The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 57 - Catching Up

A long and heated conversation ensued as the Belmun pack revealed what they knew about the drug to the Zelan pack. Han had gotten his best interrogators to squeeze out as much information as possible from Adam, so they had a veritable stash of information that could help them when it came to their endeavors concerning how they would deal with the issue. At that point, the information that was given by Mian and Daniel was little, so Daven decided to send them away.

"Dion, please show Mian and Daniel around the rest of the area. I'm sure they must be eager for a good rest." Daven smiled and returned to the conversation that the other dominants were having. Dion nodded and got up to leave, and the two other boys followed after him.

"Where are we going?" Mian asked as the trio made their way through the winding tunnels.

"We'll drop Daniel at his chambers before I show you yours." Dion explained.

"Oh, I already know where my room is. Why don't you show Daniel where his is while I head to mine." Mian offered, but Dion burst into a fit of laughter when he heard that.

"Your old room has been claimed by a lower rank, and have you already forgotten the rank you hold in the pack, 'Councilman'?" Dion smirked as a dumbstruck look came over Mian's face.

"That's why I'm in charge of taking you to your room. I'm sure you would get lost on your own."

After explaining to Mian, Dion finally stopped in front of a cave that had a large animal hide covering it's entrance.

"Here we are." He pushed aside the hide, revealing the expansive room with a raised platform that was covered in soft furs.

"Wow… this is nice." Daniel whistled as he made his way through the room. I thought that living in a cave would be hard, but these furs are even softer than my bed." He commented after taking a seat on the bed.

"You can get settled. I'll show Mian his room." Dion turned around and took Mian arm to drag him away while Daniel continued admiring the cave he was given.

It didn't take long before the two friends ended up in front of Mian's own chambers, and Dion didn't hesitate to push Mian into it.

"Whoa! Take it easy!" Mian scolded the large dominant when he regained his balance.

"Ah, sorry, I was just curious about what happened when you left, and I didn't know if it would be alright to ask in front of Daniel." Dion explained himself with an awkward laugh. Mian gave him a dead stare.

"Really? You could have just asked, I doubt he would have minded." Mian shook his head with a small laugh as he sat on the edge of his bed. Dion also took a spot on the edge of the bed before bringing up Mean adventure with the Belmun pack.

"Start off with how you stumbled upon them."




"That was…"

"Surprising." Mian completed Dion's sentence for him with a laugh.

"Yeah, who would have ever thought that they were behind the attack on our group before we got captured. I knew demi-humans were behind it, but the reasons behind the attack were completely different from what I expected." Dion nodded along with Mian.

The two boys continued sharing stories with each other for a while more. Ever since the ordeal that they had shared in the cells of the demi-human games back at within the walls of the Henshaw Dynasty, they had bonded on a deeper level than what they would have been able to accomplish if they tried to befriend other members of the pack. It was only something that those who had been through a life threatening ordeal would understand.

"Mian?" At a certain point, a small fluffy head popped through the hide that covered the entrance to the room. Flare looked around with his sharp eyes before they narrowed down on Mian and he rushed through the room and straight at Mian without a second thought.

"You sure have grown stronger." Mian grunted after the smaller boy finally stopped trying to squeeze him to death.

"You keep saying that. It's barely been three months since you left, there's no way I became that strong." Flare rolled his eyes and huffed in an annoyed manner.

Mian used the small window of opportunity to take a look at Flare's Status. He was curious as to whether anything changed in the short time he had spent away.


Species: Demi-human - Werecat

Pack Ranking: Young Dominant(Low)


'Still nothing. I guess it's still too early to see any changes. Evolution is supposed to be a gradual and slow process after all.'

When he saw that there had been no changes in his time away, he simply blamed it on the fact that natural evolution was a slow process. He simply gave it a slight boost with his abilities.

"You little runt, barging in here and forgetting to greet your seniors." Dion playfully flicked Flare's forehead and ruffled his head of fluffy fur, eliciting a line of long groans and complaints from the young Werecat.

"I told you not to mess with my mane! Only Mian gets to do that!" Flare yelled and swatted away Dion's hand. The two kept on bickering while Mian took another chance to ask Hana some questions.

'Hana, how far has Dion's assimilation with the Greater Strength Gift gone?'

It took a few moments, but Hana eventually replied.

[Considering the fact that he got the Greater Strength Gift through a different method than usual, and the fact that he is unaware of the potential lying within himself, it will still take some more time before the Gift manifests in him. Approximately four months to be exact.]

Mian nodded mentally when he heard Hana's words, he wasn't the least bit surprised by that. He had already known that the assimilation would take time. But he was glad that the Zelan pack would get a new powerhouse in the next four months.. There would be a high chance that they would be able to stand their ground in the Northern Continent with no opposition.

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