“It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

Vetsia murmured while watching the battle situation on the bridge of the Serion, the flagship of the Mars Camino First Fleet.

By the time Vetsia returned to her own fleet and departed, the Glory of the Black and Silver was at interstellar warp.

The combined fleets of the 2nd and 3rd fleets had followed the Black Silver Glory into interstellar warp, and based on that information, Vetsya and the others had also warped into the Ossicle system.

Since the First Fleet was positioned 400,000 kilometers from the battlefield, the effects of radio interference from the fortresses were minimal, allowing for communication within the fleet.

The situation on the battlefield can only be observed with visible light.

However, just by visual inspection, the fortress’s combat power was overwhelming the Allied fleet. The Allied fleet had yet to return fire. It was still out of range.

The fifteen rows of warships had been reduced to eleven. The four rows in front of them had been destroyed, or rather, obliterated.

How many ships will be sacrificed before we are in range?

“Admiral, what are we up against now……”

The chief of staff attached to the command post shuddered.

“They have opened the gates of hell.”

As the commander, Vetsia could not tremble. He was a little jealous of the general staff.

This is it, I thought.

There was no doubt that something was wrong with him.

He also knew that it wouldn’t be a spy or any other kind of thing he could immediately think of. There were too many unnatural things about him that were begging for attention to make him a spy.

That’s it.

Vetsia had become convinced.

The Empire intends to use this to sway the affairs of the independent nations. Vetsia believed that Sett remained connected to the Empire behind the scenes.

I don’t think the empire can build such a huge structure with this much fighting power. It’s probably just a ruin as they say.

“It’s not fair, all the empires.”


“Only the Empire can draw powerful ruins. In this three-way tie, the empire may win.”

“Huh. Admiral, I’m sorry to be so forward-thinking, but it would be helpful if you could also think about the immediate future.”

The Chief of Staff gave me his honest opinion.

“Right. I’d like to do something about it before two-thirds of my army’s total strength disappears, but is there anything I can do?”

I should recommend that we retreat to the Allied fleet, but I can’t communicate with them due to radio interference.

“I don’t know, maybe you could ask them to stop jamming.”

One of the general staff came up with an idea.

“So you’re asking for mercy.”

“Oh, no. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not that I’m angry. In fact, there is so much difference that we can only hope for mercy. But how can I ask for it?”

The radio interference would be too strong for them to reach the fortress even if they tried to communicate with it. The general staff didn’t seem to have any ideas about that either.

Help came from the communications officer.

“Admiral, someone named Shia-Azna has sent us the coordinates for laser communications. How may I assist you?”

With laser communication, we can communicate without being affected by radio interference.

Communication cannot be maintained between combat ships that are randomly performing evasive maneuvers in combat, but it can be maintained between the first fleet that is not in combat and a fortress that is not performing evasive maneuvers.

“It’s a good thing you’re here. Establish communications. I’ll talk to him.”

Soon, Setsu’s image appeared on the monitor.

“Hello, Azuna. It’s been a day.”

Vetsia spoke to him in a friendly manner. They were friends who had been in jail together.

“Good day, Admiral. Actually, there is something I would like to ask you in anticipation of the Admiral.”

The reply came back a few seconds later.

Even at the speed of light, the distance that it would take to get there is empty.

Vetsia laughed.

I’m the one who wants to ask for help, but I can’t help but ask if you tell me first.

“Anything I can do to help.”

“I would like you to advise them to withdraw.”


Vetsia made a dumb sound indeed.

“I no longer see the point in further combat, but it seems that the commander of the fleet there has no intention of listening.”

“I see, so you want me to approach you as a friend.”

“That’s right.”

Settsu nodded.

“All right. I’ll give it a try. But first, we need to get this interference under control.”

“We’ll stop the jamming in one minute.”

Settsu said, ending the communication.

“I wonder what it is.”

Vetsia nodded his head.

“I think you’re a little too sycophantic to be the star of a conspiracy.”

“You’re right, it does have a nice, old-fashioned feel to it.

“Admiral, don’t forget that you’re the one who’s creating the hell in front of us.”

“Oh, yes. What a great sinner you are. At this rate, our country will have no choice but to surrender unconditionally.”

Vetsia smacked his cheek. As the army of the Kingdom of Mars-Camino, we must prevent further loss of strength.

As Settsu had declared, the radio jamming ended a minute later.

“To the Combined Fleet, uh, to both fleet commanders.”

The Commander of the 2nd Fleet, de Nalle, who is in command of the Combined Fleet, is an unreasonable man, but the Commander of the 3rd Fleet, Reydon, is a possibility. He’s a man who belongs to the majority because it’s easier to be in the majority.

“I’ve got a connection.”

The monitor was split in two and showed the figures of Do-Nar and Raydon.

“Sorry to bother you, Admirals.”

“What do you want now, Admiral Vetsia?”

De Nard still seemed to be in good health, but Raydon was exhausted. He only smiled dryly at Vetsia.

“No offense, but you need to leave.”


De Nard looked at me in disbelief.

“We’ve lost so many ships and men, and we’re retreating without firing a single shot. That’s no joke!”

“Take a look at the situation, Admiral. It’s not something we can handle.”

“You cowardly traitor, I know, what have you sold him?”

De Nalle screamed. He did not seem to be in a normal state of mind. He began to ramble on about his determination to win and his pride as a soldier.

“Easy, Admiral. Don’t waste your ship and your men.”

Vetsia patiently placated him, but finally his patience ran out.

“Communications Officer, lock him out. I can’t talk to him.”

The communications officer obeyed the order and the bridge fell silent.

The remaining Reydon shrugged his shoulders.

“I disagree with him. Looks like we’d better pull out of this one.”

“Thank you, Raydon.”

“‘Objectively speaking, it’s clear that we’re not in the game. Will you forgive me if I reverse and take off at full speed?”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine. They’re hoping the fleet will withdraw.”

“No prisoners?”

“Do you think it’s worth taking prisoners?”

“I don’t think so. Now, I’m sorry, but I’d like to get out of here as fast as possible. That’s it for now. I’ll see you later.”

The communication with Raidon was also cut off.

“Send a message to Lord Azna. Just send a text.”

Vezia must inform Settsu of this result.


“The Third Fleet decided to retreat. Admiral de Nard of the 2nd Fleet was an idiot, and I’m sorry to bring shame on his people. And.”

Almost as soon as the text was delivered to Settsu, the order was issued at high power from the flagship of the Third Fleet. It was not even coded. It was as if everyone could hear it.

[Third Fleet, turn around immediately and flee at full speed. This is not a rollover. This is not a rollover.]

It was a graceful order.

Following orders, half of the Allied fleet began to turn around.

The other half, the second fleet, is still advancing.

The frigates of the Second Fleet accelerated, as if De Nalle had given the order. Forward. Towards the fortress. They approached not as a single unit, but scattered and spread out.

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