The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 41 - The Gift (3)

Mian sat at one of the highest points atop the mountain area where the pack lands were located. He studied the sunset with a deep gaze, basking in the warmth that it cast over his skin. The sound of soft footsteps drew his attention from the sun to look at the person who had come to see him.

Dion took the empty spot to Mian's right and mimicked Mian's actions, letting his gaze settle on the distant plains that surrounded their lands. He had a lot on his mind, but he had no idea how to voice it all. When he tried to say one thing, something else would want to come out first, leading him to resemble a fish out of water as he opened and closed his mouth without ever saying anything.

"Take a deep breath, and try again." Mian said without turning to face Dion.

Dion did as he said and took in a deep breath, before releasing it and speaking up.

"Mian... What exactly is going on?" Dion asked.

In truth, he still had no idea what had happened in the past weeks. Firstly, they had been on a mission, then they had gotten randomly attacked by an unknown force. After that, they had gotten captured by humans, only to escape, and then run into a full blown battle between their pack and the humans who had captured them. And by some miracle, they had won against a human Pillar. And finally, Daven had announced Mian as part of a council. Everything was just way out of whack from his perspective!

"What's going on?" Mian repeated the black furred dominant's words as he leaned back on his arms. "To be honest, I'm not too sure either. It's all happening too fast. So fast that I can't even keep up... But that isn't going to stop my plans." He turned and grinned at the dominant that looked at him with wide open eyes.

Dion was truly confused. He clearly remembered that Mian had been just a simple omega when they had first met. But over their time in captivity, Mian had slowly changed. He had turned from a kid who could not even maintain eye contact to someone with a true backbone. Not only that, but the omega had turned into a middle ranking pack member, and a powerful one at that! Mian was only just a step away from being regarded as a high ranking pack member.

It was all too fast!

When Dion faced Mian, he noticed that Mian's mind seemed distant. Something was off, and he could just about place his finger on it. Dion recalled that Mian had been bullied a lot before. It was not hard for him to place two and two together and figure out why Mian seemed distant.

"You plan on leaving, don't you?" Dion asked lowly as he turned to look over the plains that had begun to darken as the sun vanished over the horizon.

"Yeah, I do. I just want to be away from everyone for a while. I don't plan on staying away forever. Maybe just a few months or a year." Mian shrugged.

"The wilderness is dangerous, Mian. Even a dominant might have a hard time out there sometimes." Dion remarked.

"I know. But I will not change my mind. I have already decided." Mian said with a firm undertone lining his voice. He was not changing his mind no matter what his dominant friend said to try and convince him.

Dion sighed deeply. "Does the Patriarch know?"

"Yeah, he does." Mian nodded.

Daven was already aware that Mian intended to leave the pack for a while. It was almost impossible for him to have missed Mian's change in mood when he was speaking with the council members about his position on the council.

The moment he had dismissed them, he had confronted Mian on his intention to leave. After listening to Mian, although he was reluctant, he had eventually agreed to the young demi-human's request.

Daven would understand why Mian felt the need to explore the wilderness on his own for a time. After all, before he became the Patriarch of his pack, he had also been a lone wolf. He travelled alone until he had by chance met an old lizardman, and the old lizardman had made him realize that having people he could trust was a nice feeling and assurance to have at all times. That was how his pack came to be.

While he agreed that having people you could trust around you was assuring, he also agreed that there were times when you would feel the need to be alone, lest you stagnate and lose the drive that pushed you forward.

"Be careful on your journeys. The wilderness is not safe, and is strife with dangers. We will be waiting for your return." The gray furred Werewolf had told Mian, giving him the permission to leave the pack without being branded as a rogue.

"I have a feeling that things will be quite bland when you leave." Dion sighed again. "Do you think the Patriarch will let me tag along for this adventure?"

"No, I doubt he would. Besides, how can I leave with my mind at rest when the best of the pack will be following me? I need someone to stay back and make sure Flare stays safe." Mian grinned widely.

The two of them remained there for some more time until Daven stood up to take his leave. He stretched a hand out to Mian and helped pull up the smaller demi-human.

"Stay safe out there. I don't want to have to come and save your back side." With those words, Dion turned to return to the caves in the mountain.

Meanwhile, a different sound was drifting through Mian's mind.

[Greater Strength Gift granted.]

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