smacked his lips, but his face became more dignified. "The axe gang in the backstage of Qinglong gang will not give up."

"Of course, they won't give up. A thorn buried in the east side is pulled out by us. It's strange that the axe gang is indifferent." Xiao Shili took a sip of tea and turned his mouth up. "The Qinglong Gang is a gang in the eastern district. Although the axe gang is one of the three major forces in J City, its sphere of influence is in the Southern District. Even if Li Jinglong has great ability, it is impossible to form an alliance with the gang in the Southern District under the eyes of the brotherhood.

"Although the three gangs have existed for many years, they have always been at odds with each other in face to face and heart to heart, and there have been constant disputes and battles. It is obvious that the Qinglong Gang is an axe gang, which is set up in the Eastern District to contain the brotherhood. The reason why the brotherhood knows clearly, but dare not touch this chess piece, because as long as it touches, the war on both sides will be on the verge of breaking out, and no one will act rashly when they are not ready. "

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