The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 450 Connor returns

Bai Kai ate the meat in his hands without any taste, and sighed as he looked at the pile of delicious food in front of him.

Zhang Fan said: "I have told you a long time ago that the nutritional value of those things is too low and not suitable for you."

Bai Kai sighed again.

Zhang Fan said: "Actually, these problems are not difficult to solve."

Bai Kai's eyes lit up and he said, "Master, please tell me!"

Zhang Fan said slowly: "You want to eat those races whose bodies contain concentrated energy, which can best embody wisdom?"

Bai Kai said with some confusion: "Wisdom? Master, do you want to talk about those civilizations that have souls?"

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "That's right, the pile of meat in front of you has no soul, no wisdom, and cannot produce the cohesion of a civilization. Therefore, it is like chewing wax in your mouth.

But what happens when these things become cosmic civilizations? Broiler civilization? Pork civilization? Steak civilization? Feel it! This will be more delicious food than the Dragon Emperor Civilization! "

Listening to Zhang Fan's speech, Bai Kai unconsciously wiped the corners of his mouth, feeling infinite yearning for the future life.

Bai Kai said: "Master, what should we do?"

Zhang Fan looked at Bai Kai and said, "First, you have to conquer this planet."

Bai Kai's face turned down again, Zhang Fan said with a smile: "Don't worry, when the time is right, I will help you."

After saying that, silence fell again.

Bai Kai helped Yuan Xiyao detoxify while getting familiar with his current body.

At this time, the surface world became a little chaotic.

Hao Xin had never felt so tired before, and the constant reports of attacks made him physically and mentally exhausted.

To this end, he also set up a special operations group, a biochemical armed force led by the Dragon Emperor.

Facing these elusive strangers, only biochemical humans can do them the greatest damage.

You know, if the Dragon Emperor people go there themselves, Bao Buqi will be infected soon, and he and several of his capable officers will become strangers.


"Come in!"


The office door was opened, and Connor came to Hao Xin intact.

Hao Xin stood up a little excitedly and said, "Connor! Are you recovered?"

Connor nodded and said, "Yes, Director. After the manufacturer's transformation, I have now recovered and am at your disposal at any time."

Hao Xin said: "Very good, very good. Now Zhang Qifeng has joined the special operations team, and you will join as his deputy."

Connor said: "Director, I'm afraid this is a bit..."

Hao Xin waved her hand and said, "It's okay. Zhang Qifeng has never had a deputy. You just happened to be here. Just arrange to get in."

Connor nodded and said, "Okay, Director, what exactly should I do?"

Hao Xin said: "He will be responsible for this matter, go find him."

After Connor left, he came to the secret base of the special operations team and found Zhang Qifeng's team.

Zhang Qifeng looked at Connor with an unhappy face and said, "What? Have you recovered? The technology over there is pretty good."

Connor said: "Well, the main reason is that the chip was not destroyed and some memories were stored in it."

Zhang Qifeng said oh, and then said: "Then what are you doing here now? Investigating the case? Sorry, I don't have time to accompany you."

Connor shook his head and said: "Captain, the director asked me to join your team."

Zhang Qifeng said: "Director, this guy knows how to mess around. Okay, okay, I understand. I happen to be short of a deputy here. You can do some odd jobs for me."

Connor smiled slightly and said, "I'm happy to oblige, Captain."

After saying that, a biochemical man handed the special chip into Connor's hand.

Connor picked it up and looked at it and said: "Captain, this is Fermi level armor? What a big deal!"

Zhang Qifeng said: "This is the director's personal belongings. Only the captain and vice-captain can wear it. Other bionics can only wear nano-armor."

Connor carefully attached the Fermi-level armor chip to his body, and then the light flashed.

A piece of black leather armor fit Connor's body, with strong shields on some important parts, and his face was covered with a translucent Fermi mask.

After contacting the Fermi Level A, Connor said with satisfaction: "I can feel the power of this thing."

Zhang Qifeng rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't this nonsense!"

Then, Zhang Qifeng said: "Since you have returned to the team now, it's time for me to talk about my current work."

The special operations team, also known as the serious crime team, is headed by Hao Xin, who is directly responsible for the planning.

They were divided into seven groups. It wasn't that Hao Xin was divided into too many groups, but there really weren't enough people.

The crime team has two main tasks. One is to find the mastermind behind the disaster, the other is to protect people from evacuating the dangerous area, and the last one is to eliminate the aliens.

The task of the crime squad is simple, but there are many difficulties in the implementation process.

Connor swept across the base, where there was a pile of scrap metal, which seemed to be scrapped cyborgs, and some mechanical devices.

Connor asked: "Captain, are weapons ineffective against them?"

Zhang Qifeng said: "Yes, it's not obvious. Their blood has done too much damage to us. Some of the aliens who are desperate for life are like human bombs. If a biochemical man hadn't blocked me last time, I would have been killed." I really can’t see you anymore.”

After speaking, he exposed his arm, which was a cut muscle.

"You see, here, a few drops of blood gradually appeared, and then here, here, and here began to rot." Zhang Qifeng pointed to the position of his arm and explained to Connor.

"Damn alien, if I hadn't cut open the muscles immediately, my whole body would have been corroded!" Zhang Qifeng said angrily.

Connor said: "Is this blood so powerful?"

Zhang Qifeng said: "You have been in contact with me, so you should know."

Connor said sheepishly: "Sorry, it must be memory loss. Is there no report from the laboratory?"

Zhang Qifeng shook his head and said, "Not yet, otherwise we wouldn't have worked so hard."

Just as the two were communicating, the alarm rang.

"Quick! Action! Follow me!" Zhang Qifeng moved quickly, activated the Fermi level armor and rushed out with a bunch of biochemicals.

Connor hurriedly followed, imitating their example, and took down a semi-automatic electromagnetic rifle.

"Formation!" Zhang Qifeng roared, and then said: "Connor! Come behind me! Learn from me!"

After saying that, a wild goose formation was unfolded, with Zhang Qifeng at the center.

The surrounding teams also formed formations, but not as fast as Zhang Qifeng's.

After forming the formation, the team moved forward quickly, constantly attacking the aliens who suddenly attacked.

There was a stench everywhere in Tongcheng.

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