With Mitsuki’s help, Setsuto put on the uniform of the Earth Federation Space Force.

The base color was white with gold thread decorations. The size was perfect for Setsuko, and Mitsuki had measured and adjusted the size before I knew it.

He returned to the commander’s office and took a seat.

“Sir, may I?”

Mitsuki confirmed, and Settsu took two big deep breaths. He folded his hands under the desk.


Communication has been established.

The Count, who appeared on the communication screen, looked at Setsu, and his eyes widened for a moment.

“I beg your pardon. You look like a dead relative of mine.”

It was a sudden preemptive punch.

Setsuko passed it off. He knew his father’s character well. I know my father’s character well, and this is an indication that I will not treat Settsu as my own child in this communication.

As for Setsueto, he had no intention of responding as the Count Duke of Vaile.

“No problem. I am Shia Azna, Commander of the Fortress of Varathkirb.”

It is a pseudonym.

The name that Setsuto gave was the name of the main character in an old story passed down in the empire.

“Commander of the Nueve System Defense Fleet, Imperial Count and Admiral Hagral Drag Vayel.”

The Count also took his name.

Since this was our first meeting, it was only natural that we should follow the proper etiquette.

“Sir Azuna, I would like to begin by thanking you for accepting our communication. What position do you hold in the United Earth Federation Space Force, Lord Azna?”

“My fortress and I are not currently under the command of the Earth Federation Space Force. We are currently acting on our own initiative. Therefore, all authority over this fortress rests with me.”

“I see. Then I would like to ask you two questions, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course.”

Perhaps that was the reason why the Count had asked for a communication.

“Now, first of all, the starship that was just admitted to your fortress is one that has committed acts of piracy against our empire. I would like to know the reason why the fortress is housing him.”

The Count must have seen the photos of Setsuko and Kitty, so he must have a good guess. But if he dared to ask, he was asking for an official opinion.

This negotiation is not a father-son negotiation.

This is a negotiation between the Count, a nobleman who is in charge of the defense of the Nueve system and the Empire, and the commander of a fortress that has appeared in the system and is not under the protection of the Empire. It is a public negotiation.

“Her ship is currently under the protection of this fortress. I don’t know the details of the situation, but the ship was seriously damaged and we took her into custody for humanitarian reasons.”

It is an obvious lie.

Even Setsuto doesn’t think that this lie will go unnoticed. It is not possible to protect the Glory of the Black and Silver, which was flying at a very high speed, by accident. If you don’t adjust your speed with the intention of protecting it from the start.

But this is the official answer.

If he told the truth, the Count would have no choice but to antagonize him.

Setsueto thought that this would convey that he had no intention of outwardly antagonizing the Empire.

“I see. As I told you earlier, those men are pirates. I would like to hand them over for proper trial in our empire.”

The Count stepped into the room.

The reply was, “If you don’t want to be hostile, hand them over. It also means that the intention of not wanting to be hostile was conveyed.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t do that. We are unable to determine whether the Empire has a system that would be recognized as a formal and fair trial in the Earth Federation. In such a state, we cannot hand over those we have promised to protect.”

Settsu replied according to his setting as a fortress commander in the Earth Federation Space Force.

Based on what Setsuto knew of the Count’s personality, he would not have chosen to fight against this fortress of ruins. Calm and prudent. He was an excellent nobleman who could consider the interests of the entire empire. This was the kind of person he wanted to be in the future.

“Well, that makes sense.”

It was a nice thing for Setsu to hear. He felt that his father had approved of him.

“Very well. We’ll leave that as an issue for future negotiations.”

After all, the Count had not gone any further. He shelved the matter.

It will probably stay up forever.

However, it is safe to assume that they have now reached an agreement that they will not publicly antagonize each other.

Setsueto expected that in the future the Count would think of a direction in which the fortress could be placed under the protection of the Empire or occupied and put to use.

As a Set, I have to prevent myself from being forced to do so.

From here, it’s defensive negotiations.

I have to be careful.

“Let’s do that. What’s the other question?”

“I would like to know the purpose of your presence here. What are your operational objectives?”

“The military would not normally reveal its purpose to the outside world, but I will be honest with you, Count. This fortress has been dormant in this system, but it has recently returned. We will be leaving this system tomorrow, in accordance with the last target given to us by the Earth Federation government.”

In fact, we only need to gain five hours, but it’s just in case the Count tries to set up a plan and we misjudge the time to prepare.

“What is the target?”

“I’m sorry, sir. It’s a military plan.”

Of course, there was no such goal. It was just an excuse to leave the system in one piece.

“I see. I thought you said earlier that you were acting on your own judgment, but are you bound by the orders and rules of the Earth Federation government?”

Settsu’s heart jumped.

I wonder if I misspoke.

(No, it’s not.)

Something like this is not a crucial mistake.

The Count is trying to use a small mistake to draw out a big one. If you panic here, he will take the initiative.

“Of course, Count, we who are in charge of violence must not be bound by anything like orders or beliefs. We only do our best for the end goal we have been given.”

I wonder if I can dodge this. I’m sure the words will resonate with the Count.

“You have a point. So what are you going to do once you’ve achieved your goal?”

“Count. Do you think you can win the battle in front of you by thinking about the next battle before the one in front of you is over?”

“Well, you’re going to lose.

“That’s right.”

Their gazes crossed as they searched for their next move.

“Are there any items in your fortress that require resupply? If so, I’ll make it my responsibility to supply them.”

“I appreciate the offer, but our supplies are in order.”

To tell you the truth, there are a myriad of things I want, but I don’t know what they’ll set up or how much information they’ll take with them. We can’t just accept the supply.

We’ve already taken the bare necessities.

“I see. If there is anything you need, please let me know. The Empire wishes to remain on friendly terms with the Earth Federation.”

“Thank you, Count.”

The Count gave a slow nod.

“Thank you as well, my lord. Thanks to you, we were able to learn of your situation and avoid an unnecessary fight. This fleet will see you off at your current position.”

There was no way they were going to leave an unidentified fortress unsupervised. It was a natural response.

They may try to take over the country by using such a pretext. Such caution is necessary.

“I understand. Thank you for seeing me off. I’ll let you know when we have a warp time.”

“Thank you. Bye.”


Setsueto gave his father the Earth Federation salute. The Count’s expression wavered for a moment at the unfamiliar gesture.

Before I could get anything back, the communication screen disappeared.


The moment the screen disappeared, Setsu sank into the seat with a sigh.

It was manageable, but I felt like I had been tolerated a bit. I have a hard time making excuses for the future, now that I think about it.

I heard a crackle of applause. It was Kitty. Kitty was sitting in an empty seat in the commander’s office, watching the negotiations.

“It was a good bargaining session. It was aristocratic, full of nastiness.”

“You can’t beat the head with bluffing.”

“I don’t think I can talk with my teeth in my mouth like that, you’re both so naive.”

“According to the Count, candor is a virtue for humans, but a vice for nobles.”

“Oh, scary, scary.”

Mitsuki came over from her seat and took a cup and pot from the wagon in the corner of the commander’s office.

A cup was placed in front of Setsu, and the black drink was poured into it. There was a savory scent that Settsu had never smelled before.

“Thank you for your time, my lord.”

“What’s this?”

“It’s a drink called coffee. It was the most popular drink among the officers of the Earth Federation Forces, with the exception of alcohol.”


Settsu took a sip. Bitterness, sourness, and sweetness flowed together, and the aroma penetrated his nose. It seemed to relax his stomach, which had been tight with tension.

“It’s delicious.”

“Well, let’s see.”

Kitty took the cup from him and took a sip.

“This is a new taste. But I like it. Mitsuki, can I have some?”

“Yes, Captain.”

Mitsuki took another cup from the wagon and poured coffee into it.

“Thank you. Now, let’s see if the Count has any tricks up his sleeve.”

“We’re maintaining surveillance. There’s been no movement so far.”

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