Now, let’s get started on the materials immediately. Kani came with us, as she had gotten her meal and was feeling completely fine.

Simply put, in order to make Mancrete, you need cement, water, an aggregate, and magic stones. Water isn’t an issue, and it’s fine to use sea or mountain sand as aggregate. And I’ve already gotten one of the materials needed to make cement.

That would be Vinyl Tree sap. After that, I just need lime, gypsum, quartz and iron oxide, but for Mancrete you’d also better have magic solution.

The basic magic solution would be a mix of magic stones and distilled water, but if you’d like to increase the quality, you’ll need slime. Slime has a low value amongst adventurers, but it is able to maintain a liquid-like state due to having a good magic power circulation efficiency when converting mana.

Because of their weak ability to use their internal magic power externally, they’re judged to be trivial when it comes to battling them. Well, depending on the species, it could be different.

Now, we first came to the sea. Just to be safe, we came here in the magic excavator.

Vicious monsters like what we had last night might come out. In addition, this type makes it easy to move on sand.

Now, what we want here is lime. “So why the sea?”, you might be thinking, but lime can be obtained from shells.

When it comes to shells, you’d say “The sea! Sandy beaches!” is what comes to mind.

But —

”It’s not as good as I thought…”


”Mogu~ mogu~”


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