The Glorious Fleet’s reconnaissance brought the news of the discovery of the Federation forces.

The pirate ships that had gone out to scout the area were returning one after another. The progress of the Federation forces soon became apparent.

The first team is a fleet of three.

There are 70,000 ships, 30,000 in the center and 20,000 on each wing. Each of them is approaching the Kingdom of Mars-Camino along different and parallel routes.

It’s close enough that we can meet up with them after about two interstellar warps. If something happened, they could meet up immediately. That was the course we were taking.

As they neared the Kingdom of Mars-Camino, the fleet converged into a single large fleet of 70,000 ships.

Settsu and his crew left the Mars Camino Kingdom to intercept the Federation fleet. They chose the uninhabited Karneda system, which has no inhabited planets, and set up camp.

It is a star system with swirling interstellar gas.

The beam attenuation rate is high due to the gas, and the detection system is impaired.

The combined fleet of pirates and neighboring independent nations, tentatively called the “Independent Defense Fleet,” had grown to 6,000 ships.

It consists of 3,500 warships and 2,500 frigates and other vessels, including pirate ships.

Because pirate ships are basically frigates that emphasize speed, there are fewer battle-ready ships than in the Federation and Imperial formations.

The lack of battlecruisers was to be made up by the fortresses and the seven Sagittarius-class battleships that had been built in time. If anything, we are relying on fortresses.

The next day, the Independent Defense Fleet and the Imperial Fleet joined forces. A total of 56,000 ships (40,000 from the Imperial Fleet, 10,000 from the Imperialist Independent Countries Fleet, and 6,000 from the Independent Defense Fleet) and the fortress were the entire force.

The formation was kept separate.

The only way to consolidate the chain of command was to centralize it under Count Vaile, but the pirates and the fleet commanders of the countries that participated in the Independent Defense Fleet clearly did not want to do that. Many of them had a history of piracy against the Empire. It was only natural for them to be reluctant to line up their ships.

The Imperial Fleet was on the right and the Independent Defense Fleet on the left. The space between them was wide open.

That is how the two battlefields were set up.

The aim was to make sure that the Federation fleet would have to split into two as well.

If the Federation forces place emphasis on the Imperial Fleet, the independent defense ships will push in around the fortress, and vice versa, the Imperial Fleet will push in. And as soon as the enemy in front of them is destroyed, they will cover the other fleet from the side that is holding on.

Although simple, complex operations were difficult because of the problems of command and trust between the two sides, and this was considered to be the most effective operation.

Three days after Settsu and the others set up their position, the Federation fleet of 70,000 ships appeared on the outer rim of the system.

“I can see you’re having a hard time keeping up.”

With a glance at the information from the frigate that had conducted the reconnaissance, Reise had seen through the situation of Settsu and the others.

General Sarko, the man in charge of the operation, was in the rear of the system, maintaining supply routes and expanding the occupied area with the remaining 30,000 ships. Command in the Karneda system was left to Reise.

“But this means we’ll have to split our forces in two.”

Rear Admiral Phalanges said the obvious. If we head for one side of the fleet in a lump, we will be pinned down.

“The question is how to divide it.”

Major General Reek crossed his arms.

The three of them were discussing how to fight while looking at the situation in the star system displayed on the floor.

“Which one of them is the main attacker?”

“In terms of numbers, it’s the Imperial Fleet’s 50,000.”

The main ones we are discussing are Phalanges and Leaks.

“The fortress side is probably armed with the remains. We should assume that they are all Dragoon class. It’s dangerous to look at numbers alone.”

The federal army knew what Settsu had called out to the surrounding countries and pirates. They had also obtained records of the battles between the fortress and the army of the Kingdom of Mars-Camino, and it was clear that they should not be seen in numbers.

“That’s a possibility. However, it would not be wise to devote too many troops to them, considering that we also have to deal with the Imperial Fleet.”

“I think we can hold them off at least. If we hit the Imperial fleet in the meantime, we can win.”

The Phalanges are thinking of using a small fleet to hold the fortress side of the battlefield, and then conduct a battle against the Imperial fleet.

“It’s going to be a tough defense. They probably have a longer range than us.”

“I’ll take care of that defense. I’ll hold them off.”

He was confident in Phalanges. When it came to defensive tenacity, this was something that Phalanges was good at.

“Wait a minute.”

Rayse finally interjected, listening to the discussion between the two of them and formulating a plan in his mind based on the results of the General Staff’s review of the operation.

“I believe this is the one we should be targeting.”

Rayse pointed to the fortress side of the army with his sword, which was still in its sheath.

“I mean…”

“Because this huddle is their weakness. Phalanges, add my 10,000 to the 20,000 under your command. With this, hold the Imperial Army. Pull wide, never be shattered, and never let go.”


“Reek, you and I will beat them with our 40,000.”

“Very well, sir. Do you want a frontal assault on the fortress?”

When asked, Rayzee sneered.

“There’s no need for an offensive.”

The 70,000-ship Federation force split into two fleets before warping into intra-stellar warp and warping out in front of the Settsu and crew.

40,000 in front of the Independent Defense Fleet.

Thirty thousand in front of the Imperial Fleet.

It is an organization that is heavily weighted on the side of the independent defense fleet.

“Forty thousand over here. It seems the enemy commander has taken a liking to you.”

Seeing the arrangement of the enemy, the Black Silver Glory ship immediately began to talk lightly.

The Federation fleet in front of us consists of 33,000 battlecruisers and 7,000 frigates.

The Federation warships were in formation as usual, but 3,000 of the frigates were deployed up and down, and 4,000 to the left and right. The formation was widely spread out horizontally.

“It’s hard being a pretty boy.”

“I heard that the enemy commander is quite a beauty. Are you smart?”

“It’s not good. We must never let him meet Settsu. Everyone, please!”

“Rather, let’s just capture him, pull him out in front of us, and turn him over.”

“You don’t think he’ll turn so conveniently, do you?”

“That’s where pretty boy power comes in. I mean, look at that, our unrepentant, Starfleet-allergic head is running the fleet.”

The Black and Silver Glory was among the pirates of the Independent Defense Fleet.

Glorious is in command of the pirate force.

The Independence Defense Fleet had a fortress in the center, with a line of battle ships on either side of it. The frigates and pirates stood by in wedge-shaped formations above and below them, respectively.

“Yeah. I’m patient. I’m holding back a lot. I want to fly as I please. When this battle is over, Set and I are going to pirate as much as we can and work on trade destruction. ……”

“Please don’t say it like that, it’s bad luck.”

“Let’s think about the lunch in front of us today instead of the fancy dinner tomorrow.”

“Oh, that doesn’t sound good.”

Kitty gave him a bitter look.

“Don’t be afraid to eat.”

Keuk chided him.

The Federation fleet finished forming up and began to move forward.

Finally, the battle begins.

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