Mian and Dion stared at the distant hills with wariness. The pieces of the puzzle slowly came together to form a coherent image in their minds. The reason why the defenses of the human city was so poor was because they were waging war against their pack. A weight settled on their minds when they came to this conclusion.

"We need to turn back!" Someone called from behind.

"No! I am not turning my back on my pack! You can turn around if you want to, but I am pushing on ahead!" Dion snapped as he turned to glare at the dog-like demi-human.

"Flipping mad man! Don't you see what is going on in front of you?! If you go in there, chances are, you will never come out!" Another demi-human snapped at Dion.

The words of those two demi-humans began to cause stirs within the ranks of demi-humans. No one wanted to run head first into their graves. They all valued their lives, and although the two young demi-humans had saved them, they were hesitant at risking their lives for a battle that they might still lose.

"We are willing to help." The lizardman and bird demi-humans stepped forward with their chests proudly puffed.

"Where we come from, we were taught that a kind deed must always be repaid with another. Karma is real, and we do not want evil breathing down our shoulders for not repaying the kindness shown to us. We will walk with you to battle." The lizardman pounded on his chest and the owlman nodded his head.

Dion nodded gratefully to the two of them. As a dominant werewolf, and a future alpha at that, he could feel their strength. They were in the upper level of the middle ranks. They would be a force to be reckoned with against normal human soldiers.

Just like before, as soon as someone showed support for the two young demi-humans, others started to come around.

About fifteen minutes passed before everyone came to understand their various stances. Roughly sixty percent of the freed demi-humans chose to assist, while the other forty percent were either too reluctant to go ahead, or decided to remain neutral, which was basically the same as leaving the sixty percent to fend for themselves.

"Let's go." Dion ordered when the choices had been made. He and the roughly two hundred demi-humans that supported him began sprinting towards the distant location of the battle.


"Bernard! Hold on!"

"Don't just stand there! Kill it!"


The cries of different warriors on both sides resounded through the battlefield. Several trees were lit on fire, and illuminated the darkness of the night. The war was in full swing!

When the two hundred-plus demi-humans suddenly appeared at the back of the human army's formation, an imbalance suddenly appeared! The ranks of the humans devolved into chaos as their throats were ripped out and their arms were torn off.

A Werecat that resembled a jaguar pounced on a human, driving him to the ground. The jaws of the demi-human clamped shut around the head of the demi-human, resulting in a cascading fountain of blood.

Blood rained and stained the once brown earth red. The cover of grass over the forest floor had long since been stamped into grass paste, and was not matted with the blood of hundreds.

So many brave soldiers and warriors had already fallen by now, but the battle was nowhere near its end.

The humans were too greedy to retreat, while the demi-humans were fighting for their homes. Defeat was not an option!

It was because of this reason that the demi-humans fought in an especially savage manner. None of the warriors present on the battlefield were afraid of death. If it looked like they were going to die, then they went all out in their attacks, bent on taking down at least one more human with them.

Because of this, the humans were constantly losing more and more men on their side, while the demi-humans began to push them back with even more fervor.

It was at this moment that the Pillar that was with the army decided to reveal himself.

A lean man that was dressed in black armor walked through the battlefield. A path was carved right through the fighting men for him to pass. This was not the intention of the demi-humans, but whenever one of them got in his way, they would immediately be killed in the blink of an eye.

"Stop right there!" A domineering voice that shook the air with power rang through the battlefield as Daven appeared in the path of the lean figure. The man's eyes opened as he raised his head to look at the gray furred demi-human before him.

Daven was covered in his armor, and a light blue glow surrounded his claws.

Tap. Tap.

The sound of two more figures landing behind him reached the ears of the human Pillar as Rakon and Azreal landed behind him. The two of them were donned in similar protective armors just like their Patriarch.

Azreal's dark fur shone under the orange glow that was released by the burning trees. His gray fur bristled when he was pinned with the gaze of the Pillar, but he did not waver. It was either he fought to stop this Pillar, or his home would be lost. The choice was easily made. He would fight.

On his back, an almost two meter long sword was sheathed. If it weren't for his superior height, then perhaps the sword would have been too long for him, but that was no problem.

As for Rakon, the white furred demi-human stood back from the two main fighters. He was there mainly for support even though his battle prowess could almost match the two warriors staring down the Pillar. He was there to link their minds together in order to create a seamless network of mental communication. With every passing second, his long ears twitched as he noted several different details on the battlefield.

This was it.

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