The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 75 - Magic Scroll

A couple of hours quickly passed as the strike force continued its journey deeper into the lands of the Northern Continent without rest.

Mohawk raised a closed fist, and one of the scouts with him immediately turned around to inform the strike force to stop. The High General peered through the thick vegetation that would prove difficult for anyone to see through, with ease. In the distance, he could spy a couple of Werewolves looking around with seriousness. They seemed to be doing their job very well, without slacking off, but unfortunately, Mohawk's exceptional sight made him able to spot them from afar, while they could not even get a whiff of his presence.

"We've found them." A wide grin spread across Mohawk's face.



A couple of days passed by as the leaders of the taskforce comprised of different packs contemplated on what to do concerning the Kraetor City. Even after those days passed, they still had no idea how they would topple the city, so they decided that they would simply skip the Kraetor City, and head for one of the smaller packs that was supposed to be next on their list.

They quickly gathered up their things and prepared to set off for the next target on the list, but were soon forced to a stop before a surprising amount of potential enemies...

"Who are you?" Han asked as he stood at the forefront of the taskforce. As their leader, he would not allow himself to hide behind his subordinates, and would rather face all opposition head on.

"Ah, don't be so tense." The demi-human that stood in front of the small army that barred the way of the taskforce raised his arms in a sign of peace, trying to calm down the members of the taskforce. The demi-human resembled a monkey, and was wearing some strange clothes. A metal staff hung from his back.

"Explain yourselves. If you chose not to, then we shall take you as enemies." Han narrowed his eyes. Although he was putting up a brave front, inside, he was sweating buckets.

'Dammit! Did the scouts of the city find us out and send out a force to wipe us out?' Han cursed bitterly in his mind, but retained his calm exterior.

"We are a band of soldiers that have been hired to help you in your goal of freeing the various powers that have been put under control of the Herder Drug, and toppling the Henshaw Dynasty." Mohawk dropped his playful attitude and replied seriously.

"Mercenaries? Who hired you? Why have I not heard of this?!" Han was surprised by the words that Mohawk had spoken. If their side had indeed hired mercenaries, then surely, he would have heard of this news by now.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am High General Mohawk Armstrong, of the Crescent Arc Kingdom that hails from the Central Continent." Mohawk introduced himself to Han and the members of the taskforce, giving them a great shock.

"What? The Central Continent?!" Han was given another shock.

Han was no fool. Although the Belmun pack was among the weakest packs in the Northern Continent, he was still very well informed. Because of how well informed he was, he also knew that the level of development on the Northern Continent was still far behind that of the other continents, as the Northern Continent had only just recently been colonized.

He was also aware of the major powers that ruled the various continents of the world, and was easily able to recognize the name of the Crescent Arc Kingdom. The Crescent Arc Kingdom was one of the top three powerhouses in the Central Continent, and with its power, it could easily sweep over the forces in the Northern Continent.

"Please, let us settle down and discuss this properly. It is a long story..." Mohawk suggested.


Following Mohawk's suggestion, Han and the others reluctantly agreed to discuss. He explained more about who they were, where they came from, and of their mission to the members of the taskforce. There were a few issues though.

"If you came all this way to help us, then that means your employer must be quite powerful and influential." Han raised a doubtful brow. "Who might this employer be?"

Mohawk placed a finger on his chin as he thought of how he would answer that question. After a bit of thought, he decided to be honest and forthcoming with them.

His eyes scanned the various members of the taskforce as he put his thoughts into words, before stopping on a seemingly random person. This demi-human was a bit weaker than the other members of the taskforce, but Mohawk did not dare look upon him lightly. If what Sir Delk had told them was true, then this person should be on the same level as Sir Delk - A Gifted.

The demi-human that Mohawk was looking at was a Werecat with a strange coat of fur. One side was white, while the other was black, and faint streaks of blue travelled up the boy's body.

After a few more moments of inspection, Mohawk finally turned his eyes away from Mian and faced Han. Then he spoke.

"Our employer is indeed powerful, and influential. Perhaps you might have even heard of him. He is the one and only Sir Delk, the High Priest of the Severed Wing School." Mohawk told them with a smile.

Han felt as though a bomb had gone off in his mind. Of course he knew who Sir Delk was. In fact, he thought that the title given to the powerful individual was incredibly underwhelming, and unfit of belonging to such an esteemed person.

A slight smirk spread across the faces of the members of the strike force led by Mohawk. They could see Han's barely concealed surprise, and were secretly gloating. They felt that Han was shocked that he had been watched by the great lizardman who wielded the Gift of Magical Insight. From their perspective, unlike themselves, Han would most likely never be able to come in contact with a person of such prestige. They all conveniently forgot the fact that they themselves had not come in contact with Sir Delk, and had instead been contracted by either Malim, Mohawk, Ariel, or Tide.

"You mean..." Han trailed off.

"Yes, I mean the Sir Delk who received the Gift of Magical Insight." Mohawk nodded.

A strange look came upon Han's face when Mohawk affirmed his thoughts. He was confused as to how they had managed to catch the attention of such a person, and also as to how he knew about the affairs of the Northern Continent that were supposed to be a secret as of this point in time.

"You must be wondering how he knew of your situation, yes?" Mohawk asked, and Han nodded. This revelation had left him even more confused as to what was going on. If Sir Delk did know about the things happening on the Northern Continent, then was it safe to assume that the majority of people in important positions on other continents also knew about them too?

Upon seeing Han's response, Mohawk fished out a scroll from his pocket and threw it to Han. Han caught it easily and unfurled the scroll, but was stumped at what he saw. It was empty. The Belmun pack's leader threw a questioning look at the Wereape, but Mohawk just gestured for Han to look again.

Han focused on the scroll once more, and was surprised to see that tiny letters had appeared on the once black scroll. He read the words, noticing that the letters were appearing as though someone was writing them right at that moment.

This form of communication was one that was often used when passing very sensitive information to important people. It ensured that only the intended recipient of the letter was able to read it. The only ones who cold afford it were the wealthy, or politically powerful people. Naturally, this was not only because it was an expensive thing to get your hands on. It was also because there were only two ways to get your hands on such a scroll.

The first was either from the Gifted human that possessed the Magical Insight Gift, while the second was through Sir Delk, the lizardman who possessed a similar Gift.


Hello there, Patriarch of the Belmun Pack. You must be wondering what sort of thing has fallen upon you, but rest assured, these men and women are your allies.

You may have heard of me, the writer of this letter. I am Sir Delk, the High Priest of the Severed Wing School.....

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