The Federation forces lost their front-line supply depot and their operational commander along with many of their ships.

We are not in a position to continue the operation.

Considering the presence of not only the fortress but also the fleets of the independent nations and the imperial fleet, the situation was no longer in the Federation’s favor.

Reyze gathered the remaining fleet and proceeded to retreat into Federation territory in an orderly fashion, not allowing a full-scale pursuit.

As the Federation forces withdrew, the Imperial forces also pulled out. The Imperial Army also suffered the loss of their general, Count Vayer.

It was truly a painful split.

Even though the federal troops had withdrawn, the remaining countries did not immediately regain their peace.

With the withdrawal of the federal troops, the independent nations of the Federation faction had lost their standing and were facing heavy criticism from the people, jeopardizing the foundation of their government. Even the nations that had been occupied after resistance suffered devastating damage to their spaceports and other facilities, and it was expected to take a considerable amount of time to recover.

The pirates should have a big party to celebrate their victory.

However, Settsu was not given the time to enjoy such a thing.

Even though Mitsuki was in charge of repairing the fortress, there was still a lot of nerve-wracking work to be done: negotiating the order of repair for the damaged ships, seeing off the Imperial Fleet, and negotiating with the independent countries that had joined the fleet.

As soon as they had settled down, emissaries from independent countries began to arrive one after another.

“Please take care of my country. ……”

The Settlers hold the greatest military power in the independent nations today. As if there is nothing wrong with asking for a good mood, a messenger from some unknown country bowed respectfully and left the commander’s office.

After leaving and watching the door close, Settsu sighed loudly.

“That was awful. ……”

“Yes, it is.”

Mitsuki’s response always kept her calm.

“I’m offering you a hundred beautiful women. What do they think I am?”

I politely declined, of course.

“Maybe you should have kept it.”

“Aha, Mitski, what do you think would happen to me if I did that?”

“I don’t even have to deal with him, so I don’t know what to do.”

“No, no, no. Kitty will stab me just to get it.”

“It hadn’t occurred to me that it was a possibility. But since you’re not married, it’s not a problem, is it?”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Setsuko smiled. Mitsuki has this tendency to divide things into black and white.

“So, what now?”

“Next is a messenger from the imperialist countries. The messengers are not of official status, but pirates.”

“That’s the pattern.”

Settsu gave a small nod.

The envoys sent by independent countries were often diplomatic officials or nobles, but sometimes they were pirates under contract to the country. When there was a domestic situation that made it difficult to make official contact with the Settlers, they would unofficially send a pirate with a document to act as their emissary. It was a kind of unspoken diplomacy.

“Let me through.”

Settsu said, and a moment later the door to the office opened.

A man and a woman walked in. The large but cautious-looking man walks ahead, and the woman wearing sunglasses follows half a step behind him.

They walked up to the desk where Settsu was sitting, and the man bowed lightly and bobbed his head in a salute that was straight out of an Imperial court etiquette textbook.

“I am the captain of the pirate ship, the Dawn Cannon, Pruktoa-Vernante. This is my second-in-command, Maia.”

The woman also performed a perfect salute.

“My name is Maia Rayville, sir.”

Settsu felt uncomfortable.

It didn’t seem like the behavior of a pirate captain and vice captain. It’s not surprising that there are people who have learned the imperial style of etiquette in the imperialist countries, but it’s normal for them to be a little awkward because it’s not something that they’re familiar with. However, the two of them behaved naturally, as if they had been born into the imperial aristocracy. They were pirates, after all.

Settsu also stood up and replied.

“I am Sett-Veiel, commander of the Varaskirv Fortress. Welcome all the way.”

The language was fluent and imperial.

“No. It’s only natural, since you have important business to attend to.”

Settsu sat back in his seat. Get to the point as quickly as possible.

“I’m here today because I have a favor to ask of you.”

“What is it?”

I thought he was going to send a letter of intent, but I guess not.

“I’d like you to keep this Maia here for a while.”

Setsueto looked at Vice Captain Revel’s face. He couldn’t see her eyes through the sunglasses, so he couldn’t read her emotions.

“…… Why?”

It reminded Setsu of his earlier offer of a hundred beautiful women, and he was reluctant to do anything about it.

“As a token of our friendship and as an unofficial ambassador.”

“I’m not sure I understand what you mean?”

The whole language is just strange to me. It’s strange that a pirate who has just signed a contract with an independent country should be called “our country,” “a token of friendship,” and “an unofficial ambassador.”

Captain Vernante looked clearly troubled. He looked as if he was at a loss as to how to explain himself.

A moment of silence passed.

“Thank you, Captain.”

It was Revel who opened her mouth. It was not a word that a vice captain would use against a captain.


Captain Vernante responded briefly and took two steps back. Instead, Revel stepped forward.

“I apologize for visiting you under cover of face and name, my lord.”

Settsu nodded.

It looks like she’s going to give us the seed.

Revel took off her sunglasses.

In the back were bright purple eyes. Revel then ran her hand over her head and took a lock of her hair. It was a wig. Underneath it was neatly cropped chestnut hair.

Settsu had to work pretty hard not to show his surprise.

It’s a familiar face.

Of course, we’ve never spoken. I’ve never even met her in person.

However, there is no one who is not a member of the imperial nobility.

Revel made a perfect bow again.

There is no such thing as a vice captain of a pirate ship there.

Meiria-Suirizi-Quarq, First Imperial Princess of the Empire.

Setsueto also stood up and bowed to her more politely than before.

“Your Highness. I am honored that you have come all the way to such a remote place.”

For the moment, Settsu bought himself time to think with a formal greeting.

I came here under the pretense of being a pirate so that no one would find out about me. There is always an ulterior motive for this. It’s not like she’s a princess of the empire who has to move in secret.

“I’m sorry if I startled you.”

“I’m sure there’s something going on. I am not prepared to receive Your Highness, but please have a seat.”

Settsu led Meilia to a reception set in a corner of the office.

“He’s the captain, isn’t he?”

“Yes, sir. I am the captain of the pirate ship Cannon of Dawn, no lie. I happen to belong to an unofficial department of the Empire.”

“I see.”

I could see some of the situation.

Setsueto and Meilia sat down on the sofa and faced each other.

“So, Your Highness. May I ask again what kind of business you wish to discuss with me?”

“As I was saying, would you mind keeping me here for a while?”

Meilia smiled.

“What reason would that be?”

Settsu smiled back at her. Depending on the reason, he could be a pestilence.

“My father wishes to establish friendly relations with the Fortress of Varaskilv and its commander, Lord Setsueto-Vayer.”

As an imperial princess, Meilia’s father was none other than the emperor.

“To fight the combined forces of the Federation and the Kingdom.”

“Yes. But there was one problem. While the fortress commander seems to be siding with the Empire for the time being, what will happen in the future is too uncertain. If we were a nation, our actions would be bound by ideals and the will of the people, but that is not the case with the Commander-in-Chief.”

I thought Settsu was very clear about what he was saying. It’s not wrong in fact, but it’s almost as if he’s telling her to her face that she might betray him and become his enemy in the future. This princess does not seem to have any trouble with her courage.

“That’s where I come in.”

“I don’t see the connection between not knowing what I will do in the future and Her Highness being here. ……”

Settsu blurted out.

“There are several possibilities that come to mind, are there not?”

Meilia then looked at Settsu’s complexion for a moment before continuing.

“It’s the simplest of them all. I’m here to find out what kind of man Setsueto-Vaile is.”

“I see.”

“Not for long, sir. There will probably be a legitimate messenger from the Empire in about ten days. This messenger wants to invite you to Count Vaile’s funeral and the ceremonies related to the succession to the throne. If His Excellency agrees to it, I will return to the Imperial City with him.”

“Funeral and succession?”

“A pretext, of course. The Empire would like to take this opportunity to negotiate and conclude an alliance with the fortress.”

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