The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 2 Chapter 7: you again!

It was a bit late, but there was a reason. First, I drank and ate until after eight o'clock, and then went home and discussed the next plot with people in the group.

As a preview, the plot of this volume will integrate the Chamber of Secrets and Azkaban, and the third-grade content of the next volume will be purely original as a filling, so stay tuned!

Ask for a recommendation!


Once upon a time there was a man who slept on a park bench and died...


Asker opened his sleepy eyes. He rubbed his face, feeling cold and wet. He touched his hair. The same was true for his hair, which must have been wet with dew. Turning my head, the moon on the horizon is still hanging in the sky, the sun on the other side has already emerged, the faint light is not dazzling, the sea is rising tomorrow, and now is a good time to get up and watch the sunrise.

"Well, my neck is sore."

Ask shook his head, the pain in his neck indicated that his sleeping position was wrong and needed to be corrected. Gently tapping on the sore spot, Asker touched his chin, his eyes resting on a blanket covering him.

"Did I sleepwalk last night?"

Asker touched his chin, he grabbed a corner of the blanket and identified it carefully, but this one was painted with a childish cartoon pattern, well, it was still a Winnie the Pooh... Such a blanket was eliminated by Asker as early as last year. Turned into Bugs Bunny.

In other words, this blanket is not Asker's.

"I see……"

Ask's eyes lit up, lying on the ground, also wrapped in a blanket, the **** dog with the same Winnie the Pooh pattern was awakened by the strong light that can blind the dog's eyes, a little blankly watching the eyes glow, like two A light bulb Asker, the boss with an open mouth.

"WTF!" The **** dog exclaimed in his heart.

"There is only one truth!" As if he didn't see the horrified expression of the **** dog, Asker stretched out a hand, swung it at the **** dog, pointed to his nose and shouted, "The murderer is Tom!"


"Hey, maybe the word murderer is inappropriate..." Asker put down his hand, resting his chin in one hand, and pulling the blanket with the other to dry the dew from his hair, "If it weren't for Tom, I guess we two would have enough trouble now. ."


The **** dog stood up with a look of contempt, and the dog's body shook, naturally there was no arrogance, but Lu Shui threw a face at Asker. Stepping on the blanket, the **** dog pointed with one paw at the blanket under his feet, then at the piece on Asker's body, and finally at himself. The meaning is obvious, I did all these things.


Asker touched his chin, and then his eyes lit up again, and the **** dog who looked at him instantly felt as if his eyes were blind. Although he could not see Ask's movements for a while, his voice could still be heard clearly.

"You're hungry, right? No problem. I'll take you to breakfast now!"


The **** dog was speechless, how did this guy figure out that those actions just meant he was hungry? Could it be that his brain circuits are different from ordinary people? The **** dog sighed, God knows whether the choice he made before was the right one, and following this guy always feels like a bad future.

"French food still tastes very good..." Asker threw the blanket away, and he stood up and hooked his fingers at the **** dog, "I'm just hungry, let's go, I'll take you to an authentic French meal !"


The **** dog sneered and circled for half a circle. Are you hungry? However, when the **** dog passed by a store, he glanced at a mirror inside. Um, are you that skinny already? It looks like you really need to eat a big meal to make up for it! It happens that someone is in charge of the meal, and if you don't eat it, you won't eat it!

Thoughts are plump, and reality is skinny.

Asker led the **** dog around the town, and finally found a restaurant that was already open. At this time, there were not many people, and the aroma of breakfast overflowed into Asker and the **** dog. In the nose, the eyes of this person and the dog lit up at the same time...

The **** dog turned his head and stared blankly at Asker, whose eyes were shining like a searchlight, and in the end did nothing.

Asker thought about it for a while, and then took off his glasses. Sometimes, wearing these glasses is quite inconvenient. He touched his pocket, as expected, it was empty, the money for ice cream yesterday was the last, otherwise he wouldn't be sleeping on the park bench.

Seeing Asker standing there motionless, the **** dog lost his patience. The aroma of the food aroused the greedy worms in his stomach. He originally thought that these greedy worms had starved to death in Azkaban, but now it seems that the vitality of this thing is really not strong! So, the **** dog took a few steps forward. In his opinion, Ask would also follow, but unexpectedly...

"Hey, don't you have a single Nat?"

The **** dog stopped abruptly, then he turned around angrily and glared at Asker. I saw that Ask was unhurried, turned around calmly, and strode away without turning his head.

"We need to get enough money before breakfast is over!"

"Then here comes the problem!"

"Zhong...cough, where should we get the money?"


Ask's way of getting money is very simple, don't forget that he can do magic.

Picking up a stone, Asker silently recited a magic spell that Nicole Lemay had taught him. Under the astonished gaze of the **** dog, the stone slowly turned into a handful of banknotes!

"This is the trick of turning stone into gold!" Ask flicked the banknote in his hand, leaned down and handed it to the **** dog to sniff it, and said with a smug face, "How about it, can you smell the scent of ink? Genuine Touching Stones Becomes Alchemy, with this skill, you will not have to worry about eating and drinking in this life!"

The **** dog could only be silent, he knew that this was just a relatively superb polymorphism, but the effect was better than any polymorphism he had ever seen. In my impression, maybe only Professor McGonagall of Hogwarts can surpass it, but she has been focusing on Transfiguration for decades.

With a stone in his hand, Asker didn't plan to use it just like that, because any metamorphosis has a time limit, and he didn't bother to use this spell again and again. According to his plan, use these ** to exchange some real money, just enough to spend. As for which unlucky **** received these **, does it have anything to do with Ask?

The weather in France is much better than that in the UK. The sky here seems to be so clear forever. The clear blue sky should refer to such a sky. At this time, the sun was gradually rising, the number of pedestrians on the road began to increase, and the shops began to open, which gave Asker a chance.

Asking the **** dog to stay at the door, Asker tidied up his clothes. He originally wanted to fill a bottle of compound potion to look like another wizard, but he just considered the cost of the compound potion, and he chose to save a bottle of compound potion~ The method is very old-fashioned. Asker bought something casually, came to the cashier with a small denomination banknote, and handed the money to the salesperson. Generally speaking, the smaller the denomination is, the less the salesperson cares about it. Just like this time, the salesperson just glanced at it and put it away, and then found some change for Ask.

Asker smiled slightly. It was a good start. As long as he repeated this operation, within half an hour, he would have enough real money for his breakfast!

But, maybe Merlin couldn't stand it anymore, and a spoiler came.

With his back to the door, Ask was still waiting for the salesperson to give him change. His nose suddenly twitched, and a scent entered his nostrils. The aroma is very familiar, Ask's head quickly reacted, and he found the corresponding person according to his memory.

It is necessary to say here that it is not that Ask's nose is as sensitive as a dog's, but that the aroma is really impressive. As long as you smell it, I am afraid that you will never forget it for the rest of your life.

Ask's face suddenly turned bad, he quickly adjusted his mood, picked up the bag that had already been packed, lowered his head slightly, turned in a semicircle, went around to the side of the person behind him, turned his back to that person and moved towards the door go.

"Please wait, your change..."

"no need!"

Asker pressed his throat with his hand and squeezed out a hoarse voice. After he said these words, the salesperson was relieved, but the expression of the person standing behind Asker suddenly changed.

"you again!"

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