The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 63 - King Fredrick Henshaw IV

Hurried footsteps echoed against the fine tiled walls of the long hallway that Bernard passed through. The flag of the Henshaw Dynasty hung off the walls at regular intervals, reminding him of who he served.

"Stop. State your business." Bernard stopped before the pair of guards that stood on either side of the large and imposingly decorated double doors that led to the Royal Hall.

"I have a message for the King; let me through." Bernard stiffened his spine and stared down the two guards. Although he was technically a simply messenger, he had spent enough time around the King to have interacted with much more powerful figures than those Royal Guards. They may have been powerful, but he was not intimidated, and they knew it.

The large doors slowly cracked open just enough for Bernard to slip through, which he quickly did, before they closed shut once again. The messenger didn't tarry and hurried straight to the set of thrones that were conveniently placed on the other end of the massive hall. Large pillars that were so wide that it would take five grown men holding hands to completely wrap around it, were spread at regular intervals, holding up the finely decorated ceiling that was full of intricate carvings and paintings that exulted the Henshaw name.

"My Liege." Bernard knelt down on one knee when he finally arrived before the throne of the king.

Five thrones of varying sizes were arranged side by side on a raised platform. These thrones could easily be removed and changes, but there was barely a need to do that unless the throne changed hands.

On the largest throne that was placed at the center sat a lean man that was draped in a red and green robe with golden flourishes. An extravagant golden crow with a small hexagonal ruby sat upon his head of golden blonde hair.

King Fredrick Henshaw IV was a proud man, and every action and thought he made was proof of it. His garments were excessively expensive, and whatever decision he made was sure to provide him immense benefits to himself whether immediately, or in the future.

Of course, he had the right to be proud of his bloodline. The Henshaw ancestor had claimed this land when he had migrated to the Northern continent in the time of the Cold Era where the Old Ones had oppressed every other race on the planet. That ancestor had taken charge of the other humans the moment the rule of the Old Ones had started to shake, and had fought back.

In the end, his gamble had paid off, and he had used that opportunity to claim the most fruitful land of the Northern continent and thus named it as the Henshaw Dynasty. The dynasty had reigned over the Northern continent ever since without any problems.

Until now.

"Bernard, speak." King Fredrick Henshaw IV spoke when he set his eyes upon his loyal servant.

"My liege, I come with news concerning the whereabouts of Sir Adam." While he spoke, Bernard didn't raise his head, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the King's high class shoes.

"Oh? Has he been found yet? That unruly child. I will make sure to punish him so that he can learn a lesson from this and behave better next time." King Fredrick sat up in his throne.

"...My liege, I am afraid I do not have the news you seek." Bernard hesitantly replied. "Sir Adam was last reported to have set out for the territory of the Belmun pack, one of the packs that is under the influence of our Herder Drug."

"Oh, of course, I remember that he insisted on having those filthy mutts as part of his shadow force. He should have at least told me before he left." Fredrick frowned. "Send out some lesser messengers to contact him. I want him back here before the end of the week." He passed his will.

"At once, my liege!" Bernard waited for a couple of seconds before turning around and rising to his feet. Throughout the short meeting, he had managed to avoid eye contact with the King. It was a concrete rule to always avoid eye contact with the King. The last servant that accidentally made eye contact with the King had spent a week in the torture chambers before being returned to the servant quarters covered in wounds and bruises.

Bernard quickly left the Royal Hall, walking down the halls with hurried steps until he arrived at an open room that served as a hub for all the messages and letters coming to and from the castle.

"Bernard, here to see me?" A lady who was at the far corner of the room, tending to a messenger bird asked while she petted the bird.

"No, Estelle. I am running an errand for the King." Bernard replied curtly, walking through the room and to a table with a stack of papers and some pens laying around. He took a seat and began to compose a short but precise letter with his fine cursive handwriting. He stated the wishes of the King before rolling it up and sealing it with a wax stamp that depicted the Royal Emblem. That wax stamp would place maximum priority on his letter and make sure it got to its destination in time.

He then walked over to one of the many bird cages in the room and took a messenger bird before approaching the open window and tying the letter to its leg. Without further ado, he set the bird free, watching it fly off into the large main city of the Henshaw Dynasty.

The messenger bird would make its way to the main department where messenger birds that were leaving the dynasty were kept, delivering its message before returning to the castle to wait for another similar task.

After glancing into the distance for a while more, Bernard finally retreated from the window, and went off to carry out his other duties.

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