The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 187 Alien Queen

Wen Wenwen kept running. She didn't know where she should go. There were blood stains everywhere in the cabin. She covered her mouth to hold back her screams and didn't dare to shed tears.

Before she knew it, she ran into the cockpit.

"Hello, Dr. Wen, how can I serve you?" A zero-tone electronically synthesized voice appeared in her ears.

Wen Wen seemed to have come back to her senses, and she hurriedly said: "Close all the gates! The spaceship takes off!"

Lingyin said: "The gate is closing. I'm sorry, you don't have permission and the spacecraft cannot take off."

Wen Wenwen was desperate. She knew that a few gates alone could not stop such a terrifying monster.


A huge crash sounded outside the cockpit again.

With a stern look on her face, Wen Wen searched around for weapons that could be used.

"Where? Where? Zero Yin! Tell me where the weapon is?!" Wen Wen shouted anxiously.

Ling Yin said: "Okay, Dr. Wen."

Then, after the sound of a mechanical cabinet coming out of the cabin, a white-looking weapon appeared in front of Wen Wen.

"How to use this gun?" Wenrou asked after taking off the gun.

Ling Yin said: "This gun is called MS-364 sniper rifle, and it is Captain Chen Jian's collection."

Sniper rifle? Or a collectible? That means this gun should be an antique from the time of Emperor Liu Qingquan? !

Wen Wen suddenly lost hope in the world and adjusted her sniper rifle with dull eyes.

Then he ran behind the display table and aimed his gun at the door.

"Boom! Boom!"

Along with the sound of the gate opening, Wen Wenwen also pressed the trigger.

After a gunshot, the huge bullet shot straight towards the leading alien.

Zhang Fan didn't react for a moment, and the alien was blown into two halves by the powerful explosive force.

Wen Wen also felt pain in her shoulders due to the recoil of the gun.

"What kind of weapon is this? Is it so powerful?" Zhang Fan looked at the dead alien through the time of other aliens.

Zhang Fan didn't know that this attack had rekindled Wen Wen's hope.

Watching the strong acid continuously corroding the hull, she called out to Zero Yin tenderly: "Ling Yin, record the situation here, and then send it back to China to tell my sister that I love her."

Lingyin said: "Okay, Dr. Wen, the information is being packaged, please wait."

Not long after, Ling Yin said again: "The data has been transmitted through gravitational waves, and the arrival time is about 10 years."

Her gentle eyes dimmed: "Ten years, ten years, I guess I won't survive."


Another shot was fired. This time Zhang Fan reacted quickly. The alien tilted its neck and dodged the attack.

The bullet hit the steel plate and created a deep crater.

The alien jumped to Wen Wen's side and bit off her life-saving weapon, the sniper rifle.

Wenwen closed her eyes, waiting for death to come, but after waiting for a while, she opened her eyes and found that the aliens did not attack.

They are smelling the gentle body fragrance, which seems to be the same kind.

Zhang Fan felt it was magical. He could feel the existence of perfect organisms in Wen Wen's body, and he could also understand Wen Wen's physical condition through them.

However, it is impossible to control perfect organisms, they seem to be completely integrated with gentle cells.

"Is this situation a triple helix or a double helix? Let me take a look." Zhang Fan's perspective entered Wen Wen's body.

Now every cell of Tenderness contained the perfect organism that was enveloped in her cells.

It's like a black line lying in the cell.

It was very quiet and did not show the violent power before. Zhang Fan felt that he had unknowingly created a new human being.

Organisms with double helix and triple helix structures.

Judging from her gentle appearance, there are no traces of infection at all. Regardless of her physical strength, intelligence, or reflexes, she is exactly the same as before.

And there is another miraculous thing. The alien actually refused Zhang Fan's order to attack Wen Wen. If it was a mandatory order, then the alien would choose to die.

"Is she in her current state the Alien Queen? Did she make money again?!" Zhang Fan said in surprise.

At this time the engineer came in. He stood in front of Wen Wen and said, "Nice to meet you, my queen."

Wen Wen, who was already frightened, sat spread out on the ground. She raised her head and said with dull eyes, "Who are you talking about?"

The engineer squatted in front of Wen Wen, and Zhang Fan asked the alien to leave, but he felt that the alien's emotions were filled with nostalgia.

The engineer squatted in front of Wen Wen, and the eight-clawed alien behind him stared at the engineer's back.

Zhang Fan said: "I didn't expect that I would accidentally cultivate an alien queen. Not bad."

At this time, Wen Wen also realized that these ferocious monsters would not attack him. Instead, the tall human in front of him was full of threats.

Wen Wenwen slowly got up from the ground, looked up at the engineer and said, "Why do you do this?! Why do you want to kill all our people?! Why?! Are you so cruel?"

Zhang Fan said strangely: "You seem to have said something wrong. You have entered my territory. Don't you want me to fight back?"

Her gentle eyes were full of tears: "But why, you have been killing our people all this time! We didn't kill you!"

At this time, Zhang Fan broke away from the engineer's body, and the shape of a black shadow floated in front of Wen Wen. He grabbed her neck and lifted her up. The aliens around him let out bursts of mournful screams.

The power of divine power is getting stronger and stronger, and it can be partially materialized. Zhang Fan's words are full of ancient atmosphere.

He said: "You should know that natural selection, survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, and the survival of the fittest have always existed in any civilization."

Wen Wenwen struggled hard, but all he kicked seemed to be insubstantial bodies.

"I don't care how advanced and great your civilization is! It's just your choice. Everything here must be obeyed by me! Because I am the master of the Zerg! The supreme being of the alien race!" Zhang Fan's voice became more and more excited as he spoke. .

Suddenly Gentle's neck relaxed and he fell to the ground, and then he felt that the sky seemed to be getting darker.

He hurriedly ran to the window and looked at Zhang Fan outside in horror.

Zhang Fan's voice came faintly: "My territory does not allow anything that I do not allow to exist! Do you understand? I will give you two choices as a human being, surrender or be destroyed!"

The aliens around Wen Wen all knelt down. They seemed to be begging for mercy, begging for mercy for Wen Wen.

Zhang Fan's figure enveloped the entire alien planet, and he was waiting for Wen Wen to make a decision.

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