The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 12 - History Of Topor

Topor was a massive world. It was populated by a wide variety of creatures in different eras throughout its existence. First, the Old Ones, or the Lizardmen. This race of powerful reptilian demi-humans were known for their ferocity and mercilessness. Whenever they acted, it was always in an aggressive manner that more likely than not, was intended to subdue another race that was starting to rise up. Their rule lasted for a very long time. Close to a millennia passed before their firm hold over the planet began to waver. The other races began rebelling and working together in order to push against the control of the Old Ones. Eventually, after a century long war, the Old Ones were finally defeated, and were greatly weakened.

Thus came the end of the Old Era, giving way to the next, the Era of War. During this era, which lasted for two centuries, no race took on a completely ruling position over the others, but were constantly fighting over land and resources. This Era was one of the most bloody eras known to the world. Constant wars and scuffles between countries and communities were as common as houseflies.

Two centuries later, the world finally achieved some semblance of stability. With no singular powerful race lording over the others, a fragile balance was achieved and maintained. At least, for a time.

Over the next century, one of the races on the weaker ends began to balloon in number and strength. This race was known as the human race. They were known for their weak body, and even weaker mind, but their leaders... Their leaders were something else. Mighty powerhouses that were capable of wiping out entire squadrons of demi-humans with a wave of their arms. These men and women grew to be feared over time.

The first was that broke out was known as the Cold War. This was the bloodiest of them all. Not even the war that led to the end of the Old One's supremacy was as brutal as this. Both humans and demi-humans suffered through this war, but it was ultimately the humans that came out on top. Their prodigious ability to procreate and multiply came into play here. They had a nearly endless amount of soldiers to combat the forces of the other races.

After the Cold War, the human race finally became the dominant leading world power. Although small scuffles between the demi-humans and the humans were inevitable and happened every once in a while, there were no main wars to dethrone the human race, and the situation was mostly stable.

At least, until now.

A decade ago, the first 'Skyfall', as it was tactfully referred to as, happened. A Skyfall was an event where small meteors ranging from the size of a bull to the size of a boulder would rain from the sky. These asteroids that rained down during the Skyfall were in no way 'simple'.

Throughout the past decade, there had only been five Skyfalls. Each of these monumental events had granted great powers to the ones who had discovered the asteroids. Three Skyfalls had occurred in human occupied territory, while the other had occurred outside it. With this advantage, the humans had been able to solidify their advantage over the other races once again.

Of the two that happened within the territories of other races, one had happened in the territory of the Old Ones. An old Lizardman had stumbled upon a bed sized asteroid that glowed with a bright blue light. Upon contact with the rock, he had gained insight from what he referred to as Higher Beings, and through that insight, he had been able to perform miracles. Other races sometimes referred these miracles to as magic.

As for the second asteroid, it had ended up in the hands of one of the Werewolf packs in the farthest reaches of the world, where the grip of humans wasn't as tight. The asteroid had come in the size of a carriage, and glowed with a bright gold color. It had gifted the ability to tame beasts to the Werewolf who had come in contact with it. That Werewolf soon tamed the lands around those mountains.

The humans had received similar gifts from the Skyfalls. Beast Taming, Magical Insight, and Greater Strength. The three humans that had received these gifts had become the pillars of human society. With their combined might, humans were able to hold their own against the powerhouses of the other races.

Now, a week ago, yet another Skyfall occurred. This time, it landed in the territory of the Northern Continent of Topor, a land occupied by a mix of demi-humans, but mostly those of the canine category. The human power that resided on the continent sent over multiple parties to investigate the site, and possibly get yet another gift, but they had turned up empty, meaning that yet another Skyfall had fallen to the hands of the demi-humans. As of now, it is not known what kind of gift has been bestowed upon the demi-humans, only that with this gift, they may be able to spark a second Cold War, and perhaps threaten the rule of humans over this world.

-Excerpt from The History of Topor, by Sir Donald Rivington of the Golden Tower.

Adam sighed as he read through the chapter of the book that he was holding. It had just been updated with the last paragraph today. Sir Donald Rivington reigned from the Golden Tower which had its headquarters in their territory.

The latest Skyfall was supposed to be his moment to shine. He had earned that privilege through years of hard work, but it seemed all his effort was for naught, as he had lost it to the demi-humans. At least, he had captured a couple of them in order to satisfy his fury.

With another sigh, he turned and looked at the two bull beasts that were currently duking it out in the arena below.. He would have to keep himself entertained with this for now.

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