The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 178 Resurrection again

Everyone was attracted by his voice, and sure enough they saw the body of a giant creature, and that creature was Leviathan.

"Let's go! Let's go take a look! Dr. Wen, Dr. Lei, follow us!" A bearded crew member shouted excitedly.


"Let's go, Xiaorou, it's okay." Renault held Gentle's hand and pulled a car.

The radiation caused by gamma rays was receding. Zhang Fan felt that the alien creatures were waking up, so he adjusted his gaze here.

"It's so dark around here! I can't see anything, eyes! I want eyes!" Zhang Fan roared loudly in his heart.

Gradually, his eyes began to take shape, and Zhang Fan could see the surrounding environment clearly.

He seemed to be in an embryonic sac now, surrounded by a pile of sticky waste liquid.

Zhang Fan could feel that the creatures on the alien planet were getting hungry and had to find a way to solve the food problem.

With all the strength of his body, Zhang Fan propped open the worm eggs with a dilapidated appearance.

The little white bug just fell to the ground.

Zhang Fan raised his head and observed himself. His appearance seemed to have changed. Although he was still a larvae, his body looked more like a hammerworm.

"Gululu" my stomach growled unsatisfactorily, the surrounding insect eggs burst into pieces, and white insects raised their heads.

Under Zhang Fan's control, he crawled outside.

At this time, a group of crew members from the Explorer had arrived in front of Leviathan.

David Lin jumped out of the car, entered Leviathan's mouth first, observed the surroundings, and then said to everyone: "There is no danger, I have not detected any traces of life."

At this time, the crew members breathed a sigh of relief, and the weapons in their hands relaxed and hung down.

Everyone walked into Leviathan's mouth, which seemed to still be in the form of flesh walls, but these flesh walls were already necrotic.

David Lin also stroked Leviathan's body. He is a biochemical man, so he does not need to wear protective clothing, so he can more intuitively feel the power of this creature.

Wen Wen looked at the huge mouth and said worriedly again: "This should be the spaceship of this biological civilization. It seems that they have plans to fly into space."

Renault said nothing. This time he was very sure of Gentle's thoughts and would not say any false words of comfort.

"Old Lei, this matter must be reported to the mentor." Wen Wen said.

Renault nodded: "Don't worry, I will report when I get back to the Explorer."

"Didi didi"

A prompt sounded in everyone's ears, and then everyone stopped.

"I'm sorry to tell you that your trip is over. There is currently a sandstorm coming towards us. Please be prepared to retreat." Ling Yin's voice rang.

Wen Wen rolled her eyes at Renault and said, "Didn't you say there's no problem?"

Renault's face turned red and he said, "It's inevitable that you'll miss something."

As the leader of the temporary team, Wen Wen greeted everyone to leave.

At this time, a crew member said: "Dr. Wen, Zhou Jinda and Wang Bolun have entered the interior."

"What?" Wen Wenwen was surprised that she was so disobedient in this strange place, "How did they get inside?"

The crew member said awkwardly: "They said they would go there for convenience."

Wen Wen thought for a while and said: "We will leave them alone and prepare to return to the sea so that they can keep in touch with us at any time."


The car was full of people again, but David's face was still facing Leviathan, and he felt something calling him.

The sandstorm arrived as expected, and everyone was lucky enough to enter the Explorer.

In the cabin, everyone watched the terrifying sandstorm raging mercilessly outside, and then began to contact the two people in Leviathan who had not yet come out.

"Zhou Jinda, Wang Bolun has received it, please reply." Captain Chen Jian shouted into the microphone.

"Repeat it, Zhou Jinda, please reply to Wang Bolun if you receive it."

After a "chichi" sound flashed by, images of two people appeared on the screen.

The image is a bit blurry, as if a sandstorm has affected the transmission signal.

Chen Jian said: "Are you two okay now?"

Zhou Jinda said: "Don't worry, Captain, it's very good inside, and I found that it also contains a certain amount of oxygen."

Chen Jian continued: "Well, remember not to take off your helmet casually. We will pick you up after the sandstorm is over."

Wang Bolun said: "Now that we know the captain, let's go inside and have a look."

"Pay attention to safety." Chen Jian finished talking to them and then hung up.

Wen Wen asked with some dissatisfaction: "Captain Chen Jian, why don't you accuse the two of them of leaving the team without reason?"

Chen Jian smiled and said, "Dr. Wen, these two are veteran crew members on the ship. They know what they are going to do."


Wen Wen still wanted to speak, but was held back by Renault. Renault said to Chen Jian: "Captain, I understand what you mean. Let's leave first and let you know when the sandstorm is over."

Chen Jian nodded and said, "Okay, Dr. Renault."

The words were divided into two parts. In order to prevent all the larvae from dying, Zhang Fan ordered some strong larvae to devour the surrounding ones, so as to ensure normal survival.

"I remember the water source area ahead." Zhang Fan controlled the remaining larvae to crawl forward.

Arriving at the water source area, I looked up and saw two humans wearing space suits.

"Humans? Why do humans appear here? Go over and take a look." Zhang Fan thought in his mind.

Wang Bolun felt particularly comfortable standing in this empty and humid space.

"Old Zhou! I want to take off the mask." Wang Bolun said.

Zhou Jinda said hesitantly: "Isn't that good? What if there are some infectious bacteria?"

Wang Bolun waved his hand: "Don't worry, I have already done the test. The surrounding area is quite clean, and the oxygen content is sufficient."

After saying that, regardless of Zhou Jinda's objections, he opened his mask and breathed in the fresh air. Wang Bolun couldn't help but roared: "Ouch!!!"

Seeing that Wang Bolun was fine, Zhou Jinda also opened his mask: "Wow! The air here is really refreshing!"

"Haha, right."

While the two were enjoying the fresh air, Zhang Fan controlled the larvae to squirm over.

"Old Zhou! Look at that!" Wang Bolun quickly closed his mask and pointed at the unknown creature in the pond.

Zhou Jinda also put down his mask and picked up the gun in his hand: "Be careful."


The two of them approached the pond cautiously. Suddenly, the larva lifted its body straight up, and the veins and muscle lines on its body were clearly visible.

"Wow!" The two of them were frightened by the sudden scene and took a step back.

"This little guy is really scary." Zhou Jinda looked at the larva from a distance.

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