The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 17 - First Evolution

While Dion was busy with an internal debate and finding himself, Mian was going through an entirely different thing.

Although he could not hear or see anything, his body was rapidly changing on the inside, but barely showed any signs of it on the outside.

His muscles bunched up, and became much denser. His eyes sharpened and cleared up. His ears also became much better, making it much easier for him to pick up on tiny sounds. His skin grew slightly thicker and harder, and his fur coat grew a tiny bit denser and more vibrant. His claws became sharper, and the toxins that were stored in his fingertips grew more potent. All in all, he had become a stronger demi-human.

All this happened within the span of an hour, the miraculous properties that the Evolution System was able to give handling the abrupt change without harming Mian at all.

All these changes were taken care of in just a single hour.

When Mian opened his eyes, it was not of his own volition, but that of the System.

[Evolution process completed. You have become better than ever before, and this is just the beginning.]

Hana's soft voice roused Mian.

[Your Status menu has been updated.]

Mian's eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing the bright blue irises that he had borne since he could remember. His groggy mind slowly cleared up, and he eventually sat up after a couple of minutes. The first thought to cross his mind was his Evolution before he lost consciousness. That was when he noticed the screen before him.

'My Status menu?'

[Yes, Host. You were formerly unable to view your entire status prior to your Evolution. This has been rectified, and full control over your status menu has been handed over to the Host.]

Hana dutifully explained.

'Ah, I see. How do I view my status?' He asked. He was slowly becoming accustomed to the anomaly that was the Evolution System.

[Just will your status to be shown to you. You can also utter a mental command it will assist you in any way.]

'Okay... Um, Status?' With uncertainty and nervousness, Mian called upon his status page that was provided by the Evolution System. It was then that he remembered that Hana had gone over this same thing with him before. He resisted the urge to palm his forehead. He felt so dumb.


Name: Mian

Race: Demi-human - Feline.

Age: Nineteen

Health: Perfect

Energy: 110

Stamina: 55

Strength: 25

Agility: 30

Evolution Points: 5


'Ah? Strength and Agility?' Mian immediately noted the two new stats he had gained, when he compared it to the last time he had viewed his status. He had gained the Strength and Agility stats after his Evolution.

'Hana, what did my stats look like before I gained the Evolution System?' Out of curiosity, Mian asked. He wanted to know how different he was when compared to before all this had started.

[One moment. Let me draw on the System's logs...]

A few seconds passed in relative silence as Mian waited for Hana to finish whatever it was she was doing. He curiously glanced over to Dion, only to find the boy fast asleep with a relatively plain expression on his face. The only thing that would marred it from being a peaceful expression was the faint crease between his eyes.

With a sigh, he turned his attention back inwards, to the prompt he had gotten.

[Results have been obtained. Your stats before you gained the Evolution System is follows...]

A new screen popped up before him.

[Status (Invalid)]

Name: Mian

Race: Demi-human - Feline.

Age: Nineteen

Health: Good

Energy: 30

Stamina: 20

Strength: 10

Agility: 15


[Upon making contact with the stream of natural energy that was created at the site of the Evolution System, your base status was recorded in the System's logs. These stats are now irrelevant, but will be kept in the records.]

Some of what Hana said did not make complete sense to Mian, but he ignored it, getting the gist of what she was saying.

'Wow... I was so weak.' He couldn't help but be surprised at how much his body had changed between now and before he had gotten the System.

After going through a few more things, Mian finally decided to check out what was physically different after his Evolution.

He flexed his arms slowly, feeling out the changes within him. When he looked over his body, he immediately noticed the changes. He noticed that his fur coat had filled out some more. This would be helpful when winter came around. He would not need as much animal fur to cover himself up.

The next thing he noticed was his slightly sharper claws. Although any middle rank in the pack could still give him a run for his money with the sharpness of their own claws, he was still happy with the change. It meant he could hunt easier now, and defend himself from the lower ranks in the pack.

That was when a bulb lit up in his head. He had just thought up a brilliant idea!

'Hey, Hana. You know I'm in a pack, right?' He asked.

[Yes, Host. I am aware of that fact.]

'Ah, good. Since you know about that. I was wondering if you could help me with something.'

[And what would that be?]

'Please, according to the pack rankings, can you compare me to them? I want to know what rank I am now.'

[Alright. Give me a moment.... The required data has been compiled.]

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