The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 269 Escape

The sirens in the recovery ship reached Hot Springs’s ears one after another.

At this time, Zero Yin's voice appeared again: "The damage to the spacecraft has reached 50%, please evacuate quickly. In addition, I'm sorry, sir, the signal propagator has been damaged."

Hot Spring was a little panicked. If the other party attacked again, wouldn't the spacecraft be in danger?

Wenquan quickly contacted Wang Dalu: "Secret! Go to the escape cabin! Let's run away!"

"Yes, yes! Brother! Let's run!" Wang Dalu said in a panic. Before leaving, he glanced at the operating table and turned back.

"Brother, wait a moment, the corrugated nuclear weapon will be ready soon." Wang Dalu said with sweat on his head.

"Damn it! What time is it! Still thinking about ripple nuclear weapons! Stop it! It's important to escape!" Wenquan yelled at Wang Dalu.

Wang Dalu couldn't help but raise his voice and said: "Brother! This is the task you gave me! I must complete it!"

"Asshole! Bastard! Wang Dalu? Hello?! Damn it!" Wenquan ran and discovered that Wang Dalu had unilaterally hung up the communication device.

Lingyin said at this time: "Sir, the spacecraft can still use the energy shield once. Do you want to use it?"

Wenquan gasped and said: "Open it with all your strength! Help Wang Dalu buy time!"


Athena, who was controlling Donagon, was floating above the recovery ship, and she received a communication from Zhang Fan.

"Athena, wait a moment. I plan to take over this spaceship and dismantle its communication equipment and propulsion equipment." Zhang Fan said.

"Yes, Lord." Athena replied.

Donagon put away his powerful attack, slowly landed on the deck on the back of the recovery ship, stretched out his sharp claws and stabbed towards the deck.

However, suddenly a blue energy shield emerged from the spacecraft, ejecting Donagon. Athena was caught off guard by the sudden attack.

She quickly adjusted Donagon's figure, looked at the blue passport, and sprayed out another burst of concentrated flames.

The energy cover collapsed, revealing the fragile cabin again.

Wang Dalu wiped his mind and said: "It's finally done, it's time for me to run."



There was a sound of hitting the iron plate above his head. Wang Dalu's pupils shrank and he looked up at the ceiling.

A sharp claw poked out from the ceiling.

Athena looked at the little fat man slumped on the ground and thought: Donagon's heat sense is indeed correct. There is someone here. Where is the other one?

Wang Dalu was so frightened by Donagon's terrifying appearance that he became a little incontinent. He wanted to run, but his legs were too weak and he couldn't stand up.

But he could still move his hands, so he turned on the communication device and contacted the hot spring.

At this time, the hot spring was still waiting for Wang Dalu in the escape ship, but after waiting and waiting, it still didn't come. Ling Yin didn't even know when Wang Dalu would come. The damage to the spacecraft was a bit serious.

"Brother, it's me." Wang Dalu said with trembling teeth.

After the hot spring was connected, he started to curse, while Wang Dalu listened quietly.

After the hot spring subsided, Wang Dalu raised his head and saw that he was being held by Donagon's huge claws. He was even more frightened and said: "Brother, I've been caught. I can't run away from you. Run!" "

After saying that, a busy signal came from the communicator again.

Wen Wen looked ahead with dull eyes. What did Wang Dalu mean just now? Got caught?

"No! I'm going to save him!" Wenquan began to unbuckle his seat belt.

But Zero Yin never saw him let go. Wenquan roared angrily: "Ling Yin! Let go! I'm going to save my brother!"

Ling Yin said: "Sir, the escape boat has been activated and will eject in five seconds."

"No! You don't have this right! I am the captain! Listen to me!" Wenquan shouted.

Lingyin said: "Sir, Mr. Wang Dalu has exercised his rights as deputy captain. The escape boat has been launched long ago. I'm sorry that Mr. Wang can't stop it at the moment."

"Beep!" After Wenquan heard a system sound, he instantly felt a pulling force, and the escape ship was ejected into space.

Hot Spring's eyes turned red, and he looked desperately at the flaming spaceship. This was all the company's hard work!

"Wang Dalu! You idiot!" Wenquan roared desperately in the escape boat.

However, space is soundproof and sound cannot be transmitted.

Zero sound's voice appeared in Wenquan's ears: "The automatic navigation system is activated, the nearest Dragon Emperor civilization planet is detected, the curvature flight is activated, and the countdown is five."






"start up."

The small propeller at the tail of the escape capsule flashed and disappeared into space, fleeing towards the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

At this time, Wang Dalu, who was in the recovery cabin, had become accustomed to Donagon's shaking. He could finally see the opponent's appearance clearly. His physical strength was really strong.

The signal transmitter on the spacecraft has been destroyed, and the Leviathans are moving again.

Zhang Fan decided that after the development of anti-gravity creatures was completed, he would definitely abandon those energy rings. Unexpectedly, he was inexplicably controlled by the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

"Athena, is there any way to extinguish the flames in the spacecraft?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Master, please give it a try, slave." Athena didn't dare to answer with certainty.

Wang Dalu regained consciousness at this time, a smile appeared on his lips and said: "You are finished!!"

The console where the corrugated nuclear weapons were originally manufactured entered a one-minute countdown.

Of course Zhang Fan and the others didn't know this, but they understood what Wang Dalu said.

Athena raised the little fat man to her eyes and said, "Little fat man, what were you talking about?"

Wang Dalu stared at Donagon, and then spat a mouthful of blood on Donagon's face. At this moment, he felt better than ever before, as if he was a hero.

Athena's expression changed, and then Donagon's expression also changed.

Wang Dalu watched death coming while laughing, and his laughter did not stop until it entered Donagon's mouth.

"Master, I just met a fool." Athena reported.

Zhang Fan said calmly: "Don't worry about that for now. Put out the flames first. Study the spacecraft of level 2.3 civilization carefully. You will definitely gain a lot."

At this time, Zero Yin's voice appeared in the empty spacecraft: "Countdown to the destruction program."

Zhang Fan's eyes widened: "Damn it! Again?! Why are there so many self-destruct programs!"

The time was too short and there was no way to stop it. I could only watch helplessly as the spacecraft began to explode inch by inch from the inside.

Flames poured from one hatch to another, and the entertainment facilities in the living area were burned to the ground immediately.

At this time, the ripple nuclear weapons in the console also entered the final countdown.

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