The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 25 - Escape! (2)

The time had come. Sunset was upon them. Mian peered down the hall, waiting for the guard to come around the corner. With his improved hearing, he could hear the voices of the two guards that were assigned to this corner chatting out of view.

The voices stopped, and Mian quickly sat back. He shot Dion a look, and the black Werewolf nodded from his cot. He shuffled over to the side of the door, laying down so he was closer to it, before closing his eyes.

The guard came closer, and Mian stuck his arm out through the gaps between the bars of the cell.

"Um, hey?" He waved, managing to catch the attention of the guard.

"What do you want, mutt? Or should I call you a cat? There isn't that much difference, you are all just wild animals." The man scoffed as he stopped by their cell.

"Um..." The insult had caught him off guard, but he quickly regained his wits. "I need to go to the toilet."

"Really? Is that it? Pff, go in your cell." The human rolled his eyes and turned to walk away.

"Really? Is that it? You do know that if I mess up the place, you'll suffer it for the rest of the night, right?"

The man froze for a moment, thinking it over, before finally groaning. "Ugh, fine. You keep your dirty paws to yourself, you hear me?" As he spoke, he messed with the keychain that was hanging from his hip. He unlocked the door and swung it open, stepping aside to let Mian through.

Mian hurriedly passed, but just as the guard was about to swing the cell shut, a firm hand gripped his wrist!

"What-" His words were cut short as he was tugged into the cell so hard that his shoulder popped out of its socket! Dion clamped his other hand around the man's mouth before punching the daylights out of him! He snatched away the keychain from the unconscious guard's hands, before stepping out of the cell and locking it. He exchanged a look with Mian before nodding.

"Let's go."

The two of them walked the short distance that separated the cells, before coming to a stop before another cell that held two sleeping demi-humans. Dion quickly searched the keys, before realizing he had no idea which one was the right key. With a curse, he just inserted one random key into the lock before turning it. The lock clicked silently as it was unlocked by the key!

"Yes!" He whisper-yelled. The sounds of the keys had woken up the two demi-humans, who stared at Dion and Mian with shock in their eyes. Without waiting for the two to react to what was going on, Dion quickly informed them of what was going on.

"We are breaking out. Join us if you will, I don't care, but just know that we are giving you a chance." He turned away without a second thought. He made his way to the next cell, and the same thing happened, but it seemed like they had heard the earlier conversation, because they were already getting up to escape.

Dion had unlocked most of the cells when the sound of footsteps sounded just around the corner. He reacted sharply, his instincts and mind roaring at full speed as he exploded into a sprint, arriving at the corner just as the guard did.

The only thing Dion made out was the eyes of the guard, wide with shock, before his massive fist slammed square into the unprotected face of the guard! This incredibly sharp movement had caught everyone off guard!

Dion panted as he recovered from the incredibly short, but powerful burst of movement. The exchange didn't even last two seconds, yet he felt as though he had just finished running from a Berserk Blood Bull around the entire arena.

Snapping out of his daze, Dion quickly grabbed the guard, hoisting him over his shoulder and dumping him in one of the open cells. He then went to open the remaining cells in the corner before turning to the released demi-humans.

"I'm going to repeat this just this once. We are breaking out now. If you have noticed, the number of guards are basically down to nothing right now. I don't know why, but I am not letting this opportunity pass me by. I will not remain here to be some human's play thing. I would rather die than continue this stupid farce. That said, whether you want to join us in escaping or remain here, is your choice. I won't force anyone to join us." He looked among the curious gazes of the demi-humans around them. Mian stood a step behind him, feeling a little intimidated.

"I'm coming with. I've been here for nearly a year, and I can't even remember this place being this empty. I'm not letting it waste." A male demi-human stepped forward. He was roughly two and a half meters tall, but that was not the eye catching feature that made him stand out.

Demi-humans came in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

The demi-human before them was not a canine, nor feline, but instead, a lizardman! The sharp reptilian gaze of the lizardman was trained on Mian who was behind Dion. After a few moments, it raised its gaze to Dion before nodding.

"I thank you. I am forever in your debt." He bowed his head before turning to face someone in the crowd. Another demi-human stepped forward. This time, it was a male bird-like demi-human. He greatly resembled an owl.

"Many thanks, young prodigies. My partner and I here were captured during our travels. We have long since wanted to escape, but have never gotten the chance. If not for this risk you took, we may never have gotten the chance to be free again." It also bowed to the two of them.

With these two as examples, more and more demi-humans began to join the cause. Soon enough, everyone had agreed to join, and the two young demi-humans that started this whole plan had a small army at the tips of their fingers!

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