How long had I been in a daze?

The gears of his thoughts were spinning in circles.


It was the only thing that floated in and out, and then floated back in and out again.

“Your Excellency!”

Mitsuki called out loudly, and Setsuko flinched.

“Sir, this is still a war zone.”

Mitsuki spoke as slowly as she dared.

Hearing those words, the gears finally began to mesh in Setsu’s head.


Settsu slapped his cheeks with both hands. This is no time to be shocked. This is a battlefield. Thinking about death would have to wait.

If the commander, the Count, had been killed in action, it made sense that the Imperial Fleet had retreated. Command would be transferred quickly in accordance with Starfleet’s seating arrangements, but it may have been difficult to continue fighting given the upheaval of the commander’s death.

Setsueto turned to Viscount Rich at the monitor.

“Viscount, I apologize for the distraction.”

“No, I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you for letting me know. So, which way did the Imperial Guard head?”

“Yes, sir. They said they were headed for the Indar system in the rear. We’ll be resupplying and performing emergency repairs there.”

“I see. Is the Viscount going to be there now?”

“But considering the severity of what I’ve seen, I think it would be extremely dangerous for me to remain in the Imperial Army. Would you please allow me to work with the fortress?”

It was an unexpected offer.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. The dragoon that shot the Count was Viscount Korn’s. He is not a man who would make the decision to shoot his commander in the back during battle. I believe that there is always an ulterior motive.”

Viscount Korn. It was not a name that Settsu remembered.

“I don’t know if they are aware of what I saw or not. I don’t know if he knows I saw him or not, but if he does, he will kill me before long.”

Settsu nodded.

“You want to get somewhere safe before that happens, that’s what you’re thinking.”

“…… Okay. Let’s accept it for now.”

“Thank you. So, what will the fortress do after this?”

“That’s what I’m trying to decide.”

It’s not something that Settsu can do on his own. The pirates and other nations are only cooperating with him.

Considering the strength of the fortress, we might as well decide and move alone, but not unnecessarily antagonize them.

“All right. Please let me know when you’ve decided.”

Settsu nodded and ended the communication.

“Mitski, connect me with the commanders on a simultaneous call. The first one who connects can join.”

The last thing he added was that he didn’t want to pause.


Mitsuki responded shortly as usual.

“Mitsuki never really changes.”

“I have a role to play. Glorious, you’re connected.”

Vee’s image appeared on the monitor.

“Hi, Set. Am I first in line?”

“That’s right.”

When Settsu responded shortly, Vee looked at him with serious eyes.

“What happened?”

It was a serious question that I was not going to be allowed to answer in a mumbled tone.

“The commander of the …… Imperial Guard has been killed in action.”

Settsu chose his words.

“Oh, yeah. Tough timing.”

“This is a war zone.”

“That’s right. I have many bitter memories of the battlefield.”

“Vee has bitter memories, too.”

“Oh, yes, of course. It’s not like I can pick up a hundred girls and get a hundred guys.”

Setsuko smiled. He wasn’t sure if it was a good one.

I could tell that Vee was trying to make me laugh.

“You’ve hit on a hundred people, how many can you get?”

Settsu dared to go along with the conversation.

“There is a risk that the pure Setu boy will despair if he hears that. It is better not to ask.”

“I’d like to hear more.”

“No, no, no, you’ll only cause an accident by trying to compete with me.”

Vee gave a quick wave.

“Vee. Since you’re not sure?”

“Set. Kitty’s gonna stab you.”

“Oops. I forgot about that risk.”

Settsu and Vee both laughed.

I felt a little better when I smiled.

“Sir, may I connect the others now?”

Mitsuki asked. Apparently, they kept the others waiting.

“Yeah, please.”

Setsueto tightened his face and adjusted his expression to look distant.

Soon, the commanders of the independent nations appeared on the monitor.

Admiral Vetsia, Kingdom of Mars-Camino.

Admiral Sadat, Ullah Confederacy.

Admiral Ealon, Haswarda Kingdom.

Admiral Rateki, Bialowsky Empire.

The four of them.

“The commander of the Imperial Fleet, Count Weil, has been killed in action. Therefore, the Imperial forces have withdrawn.”

Settsu explained the situation in a straightforward manner.

The four of them showed their surprise in their own way.

“How dare you. ……”

“But the Federation fleet still numbers 40,000, and there are tens of thousands more ships in the rear.”

Settsu didn’t give him time to make any unnecessary exchanges.

“Can the Imperial Fleet be rebuilt?”

“I don’t know.”

The three commanders, except for Vetsia and Vee, looked uneasy when Setsuto told them honestly.

Before the battle, he said he couldn’t trust the Imperial Fleet, but now he’s doing this. He’s relying on the Imperial Fleet inwardly.

“However, the Federation fleet must be withdrawn at all costs.”

Vetsia and Vee nodded.

“So I’d like to ask your opinion on how best to act on this opportunity.”

Settsu spoke. I have an idea for one of our next moves if we can’t get the Federation fleet to retreat from this battle.

In order to do that, we have to convince, or rather, win over, these opportunistic commanders.

“Opportunity? Opportunity?”

“Yes, it is. It’s an opportunity.”

Settsu assured him.

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