The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 83 - Conspiracies (3)

A small crowd gathered around the cell while Moses unlocked the lock. He was in possession of the master key that could unlock every cell in the dungeon of the city. Instead of going through the trouble of looking for the head guard, he decided to bring out the master key and rush down as fast as possible.

He was shocked, to say the least. As the elected leader of Kraetor City, it was his duty to know all of the more sensitive matters that concerned the well being of the city and its citizens. Yet, he had no idea of a beaten Beastkin being chained up in one of the cells underneath the Seat of Power. If it had not been for those three boys snooping around, then the man here would have surely starved to death, if he did not succumb to his injuries first, that is.


The lock on the cell clicked open audibly, and Moses pushed it open before stepping in and pulling out another key from his pocket. The key he pulled out was a master key similar to the one he used to open the cell, with the only difference being that this one could only open all the chains that bound the prisoners.

When he unlocked the chains, he picked up the man and brought him out, where Mian immediately moved closer to him. Motes of golden light flashed across his body as whatever further injuries or ailments that the man suffered were quickly taken care of.

While Mian handled the injuries of the man, everyone else turned their attention to Moses.

"So? Who id this man? A criminal or something?" Mohawk asked. He was quite curious as to what the situation was, because when Dion had showed up to tell them about the man, Moses seemed confused and shocked, as though he thought it was all some joke.

"I have no idea. This is the first time I am setting my eyes on this man." The Werecat sighed wearily. The previous events were already stressful enough, and now he had to deal with this.

"What do you mean? Hold on, could this be the work of those humans?" Another person asked.

"Possibly. Because there have been no reports of missing people yet, and before all this happened, no one had been arrested by the city guards." Moses nodded. All fingers pointed at the humans who had temporarily taken control of the city.

Just then, Mohawk felt a vibration in his pack. He searched it and pulled out a long distance communication scroll, which he did not hesitate to unfurl.


Simon Bolvar. That's his name.


The message was short and precise. Sir Delk did not have any energy to waste on unnecessary words.

"His name is Simon Bolvar. That's what Sir Delk says." Mohawk passed the information to the others.

"What? Simon Bolvar of the Bolvar Tribe across Silver River?" Moses was shocked. He had never personally met with the former Patriarch, but he had heard enough about him to know who he was.

The Bolvar Tribe was largely self sufficient, so their reliance on others was minimal. Perhaps the only power that they frequently did business with was Oceabal, the port city.

Those who had recently come in contact with the Bolvar Tribe were shocked.

"Didn't Simon just die not too long ago? What is he doing here?" Han asked, perplexed. He took a step closer to the unconscious man to get a good look at him.

Simon had tan skin, and a hair of red hair atop his head. His face was sharp, and his jawline was firm and sharp. He also shared a lot of similarity n looks with Caesar, his younger son.

"Let us go back up. He needs to get some proper rest." Mian spoke with a firm voice, drawing the attention of the group to himself.

They all agreed, and made their way back to the Seat of Power, where they got a decent room for Simon to rest in.



Several hours later...

Mian had volunteered to stay with Simon, just in case anything happened during the time that it would take for him to wake up. Like that, over four hours passed, and it was already past noon.

"Mmmhm." A low groan from Simon made Mian turn his attention to the man on the bed. He instantly got up from the chair that he was sitting in and approached the bed. Simon was awake.

"Hey," Mian gently called out, making Simon jolt up in bed. He had surprise written all over his face. He was expecting a jolt of pain to accompany his sudden movement, but he felt nothing painful.

Simon patted around his body, feeling about for any spot that might radiate pain, but he felt nothing. That was when he noticed Mian. Claws immediately extended from his fingertips, and a growl rumbled from his chest.

"Whoa, take it easy, okay. You are not in danger." Mian raised his hands and slowly stepped back to give the startled man some space.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Simon asked as he took in the room where he was, and the lone demi-human that was present in the room.

"You're in Kraetor City's Seat of Power. My name is Mian, and I am from the Zelan Pack." Mian explained.

"What am I doing here?" Simon eyed Mian with distrust.

"Well, we found you in the dungeon of this place, and we have no idea how you got there, so we were hoping yu could tell us that." Mian told him with a wry smile.

A painfully tense silence hung in the air as Simon thought of the situation. A minute later, he finally answered.

"You... Are you with the humans?" He slowly asked.

"No. Not at all." Mian shook his head.

"I see... But I can't trust you." Simon narrowed his eyes.

"...Is it because of the drug?" Mian asked. He wanted to test Simon to find out if he knew about the drug. Perhaps Simon's reason for being hesitant to trust him was because he was aware of the drug, and believed that Mian might be under the control of the drug.

Simon's eyes widened and he leaned forward eagerly.

"You know of the drug?!"

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