The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 623 Kerrigan

"Run, there's no hope." Liu Zhanji said calmly.

So far, Dragon Emperor Civilization has become the leading brother.

Not only because they are technologically powerful, but also because they are intimidated by a master of the Force.

"Now that Emperor Longdi has said so, we have nothing to say."

"Me too."


Liu Zhanji thought that many people would object, but he did not expect that all of them agreed to his proposal.

There must be ghosts at home.

At this time, a civilization leader with a mouse face said: "His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, I would like to ask, how do you plan to escape? Space jump?"

This sentence is also the voice of everyone. They all know that the core space technology of the Dragon Emperor Civilization is also the key to escaping from this galaxy.

Liu Zhanji scanned the crowd. He was not a fool. Of course he understood what these people were thinking. It turned out that they wanted to get a share of the space jumping pie.

"Hmph, shameless guy." Liu Zhanji cursed in his heart.

Space jump is to connect two points in space. You can go anywhere as long as you give it time.

However, this technology was developed with painstaking efforts by successive scientists of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. How could it be handed over so easily!

Liu Zhanji firmly disagreed, but in order to prevent those civilized counterattacks, Liu Zhanji said: "This matter is not something I can decide alone. I must go back and discuss it before I can give you an answer."

"But, Emperor Dragon Emperor, aren't you the supreme commander of civilization?"

"Who told you that the emperor is the highest?" Liu Zhanji looked at the speaker with some dissatisfaction, "Our Dragon Emperor Civilization has a system of separation of powers. Don't slander us."

Seeing that Liu Zhanji was losing his temper, other civilizations began to act as peacemakers, but they also subtly asked Liu Zhanji to hand over his space jumping ability.

It is absolutely impossible to hand over the space jumping technology, but other useless technologies can be used to fool this guy.

In the end, in order to prevent the contradiction from deepening, after communicating with the empire, some irrelevant technologies appeared at the venue.

With the high and new technologies they have never seen before, these civilizations are no longer noisy. Although they are unwilling to not be able to jump in space, there will be opportunities in the future, right?

After Liu Zhanji returned to the empire, he ordered the secret start of the seed plan.

From another race, Zhang Fan held Bai Kai's Life Crystal in his left hand and the Life Essence of Goddess Xi in his right hand.

He was standing in front of a planet, and that planet was a huge beating heart.

"The Heart of the Zerg, this is the power that combines countless Zerg lives!" Zhang Fan sighed.

This Zerg Heart has been implemented a long time ago.

After a long wait, the plan was finally completed.

Zhang Fan threw the two life essences in his hand towards the beating heart.

Immediately afterwards, the heart began to contract violently, and the outer skin began to break.

"Super concentrated protective solution, pour it in."

On the other hand, countless Leviathans are waiting in space.

They synthesized a protective fluid in the body and poured it over the heart.

The skin began to repair, but the heart seemed to have some myocardial infarction.

Zhang Fan continued: "Heart pacing."

The plasma bugs lurking in the heart exploded one after another.

Wishes of blue light appeared on the heart, shining continuously there.

The heart was back to normal again, and life was gestating.

Zhang Fan was able to observe the situation inside through his inner chamber.

The two life essences blended inside, and the color became darker and darker under the erosion of the Zerg blood.

Suddenly, the life essence turned black and began to gradually break apart.

The heart contracts violently again.

Zhang Fan's eyes twitched: "I have no idea. It consumes life force like this. Not bad, not bad. She deserves to be the Queen of the Zerg."

"Nutritional solution infusion, don't stop."

Under Zhang Fan's order, all the Leviathans began to pour nutrient solution into their hearts.

The Leviathans began to line up in a long queue and kept transporting them.

Zhang Fan has arrived inside the heart, carefully observing Kerrigan's growth.


Zhang Fan didn't react for a moment.


Zhang Fan was a little surprised. Could this be Kerrigan?

No, or does it have its own thoughts during the embryonic stage?

Zhang Fan said in a doting tone: "Good daughter, my little princess, are you awake?"

"Father, I'm hungry," Kerrigan replied.

Zhang Fan was refreshed and once again increased the output of nutrient solution.

Athena was a little dissatisfied. She thought that the master was too biased, and she was the one who came first.

But what can be done about this? Now Zhang Fan seems to be obsessed with nurturing Kerrigan.

Athena looked at the huge heart through the Eyeworm, feeling a little unhappy.

"The master is too partial. We don't have this kind of treatment." Athena said.

Angela smiled and said: "I don't care, as long as I study science well."

Scarlett was silent on the sidelines. She was the latest to arrive and the one with the most humble status.

Although she has become the queen now, the fear hidden in her heart has not been eliminated.

Elise looked at the queens and said, "Are you just going to let Kerrigan go? After she comes out, her status will definitely be higher than ours."

Athena said: "Then what should we do? It's impossible to kill that heart. We will also die."

Elise said: "Actually, we just need to instill the orderly thinking of elders and younger ones in Kerrigan's mind."

"Hey! This is indeed a method!"

"Then let's try, who will come?" Elise asked.

Angela and Scarlett took a few steps back. They didn't want to participate.

Athena shook her head and said: "I can't do it. I can fight, but I can't do tricks."

Elise glanced at her mouth and said: "Forget it, since this is the method I came up with, I will complete it myself."

Then, her thoughts began to drift away, and she quietly came to Kerrigan.

Seeing that she was still in the shape of an embryo, Elise called softly.

Zhang Fan was immersed in his own joy and completely ignored Elise's little actions. He had to protect his little daughter.

"Father, does my sister want to see me for something?"

Kerrigan's childish voice appeared in Zhang Fan's mind.

Zhang Fan was stunned and said: "Sister? Which sister?"

Then, as he grew up, his thoughts spread, and he suddenly discovered the sneaky Elise.

Zhang Fan shouted angrily: "Elise! What are you doing?!"

Elise disappeared in a panic, followed closely by Zhang Fan.

After restraining her, Zhang Fan said with a gloomy face: "What do you want to do to Kerrigan?"

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