The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 81 - See You Later, Monkey!

"Wow. I don't think I will be getting used to that any time soon." Dion whistled when his eyes had adjusted to the darkness after the light had faded.

"Heh." Mian smirked and dusted his hands. "Let's get going, we are done here." He announced and turned to leave. Dion nodded and took to the front, leading the way they had come. Half an hour later, the duo emerged from the path they had taken, back at the ground floor of the Seat of Power.

"Oh, there you two are." Their heads turned when they heard a familiar voice call out to them. Daniel waved at them as he walked over. "The ape dude said you came over here, but I had no idea where to find you two." He explained.

Mian then explained where they had gone off to, making Daniel pout.

"You should have told me, and I would have come along." He complained.

"I thought you were busy with your dad?" Dion asked.

"Pff, we were done after a couple of minutes. I could have still tagged along." He snorted. "Let's go back, some underground exploration sounds nice." Daniel peered around them and into the staircase that held torches at each side.

Both Mian and Dion fancied the idea of properly exploring the underground labyrinth, but before they left, they made sure to track down Moses and ask for a map of the place. The last thing they wanted was to et lost in such a place.

"I really shouldn't be doing this, but considering how much you have helped my people, I can make an exception." Moses sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. What had happened to his city was extremely alarming, and he had to do a lot of work to handle the aftermath. Especially with what happened to the gates of the city.

At first, he was hesitant, not wanting them to go snooping around there, but he eventually gave in. If they had truly wished anything bad upon his people, then they would have already done it, considering how easily they were able to overpower the city's defenses once.

He dug through a drawer behind his desk, before pulling out a scroll and handing it to Dion.

"Be careful. If you get lost, then finding you will be a real pain." Moses warned once more before shooing the trio out of his office.

With barely concealed enthusiasm, the three of them returned to the ground floor and immediately made their way down the dark staircase that led to the beginning of the underground path. When they got to the bottom of the stairs, Dion picked up one of the unlit torches and held it to the fire of one that was already lit, and when the fire caught, the tree immediately set off.


Mohawk casually peeled a banana as he laid atop the highest rooftop of the Seat of Power. The day was fairly cloudy, so he was spared from being pestered by the annoying sun.

He took a bite out of the banana and leaned back to think about the recent events that were happening. He felt tempted to pull out one of the short distance communication scrolls that were provided by the High Priest of the Severed Wing School, Sir Delk, but refrained from it. There was no urgent need to contact the forces at the beachhead, so he would wait until they began planning on how they would steamroll through the other forces under the control of the Herder Drug.

Just as he finished eating the banana, he felt a slight vibration coming from the pack he always carried around on his person. He opened it and pulled out a scroll that was bound by a red strap.

"Already?" He muttered with a slight frown on his face. The scroll he held was the short distance communication scroll that he had just contemplated using. It seemed that Malim had a message for him.

He untied the strap before flicking the scroll in the air so that it could levitate on its own as he went back to eating bananas.


Monkey! A little birdie told me that the conquest of Kraetor City went well. That's good. I thought it would take longer, considering you were the one leading the strike force, haha!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the Shark and his Octopus girlfriend are heading towards Oceabal with a force of their own to take it down. You can communicate with them and decide where to his next. When that is done, one of you three can relay the information to me, and we can meet up then.

See you later, Monkey!


Mohawk swore words that would make even the most shameless man on the Northern Continent blush, as he cursed Malim's name to the Central Continent and back. He pulled out every profane word he knew and threw it at the human's name for the next five minutes. He hated being called a monkey more than he hated the sea.

After letting out a final curse, Mohawk went over the content of the message in his mind. Oceabal was a port city that handled the little trade that was carried out between the Northern Continent and the other continents of Topor. This city as jointly controlled by multiple powers of the Northern Continent, with Kraetor City and the Henshaw Dynasty being the two strongest powers that had control over the port city. The other powers that held some sway in the city were of a similar size to the Zelan pack.

Since Tide and Ariel would be taking care of that city, Mohawk decided to cross it off his list of targets. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pack and eyed it.

-Belmun Pack: Cleared.

-Bolvar Tribe: Cleared.

Kraetor City: Cleared.

Oceabal: Cleared.

Zuruk Tribe: -

Amibal Pack: -

Fressia City: -


After crossing out Oceabal, there were only three more targets left.. He would have to discuss the next target with Han and Moses so that they could plan on which of them was best to attack.

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