The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 44 - Adventure (2)

The dominant Werewolf studied Mian with a careful gaze. His single eye raked over Mian's multicolored boy for a few more seconds before settling to stare in the middle rank's bright blue eyes.

"We have not had a visitor for quite a while, so I hope you do not mind the poor welcoming you have received. Most travelers either converge at the Henshaw Dynasty or the large pack up north." The man said. "Please, sit." He gestured at the chair opposite him on Mian's side of the table.

When Mian sat, he nodded before waving away the high ranking Werewolf that led Mian there, leaving only the two of them there. Mian began to feel a bit nervous because of the silence that had enveloped the room.

"I never thought that Daven would let a middle rank stray this far from his pack alone." The dominant Werewolf eventually spoke, causing Mian's eyes to widen.

"You know my Patriarch?" He asked as he leaned forward.

"Know him? Of course I know him! In fact, we could be considered good friends a while back!" The man burst into laughter. His deep voice boomed through the room and the air shook. He didn't even try to hold back his aura. That aura washed over Mian as if it was just a slight breeze, claiming the attention of the dominant.

"Ahem. Forget about my affairs with Daven in the past. Let me introduce myself," He leaned forward ever so slightly, " My name in Han."

"I'm Mian, it's nice to meet you." Mian smiled slightly. While introducing himself, his mind couldn't help but think back to only a month ago when just having someone look at him would make him fear for his safety. He had come a long way in the past month, and his growth in strength surely played a part in it. His ranking, as well as his ability and the fact that he had beaten a powerhouse, had all helped in making him more sure of himself.

"Mian. It has a nice ring to it." Han stood up from his seat and walked around the table. "Walk with me? I can tell you more about my pack as we go." He stopped by Mian's seat.

Mian was surprised. He did not expect that Han would have no doubts about the reason he was here, and even propose to tell Mian more about the pack. It was quite abrupt, but Mian would not let go of such an opportunity to know more about the pack led by one of his Patriarch's supposed friends.

He stood up and followed Han out of the room and back into the hallway. Han led the way with his hands folded behind his back.

"You see," He began, "This pack is only just a few decades old. Much younger than your own pack. The pack was not originally founded by myself, but my predecessor, an old Werewolf who passed away a few years back." Han bowed his head slightly when he mentioned the founder of the pack, just as they stopped before the first painting that was closest to Han's office.

The painting depicted a white Werewolf that stood up proudly with a hint of defiance in his eyes. Mian could see that the work and dedication that had gone into that painting was in no way little, as it took a lot to be able to express the feelings and emotions of the Werewolf through a painting, yet Mian was able to feel that defiance.

Underneath the painting, carved into the wooden frame that held it, was the name of the founder of the pack.

Adam Belmun.

"This is the founder of our humble pack. He was once a slave that belonged to humans before he was bought from his former owners. The one who had taken him in was an old lady who had a soft spot for demi-humans. She had let him go freely, and is the sole reason why we exist today."

Mian listened quietly, but a question bloomed in his mind. He was unsure whether he should ask it, but the way that Han opened up to him made him consider asking it.

"You have a question, yes? I think I already know what it is. You want to know why our founder has a second name." Han easily guessed what was on Mian's mind, surprising the younger demi-human.

The thing is, demi-humans usually never bothered with a second name. Their first name was enough for them. Only very few demi-humans usually had a second name and it was usually something important or symbolic.

Han continued. "Our founder's second name was the name of the woman who had freed him. He held a great deal of respect for her, and every other human he had encountered who held no enmity against demi-humans. That is the reason why he had a second name. As a matter of fact, I myself bear this name."

After giving his explanation, Han began leading Mian through the corridor again. They stopped at each painting and Han explained who the painting depicted and the reason why the Werewolf in the painting was there in the first place.

It was at that point that Mian noticed another thing. The paintings were only those of Werewolves. There was no other demi-human in any of the other paintings.. That raised a huge question mark in his mind.

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