The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 53 - Tales Of The Belmun Pack (9) - Exposed

When Adam regained his consciousness, the first thing he noticed was the lack of light. He tried to move, only to find out that his arms and legs were bound to the chair that he was sitting on.

"What is this?! Who dares?!" He exclaimed loudly as he began to struggle. His struggle continued for a full minute before eventually coming to a stop when the sound of the doors to his cell opening reached his ears. He turned and glared hatefully at the trio that had stepped into the cramped space.

Mian, Daniel, and Han stepped into the cell where Adam was being kept with stern expressions over their faces. The issue was quite severe. From Adam's reaction to Daniel's earlier words, they were easily able to understand that Adam's group, or perhaps the entire Henshaw Dynasty, was behind the scheme to take control of the entire pack.

During the few hours that had passed since Adam was captured, Daniel and Mian had taken their time to fill Han in on what had actually happened to the pack. They explained that the most likely reason to Han's fractured memories was the side effects of the drug.

Finding out that he had been under the control of some humans for entire years had dealt a heavy blow to Han's confidence as a dominant. His boiling rage was only barely just calmed down by his son, or else, he might have crushed Adam's head with his own hands.

"You!" Adam lunged at Mian the moment he saw him, but his binds held him back. "I should have killed you back then! You despicable little animal! Gah! Just wait till I get my hands on you!" He continued to struggle until a controlled punch from Han shut him up

"Remember where you are, Henshaw. I will not hesitate to show you how to behave as a captive." The Patriarch glared at Adam, who visibly wilted under that glare.

"Ahem, we have questions for you," Daniel cleared his throat and stepped forward. "It would be best if you complied with us. That approach will save your sanity, at the very least."

Adam shook in his boots when he understood the kind of situation he was in. Not even his affiliation with the Henshaw Dynasty could save him at this point. He had pissed off two strong packs, and was now a prisoner of one of them. His chances of getting out of this unscathed were slim.

"What do you want to know?" Adam grudgingly asked.

"Quite simple, really. We want to know what you were planning by planting that drug in our water source." Han asked while Daniel went to fetch some chairs from the corridor outside the cell. They all took a seat in front of Adam when he returned.

"How can you even be sure that I am the one behind it?" Adam scowled deeply, but all three of his interrogators ignored the question and kept on looking at him. "Fine. I was planning on taking over this pack and making it a secret force for my Dynasty." He finally gave in and spilled the beans.

Upon hearing that, Mian sat up straighter in his seat. Adam's words sparked a memory that had settled in the back of his mind to life.

"I have a question." Mian spoke up, drawing the attention of both Han and Daniel. Adam looked up at the demi-human that was the same height as him. Mian and Adam were similar in height, but Adam was much more buff when compared to Mian. Still, that did not change the fact that a Mian was able to knock him out with one blow.

"Were you behind the attack on a group from my pack? Just after the Gift arrived." Mian narrowed his eyes as he awaited Adam's response. During his period of captivity shared with Dion in the cell of the demi-human games, Dion had told Mian the reason he had gotten injured during the attack. He revealed that some Werewolves had been part of the attack on their group, and he had clashed with one of the dominants among the attacking group.

Adam's eyes widened with shock when he heard Mian's question. He diverted his gaze and bit on his lip. Mian did not need anything else to figure out that Adam was indeed behind the attack.

"How did you do it? I already have a theory, but I would rather hear it from you." Mian pressed harder on the issue. He guessed that Adam had used the Belmun pack to carry out the act, but he wanted to be sure that there were no other packs out there that were under the control of the Henshaw Dynasty.

"I made the Belmun pack do it." Adam admitted.

"Is that all? Are there no other packs like this one that is under control of the humans?" Han asked. He wanted to know more about the matter that Mian had brought up.

"There are seven others... All this is part of a project to take over the demi-humans in the Northern Continent, making humans the overlords here." Adam eventually sighed. He saw no point in holding back information that might spare his life.

The three non-humans in the room went still at that revelation.

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