The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 125 Contest

Zhang Fan saw the ferocious springtail and let out a roar unique to engineers. To increase understanding, the translation is: "Come on! Baby! Fuck! Me!"

The springtail and the engineer were both from different races, so of course they understood what he was saying. They grinned, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

Zhang Fan saw that the springtail stopped waiting and took the lead in attacking. He picked up the bone spur in his hand, jumped up, and stabbed straight towards the head of the springtail like Achilles.

"Oh! This engineer contestant is very brave! He is not afraid! Look at his strong figure, I firmly believe that he can win!" Gaia flattered Zhang Fan without leaving any trace.

Although the springtail was several heads shorter than the engineer, its reaction speed was not slow. It flung out the two sharp claws on its back to withstand the falling bone spurs.

Zhang Fan was startled, his face changed drastically, he quickly pulled back, and a ray of purple light swept across Zhang Fan's abdomen.

Zhang Fan knew exactly how the springtail attacked, and of course he knew its next move without even looking at it.

"I knew you would come!" Zhang Fan raised his round shield horizontally.

With a "ding" sound, the springtail hit the round shield, and then Zhang Fan stabbed the bone spur into the opponent's heart.

Pulling out the bone spur brought up a string of bloodshot eyes.

The engineers sitting in the audience shouted excitedly: "Awesome!"


"Kill it! Let the master see who is the strongest race!"

Hearing these words, the remaining aliens and Zerg around them glared at the engineers.

Seeing the springtail fall to the ground, Zhang Fan stabbed the bone spurs heavily into the ground, raised his hands high and clapped, arousing the emotions of the audience.

The engineers were equally excited to imitate Zhang Fan's movements, and this set of movements has now become a symbol for engineers to express their excitement.

The lords felt like they were about to be blown away by the engineers. They couldn't play in person and could only roar mechanically from the springtails sitting in the audience.

Adam said at this time: "Don't underestimate the springtails. They have tenacious vitality. The attack just now cannot cause fatal damage to me."

Gaia asked: "So Adam, do you know how to kill the springtails?"

Adam shook his head and said, "We can't talk about this. Let's just watch the game with peace of mind."

Maya on the side felt very bored, so she continued her research work, while her own body was in a daze.

The springtail got up, its blood stopped, and its eyes revealed a ferocious red light.

Zhang Fan stopped moving, pulled out the bone spur and stared at it with all his concentration.

The forelimbs of the springtail plowed the ground, as if expressing some kind of desire. Zhang Fan knew that the other party was about to sprint.

Sure enough, the springtail turned into a beam of purple light, kicked up a large amount of dust and rushed towards Zhang Fan.

"Holy shit! This unlocks the gene lock?!" Zhang Fan looked at the springtail in surprise, and was caught off guard by the powerful impact and flew away.

In mid-air, Zhang Fan adjusted his body shape in time, bending his waist and back, his bone spurs stuck on the ground, and his feet rubbed a long mark.

Zhang Fan raised his head and saw the springtail rushing over again. This time he reacted very quickly. He turned sideways and kicked the springtail in the waist.

However, his leg was also pricked by the springtail's tail stinger, and the venom instantly filled his body.

Zhang Fan involuntarily knelt down on one knee and gasped: "I made a mistake. I forgot to attack with the tail needle, but it doesn't trouble me."

Just when the springtail was about to celebrate its victory, it saw the engineer standing up again.

At this time, Gaia asked: "What is going on! The engineer player was unharmed after being attacked by the springworm tail needle!"

Adam nodded seriously and said, "Yes! This is the gospel of the Lord! Let us praise the Lord!"

As soon as Adam finished speaking, the whole place fell into silence, and all the creatures were praying.

Zhang Fan is so embarrassed, this is inappropriate! Can you pray after the fight?

He felt that his thinking power had been improved, and this kind of prayer was quite useful.

Zhang Fan discovered that the springtail was also praying, lying on the ground with its eyes closed and motionless.

If he prays to himself, Zhang Fan will have a hard time taking action. Well, let's wait and see.

After some time, at the sound of Adam starting. Zhang Fan and Springtail struggled together again.

The audience was cheering for their tribesmen, and the overwhelming howls resounded throughout the sky.

After beating Zhang Fan, he discovered that springtails are difficult to deal with. Their regeneration ability is so strong that even if their forelimbs are torn off, they can still grow back.

Zhang Fan's body was also covered with scars: "No, we can't go on like this, we must fight quickly."

So, Zhang Fan decided to cheat.

"Come on, Springtail! Let's have a final duel!" Zhang Fan raised the bone spur and pointed forward, the powerful momentum shaking the surrounding air.

Adam's heart tightened, and he connected to Gaia and said, "Gaia, this is the first time Adam has seen such a master."

Gaia was also confused because it also felt Zhang Fan's terrifying aura, which should not appear on an engineer.

All the spectators present felt scared. This supreme aura seemed to require them to worship, as if they were facing a master.

When the springtail was in shock and its eyes were dull, Zhang Fan took action.

The engineer's right hand was raised high, and the muscles on his hand were like veins of a horned dragon.

He twisted his body slightly, and then threw the bone spur on his hand towards the springtail with lightning speed.

Time seemed to stand still, and no one in the audience reacted.

Under the stunned expressions of Adam and Gaia, the bone spurs penetrated the springtail, killing it into powder.

The remaining power of the bone spurs continued unabated, sinking straight into the ground, and then the entire place trembled like an earthquake.

"Boom" a violent explosion sounded, and the ashes that filled the venue could not be dispersed for a long time.

Gaia responded quickly and quickly contacted Zhang Fan to inquire about the situation: "Dad, are you okay?"

Zhang Fan said calmly: "How could anything happen to me? It's just that this body was destroyed, hey."

Gaia told Zhang Fan that the body could be rebuilt after it was gone, and continued to ask: "Dad, what was that move you just made? It was really powerful."

The dust was gradually blown by the breeze, revealing the original appearance of the earth.

The venue was completely unusable, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and the springtails had disappeared without a trace in the explosion.

On the other hand, Zhang Fan was still standing there. Just when the engineers wanted to celebrate, an unbelievable scene happened.

A black shadow floated out of the engineer's body, and then the body fell to the ground and broke into pieces as if its soul had been taken away.

Zhang Fan told Gaia: "I just extracted the full potential of the engineer. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. From now on, this move will be called the Holy Spear."

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