There’s a reason why Kitty and the others took the anti-matter.

The enormous output of the degenerate reactor was necessary to warp the massive Varauskirv fortress at superluminal speed.

In order to activate the main engine of the fortress, the degenerate reactor, or to generate a black hole inside the degenerate reactor, the sub anti-matter reactor must be activated and the black hole generator of the degenerate reactor must be activated.

Procurement of antimatter to power the antimatter reactor.

That’s what this mission is all about.

When viewed as an act of piracy, raiding anti-matter carriers is highly profitable, but also highly risky. Because of the nature of the carriers, which operate between stars and planets, the raids are deep in the star system.

Deeper in the star system, that is, closer to the star, warp is not possible.

Warp is inhibited near high-mass objects. The larger the mass of the object, the wider the warp blockage zone.

The warp hindrance sphere of a star, the largest object in a star system, was usually large enough to encompass the planet’s orbit.

In the Nuve system, the stellar warp block zone is beyond the orbit of the first planet and just before the orbit of the second planet.

Right now, Kitty and the rest of the Black Silver Glory are in the warp blockage zone of the star Nuvu. They can’t escape at warp.

Even if we continue to accelerate, it will take 30 hours to get out of the warp blockage zone.

The calculation was that the defense fleet deployed in the system would be able to get ahead of them.

It was observed that the defense force was now looking for the “fleet” that had wiped out the bounty hunters chasing the Black Silver Glory ship.

We have a plan to deal with it.

“The container is secure.”

“We’ll accelerate as fast as we can.”

The lights on the bridge dimmed a notch and a red light came on.

Denias, the helmsman of the Black Silver Glory, maneuvered the ship, firing the main thrusters with all his might.

The propellant was accelerated by the power of electricity, pushing the hull forward. The acceleration was so great that the ship’s internal gravity control system could not counteract it, and the people on the bridge pressed their bodies against their seats.

The hull creaks.

Although we had made some repairs, the was still badly damaged.

“You got it?”

Kitty asked if the hull would be able to withstand the load of full acceleration.

“It’s a game of chicken. How far do you want to play?”

Denias’ answer was to ask how far he would go before he was destroyed.

I guess I won’t be able to keep it for long.

“Leave enough energy for one more game.”

“Okay. Then I’ll have it at 80% in about six more hours.

Denias had been the helmsman of the Black Silver Glory since the time Kitty was born. He’s nearly sixty now. “The ship is my child, the head is my grandchild.” That’s what he says. Kitty has complete trust in Denias’ judgment.

” Keuk, plan revision.”


If it could withstand six hours, it would give us a slight advantage in the situation.

Just then, the Noob System Defense Force Headquarters received word of the appearance of the “Black Silver Glory.

The captain of the defense forces, Viscount Genius, had just had dinner with his family, but when his second-in-command reported, he cut his meal short and hurried to his office.

“Give me the details.”

As I walked down the aisle, I talked to my second-in-command through the communicator attached to my ear.

“Yes, sir. The Black Silver Glory attacked an antimatter carrier that was sailing slightly beyond the orbit of the first planet and stole its antimatter. As far as we could see from the carrier’s radar, it was moving to get out of the warp blockage zone.”

“Where’s the enemy fleet?”

Viscount Zinias believed that an enemy fleet had infiltrated the system. It was a fleet that served the Black Silver Glory. Whether it’s a regular army or a group of pirates is still unknown, but it’s a fleet large enough to take out 30 bounty hunters in an instant.

“We haven’t found them, sir. They don’t seem to have been involved in the attack on the carrier.”

“Strange, isn’t it?”

The system defenders are scouring the system for possible hiding places for the enemy fleet.

We are looking for them everywhere, on the surface of planets and satellites, and in the asteroid belt. Other places are being searched by radio and visible light, but still no enemy fleet has been found.

What is strange is that the enemy must know that we have noticed the fleet, but they are keeping their appearance hidden and only moving the Black Silver Glory.

“Is it a trap?”

“It’s a possibility. But even if it’s a trap, we can’t just leave it there. Have you told the Count?”

“We’re just getting started.”

“Tell them. It could be a trap, but they’d better hurry.”


Viscount Genius’s words were passed on to Count Vaile.

The Count is out in space as the commander of the search for the enemy fleet.

Count Vaile received those words in the cockpit of the Dragoon Direwild.

“An attack on an anti-matter carrier?

The Count felt the same way as the Viscount.

“Is it an invitation or a diversion……”

I can’t figure out the intent of the action.

“The honest answer is that Starfleet’s remaining anti-matter and propellant reserves are inadequate?”

The words were spoken by the Chief of Staff Officer on board.

“Propellant levels are probably low. Even if they’re coming in a straight line from the nearest border, they must have consumed a lot of it.”

“If that’s the case, what is the enemy’s goal?”

“We’ll need antimatter, but most of all we’ll need propellant. Only the spaceport on the second planet and the factory on the third planet have enough propellant stored in this system to power the fleet.”

“The spaceport also has defense facilities. The more likely target is the third planet. All right, the battle fleet will assemble at the edge of the warp hindrance zone on the third planet. Dragoons and frigates will deal with the Black Silver Glory. Draw up a battle plan.”

The strategy that the Count had set was a reasonable one, given the existence of the “enemy fleet”.

The speedy dragoon and frigate, or “cavalry” as they are called on the ground, are all that is needed to chase down the pirate ships, leaving the slower warships, or “infantry,” to protect the propellant.

Even if the Black Silver Glory is a decoy and the enemy fleet comes for the propellant, the battle line ships can check it out. In the meantime, the Dragoon Corps can warp near the battlefield.

On the other hand, if the Black Silver Glory is the bait, you can escape with only a fast dragoon force. Depending on the size of the enemy fleet, you may be able to warp a line of ships and challenge them to a battle.

“Yes, sir. At the start of the mission?”

“Two hours.”

“Yes, sir.”

The general staff immediately began to plan the operation. Superluminal communications were still only in the realm of the creative. It would take a long time to communicate with their own forces scattered over a wide area in the system. Even if the operation was to start in two hours, the plan had to be put together in half an hour.


The Count used his communicator to call the steward of the ship’s cabin.

“Tea for Bridge, please.”

The Count was planning to take a break until the operation started.

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