We were chased out by Jay, Eph’s father, and on the way out, we ran into Grandma Sten. It seems that Grandma Sten is the oldest person in this town.

”And so? What’s got your stuff swaying so?” (Sten)

”Well that’s, wh-, why the h**l are you talking about swaying stuff!” (Eph)

”No, really. Every time I look, Eph-chan’s always so plentiful. Dwarf women have either extremely large or extremely small ones, you know. I’m jealous.” (Sten)

I saw her laugh as she said that. Hers is lovely enough that I can’t think of her as a grandmother, but certainly, her chest doesn’t compare to Eph’s…

”Oops, my eyes were just drawn to your b***s. So what happened?” (Sten)

”Right. Papa’s seriously a blockhead! He’s definitely stubborn!” (Eph)

”My goodness. You two sure clash a lot, huh. However, could this time maybe be related to that visitor over there?” (Sten)

”Ah, sorry for the delay. I’m—” (Wirk)

”Oh, that’s all right. It’s just that the rumour that there’s already rumours that a human came. I also spoke with them back when we were in the previous kingdom. Anyway, it’s fine to talk normally.” (Sten)

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