The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 158 - 158

When all the members of the Bolvar Tribe had woken up and were confirmed to be alright, Ezra led the taskforce to he main area where the tribesmen had built their homes. The sight of the shelter had left them greatly surprised. Truly, the Bolvar Tribe was worthy of being one of the strongest packs in the Northern Continent.

Although the population of the Bolvar Tribe was not as much as that of the Zelan pack, their development was not forced to a halt because of the influence of the Henshaw Dynasty. This was because of their distance from the dynasty's borders. The Zelan pack had much more dominant and high ranking members in their ranks as well.

The town where the people of the Bolvar tribe lived was located underground. An earthen labyrinth that one could easily get lost in, connected it to the surface.

The faces of the members of the taskforce showed varying levels of shock as they passed through multiple checkpoints before reaching the main gates of the city. The dark, metal gates loomed above them, wedged into the walls in order to close up any space that might expose the city.

"Whoa... I feel like I've been living in poverty all my life." Daniel muttered. It looked as though he was stepping into the capital city of the Henshaw Dynasty. Compared to where he had grown up, the city of the Bolvar Tribe dwarfed them in both development and size.

"Well, I've lived in a cave most of my life." Mian muttered as the gates of the city cracked open.

"Welcome to Delmore City, the birthplace of the Bolvar Tribe." Ezra welcomed his guests with wide arms as he presented the splendid city to them. The city was mostly empty, because of the earlier events around the bonfire, but a few children ran around, playing and having fun. They were most likely still under control of the Herder Drug, but Mian would see to it that they were handled.

Ezra assigned some Beastkin to show the members of the taskforce to a place where they could rest, before leading the more important members of the taskforce, mainly Han, Mian, Dion, Daniel, and a couple other demi-humans, to his own residence.

The sight of the Patriarch's residence drew another gasp from those following Ezra. It was no mistake for someone to claim that he lived in a palace.

Stone pillars that were carved with extreme care held up a wide balcony that extended from the front of the palace. A large stone statue of a male Beastkin stood just before the front of the main building, and from his outstretched hand, a fountain of water cascaded down to form a pool in the circular pool that had been created for it.

Ezra led the bewildered group in, and was instantly greeted by a loud screech.

"Ezzzz!!!" A short, female child ran straight into Ezra. The man chuckled before lifting up the small Beastkin in his arms.

"Ez is back?" A second childish voice called out before yet another Beastkin walked around the corner. This one was an older boy who looked almost exactly like Ezra. The only thing that stood out were the strands of silver hair that ran between his brown hair.

"Hey, Caesar." Ezra waved at the small boy who eyed him critically.

"You smell different." The boy muttered, drawing varying reactions from the people there. The members of the taskforce were shocked, while Ezra simply raised his brow.

"What do you mean?" Ezra asked.

'Hana, what is he talking about?' Mian also asked his own source of information.

[I... do not know.] Hana's answer left Mian momentarily stupefied.]

'W-what do you mean by that?'

[Let me run a quick scan on him...]

While Mian waited for the scan, the small boy, Caesar, turned around and ran out of the room, heading up the flight of stairs.

"Oh, please, don't mind Caesar. He's been moody for a while now." Ezra brushed aside Caesar's unusual reaction and led the guests into the living area of the palace. They quickly took their seats while Ezra shooed away the little girl.

"Sorry, that was my little sister and brother. They can be quite clingy. The Patriarch smiled warmly.

"Forget about that for a moment, Patriarch Ezra. There is something we must share with you." Han cut Ezra off immediately.

"Oh? What is it that you hold with such importance?"

"That boy... I believe there is something more to him. You see..." Han then explained what had happened with his pack, and Daniel's ability to sniff out those who were under the effects of the drug.

"What are you trying to say?" Ezra was confused.

"What I am trying to say is that there is a possibility that your little brother also possesses this rare ability, and because of that, he has avoided being corrupted by the drug. Although this chance is small, it is still possible." Han explained.

"Fine. If what you say is true, then I am willing to find out." Ezra finally nodded, and then turned to face Mian. "Please, Mian. I will lead the way." He then stood up and led the way to Caesar's room. There, they found the boy staring out the window of his room.



When Caesar had seen his brother, the first thing that he had noticed was that the repulsive aura that lingered around him was no longer there.

For as long as he could remember, Caesar had always been able to see a faint aura that lingered around people. The colors of these auras usually changed depending on the moods of the persons in question, but most of the time, they remained gray in color. But he had always kept this ability of his hidden, afraid of being singled out and treated as a freak. A weirdo.

However, as far back as a month ago, he had noticed that that the auras of some pack members had begun changing to a more distinct shade of purple, and a certain smell lingered around them. This smell was repulsive, and came about with a very subtle change in the demeanors of those who carried it.

But Caesar never knew how to open up to his father and tell him what was wrong. That turned out to be a mistake. A very big mistake.

A couple of weeks later, his father passed away suddenly.

Caesar was devastated by his father's sudden passion, and was left confused. That was when it happened. Over half of the entire tribe was covered in that repulsive odor by the next day, and their auras had changed into a dull purple. Not even his direct family was spared.

Ezra and their little sister, Freya, had also been affected by whatever it was that was over coming the tribe, and their attitudes quickly underwent a shift.

Not long after that, Caesar had gotten another shock of his life.


Humans had suddenly appeared in the mansion of the Patriarch, and not only were they intruding, but they were also commanding Ezra, the new Patriarch, and his older brother, as though he was their servant!

That was when everything clicked in Caesar's mind. The strange aura and repulsive odor, the shift in attitudes. His father's sudden death. It was all the fault of the humans.

After that realization, a burning resentment burrowed itself into Caesar's heart. Hatred, anger, resentment. At the humans, at his tribesmen, at his brother... At himself. It all continued to build up in this little boy's heart.

Days passed. Weeks passed, and more members of the tribe fell victim to this change. Soon enough, it was only Caesar who was left, and he had no choice but to act as though he too had come under the influence of the humans.



"What do you want?" Caesar asked when the door to his room creaked open. The candle fire that lit up several corners of his room flickered as a cool gust of wind blew in through the open windows.

"We need to talk, Caesar. Please. I know that you can remember what I can't; tell me what has been happening since we all changed." Ezra whispered as he crossed the distance between himself and his brother and embraced the child in a hug. Mian and the others respectfully remained outside the room in order to give the two brothers some time to themselves.

Ezra had left them outside his study - his father's former study -, and had gone to his brother's room so that they could get some time to themselves.

Some time later, Ezra and Caesar exited the younger boy's room and approached the study. Ezra had his arm around his brother's shoulders, and Caesar's eyes were a bit puffy, but everyone ignored that fact so that the boy would not feel insecure.

When they reached the study, Ezra opened the door to let his guests in while saying, "We have much to discuss."

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