The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 497 Midnight Training

After studying, Bai Kai took a stroll on an unfamiliar street.

The thought of taking the martial arts test kept echoing in my mind.

After the Dragon Emperor Civilization has gone through a series of changes, it no longer has the shadow of the technological explosion of the past.

You know, after technology reaches a certain level, it will fall into a long bottleneck period.

As a cultivating civilization, they spend a long time in the early stage, but once the civilization reaches a medium level, it will advance by leaps and bounds.

However, cultivating civilization consumes a lot of resources.

Now that the Dragon Emperor's civilization is vast and sparsely populated, there is no need to worry about resources.

Moreover, those who practice ancient martial arts also have huge room for improvement in politics.

Locally, as long as they are graduates of martial arts, they can run for captain. This is the highest leader of a planet!

Bai Kai returned to the temporary residence arranged by the police station, with a small room of 20 square meters.

He passed Zero Sound and then looked at some information about Gu Wu in detail.

Ancient weapons are precious materials found in an ancient ruins thousands of years ago.

At that time, only wealthy nobles and senior leaders could learn ancient martial arts.

Then, slowly the ancient martial arts information was lost to the people, and a large number of talented people emerged.

It has achieved unparalleled achievements in the fight against foreign enemies.

At this point, the top leaders of the Dragon Emperor Civilization decided to establish the Ancient Martial Arts University to teach ancient martial arts specifically.

In addition, scientists have also discovered that practicing ancient martial arts for a long time can increase the chance of awakening the Force.

In the Dragon Emperor's civilization, not everyone can awaken the Force, and the proportion of ordinary people is too low.

Even the ancient martial arts school only has a one in a million chance.

Ancient martial arts are divided into nine levels. Once you break through the ninth level and become the tenth level, you will become a force warrior.

There are many Force warriors among the high-level members of the Dragon Emperor Civilization, who can fly in space with their physical bodies.

The first rank can be the captain of the ball, the second rank can be the captain of three balls, the third rank can be the county chief, the fourth rank can be the county chief, and the fifth rank can not be the governor, but there is still a lot of room for development at that time.

In the Dragon Emperor civilization, except for the capital state, the rest of the governors are in the seventh rank, and all the eighth rank are in the capital state.

In addition, ancient warriors also have huge discounts in business, although Bai Kai has no business plans.

But why not take a look?

A first-level merchant can only do business on one planet.

The second level can do business in the entire galaxy.

The third grade is the light source, which is the county.

The fourth rank is a county, and the fifth rank is a state.

Only if they are above the sixth level, the empire will allow them to leave the empire to trade with alien civilizations, which can also be regarded as a kind of protection for merchants.

The merchants of the Dragon Emperor Civilization are known as domineering in the universe. Regardless of whether you agree or not, I just want to sell you something.

The overbearing practices of the Dragon Emperor Civilization were of course known to the five higher civilizations, and they also issued warnings.

However, when the Dragon Emperor Civilization used its ultimate weapon, the five major civilizations suddenly calmed down and seemed to be stronger than their own.

Then, after taking a closer look, they were a little shocked. Although it was not as good as the five major civilizations in terms of population, advanced weapons and force masters.

However, the Force warriors, ultimate weapons and ancient martial arts practitioners below are far greater than them.

For this reason, the five major civilizations currently adopt a tolerant policy.

Dragon Emperor Civilization did not ask for trouble and took the initiative to hand over the management tax.

And the so-called liberal arts students, that is, ordinary people, cannot be said to be useless.

The role of liberal arts students is in all aspects of society, some in politics, some in business, and some in science.

As the foundation of the empire, liberal arts students supported those martial arts students.

How to get admitted as a martial arts student is a difficult problem.

Bai Kai said to Adam while thinking: "Is there any way for me to quickly pass the martial arts examination?"

Adam said: "If you can awaken the Force, maybe you can give it a try."

Bai Kai stood up, stood up and said, "Then I'll leave the liberal arts work to you. I'll go train tomorrow morning to see if I can feel the force again."


The next day, the sun had not yet risen, scattered stars dotted the earth, and the whole city seemed unusually quiet.

Bai Kai looked at the time 3:00 on his bracelet.

"Class starts at 8 o'clock, and I still have five hours of training time." Bai Kai said to himself as he looked at the time.

When we arrived at the park, the surrounding area seemed extremely quiet. It was spring and everything had not yet awakened.

Bai Kai rubbed his arms that were a little cold due to the cold wind and started training.

The first choice of training subjects is radio gymnastics.

As the first training subject, Bai Kai was extremely familiar with this set of movements.

This is also one of his magic weapons to get started.

"One two three four, two two three four."

Bai Kai was training while mumbling words.

Soon, an hour passed, and Bai Kai was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

The originally dry clothes on his body clung tightly to his body.

It looks even colder after the cold wind blows.

Bai Kai sneezed, and then asked Adam: "Is there any quick training method? Krypton gold is also fine!"

Adam said: "This is impossible. The master only changed your body and did not change your destiny. Just train honestly."

After a pause, Adam said, "Adam does have an idea."

Bai Kai asked curiously: "What's your idea?"

"Escape from desperate situations."

Bai Kai curled his lips and said, "Don't tell me whether I can survive the desperate situation now. Even if I can, I won't go."


"Afraid." Bai Kai said sincerely.

Adam was silent for a moment and then said: "In this case, we can only use another method."

Bai Kai was a little curious, and then said seriously: "I won't do anything that violates laws and disciplines, and don't come to me for anything serious."

Adam said: "Don't worry, your current body is really not suitable for doing some extreme sports. What Adam has to do is to stimulate your cells."

"Stimulating cells?"

Adam nodded and said, "Yes, your body has been modified by the master, so you can improve your strength by stimulating cells to a large extent.

Of course, if there is nutrient solution, it will be more helpful to the growth of cells. "

Bai Kai said with satisfaction: "Then what are you waiting for! Let's get started!"

Adam didn't answer his words, and then started to exert his power.

Bai Kai felt that his body was slightly warm, and the cold wind didn't feel that cold anymore.

However, gradually the slight heat became a bit stinging.

The pain in my body is getting worse and worse, as if a knife is scraping my bones.


Bai Kai suddenly fell to the ground, his body curled up, trembling constantly, and his eyes were a little straight.

At this moment, a small group of policemen suddenly ran out from nowhere.

Adam discovered this anomaly, quickly stopped stimulating and hid.

Bai Kai's consciousness fell into a blur as he relaxed and tightened, and he soon fainted.

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