The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 36 - Ceasing Hostilities

Upon hearing of their defeat, the humans immediately gathered into small groups, keeping their backs against themselves and pointing their weapons outward.

The demi-humans gathered around them, but before another fight could erupt, Daven's voice sounded out once more.

"Leave the humans. We can take their city later now that they are without the protection of a Pillar. Let us return home."

With that said, all the demi-humans relaxed. In truth, most of them were just tired, and forcing the humans to fight for their lives at that time would just result in unnecessary casualties that could be avoided.

Even the humans could only sigh in relief. They were in no condition to fight, especially with their morale being so low. They had just lost their Pillar, and that would have some very long lasting effects on not just them, but also on every human in the world. The balance had been tilted, and it would only be a matter of time before the demi-humans acted upon this change.

"Retreat!" Someone among the humans randomly yelled. This person was Fabio. He had been lucky to survive this battle, and would love nothing more than to return to his family. Mario stood a few paces away from Fabio. His side was dripping with blood through his fingers that were pressing upon his open wound.

No one blocked the path of the retreating humans, letting them disappear through what remained of the forest where the battle had taken place.

"Now that the humans are gone and hostilities have been temporarily ceased, let us return home." Daven nodded from where he was and turned in the direction where the pack lands were located. It would take them roughly two hours to get to the caves and buildings, but he did not mind it. The warriors who had survived through this battle deserved every bit of rest they could get on the way back. They would return later to handle the dead.


Some time later, on the borders of the pack lands, a small, yellow furred demi-human with a puffy mane running around his neck and down his back peeked from between the trees.

This Werecat was Flare. He was anxious about the outcome of the battle, and decided to wait where he would be able to see anyone coming towards the pack.

Flare idly flipped a small pebble in his hand in a moment of boredom. Just as he tried to catch it, it hit the tip of his finger before bouncing forward and rolling out of reach.

"Ah, crud." He cursed before reaching for it.

That was when his eyes caught the procession of injured demi-humans emerging from the tree line ahead. At the forefront of the procession, an extremely familiar gray furred Werewolf.

"They're… back?" Flare trailed off as the pebble fell from his grasp. "They're back! We won!" He jumped to his feet and turned to run back to the pack in order to announce the joyful news, but the demi-human held in Daven's arms stopped him in his tracks.

"Mian?" He instead turned to run toward the approaching group of demi-humans. 

"Mian! Mian!" Tears pooled in his eyes as he continued running forward, almost tripping a couple of times before finally reaching the approaching warriors.

He immediately jumped into Daven's arms and on top of Mian's chest, hugging Mian's unconscious form.

Soft chuckles and sounds of laughter spread through the group as they saw this, and Daven bore a fond smile as he looked at the pair.

"Don't worry, he's still alive." Daven told Flare in order to allay his worries.

Then he carried the two boys all the way back to the pack, where the remaining members were awaiting their return.

They were all welcomed with open arms and smiles, but Daven could spot the pained and sad looks among those who were family of the fallen. His heart went out to them, but there was little he could do. He might be powerful, but he was not God. He could not bring back the dead.

After setting Mian and Flare to rest in his chambers, with Kira to watch over them, Daven ordered for all members of the pack, including their guests to be present in the main chamber of the pack where he planned to give a speech.

When he got there, Daven looked through the extensive cavern, counting more than a thousand heads. Truly, his pack was populous.

"My people, demi-humans large and small alike, it is with great joy that I return to tell you that the humans have been beaten back!" He began. "Although we have lost a lot of very precious pack members, they have not died meaningless deaths. They have bravely fought and defended their pack. It is the greatest honor that a demi-human can die for their pack's sake. Their lives and deaths shall be forever honored. And so, it is in their name that we shall conquer the Henshaw Dynasty's capital! We shall run the humans out of their homes! And we shall plant our names over their houses."

Daven's words resonated through the crowd. Although they had lost precious family and friends, they would honor their sacrifices.

"And also, I wish to thank the graciously demi-humans who had chosen to assist us during our times of need. Your great deed shall not go unrewarded or unnoticed. We are indebted to you." He nodded as Sekk'rah.

"And finally, I am glad to announce that we have also regained our two greatest talents. Dion, the future Patriarch, and Mian, our most treasured member of the pack. It is with great pleasure that I intend to announce the placement of young Mian as a Council member!"

At first, the crowd was glad that Dion had returned, but then, Daven's next words shook them to their core!

Mian, the weak Omega. A Council member?!

No one could believe it. Had their Patriarch incurred some brain damage during the battle?! Why else would he make an Omega a Council member?

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