Chapter 10 - Burning Ghost Clothes

After Sun Lu asked clear about the situation, he said: "You've been busy for the most part of the night, don't be anxious about it, it might just be … Alright, I'll think of a way to contact Xi Zi. "

After hanging up, he looked at his watch. It was already 3 in the morning.

Back in his room, he lay on his bed, unable to fall asleep. When he accidentally saw the backpack hanging on the back of the door, he quickly got up.

He rummaged through his backpack and found the oil paper bag that had fallen out of the basin.

Thinking about what the Old Ding told me in my dreams, I hurriedly opened the paper bag.


I never expected to find a sharp knife hidden in an oilskin bag.

I sucked on my cut finger and studied the knife.

The entire blade was only three inches wide, not even half an inch wide. The handle was an inch long, and the body of the blade was about two inches long.

I saw that other than the knife being exceptionally sharp and plain, I put it aside and checked the other items in the oil paper bag.

Apart from a piece of paper folded into a square, there were only two wooden plates.

I'm not unfamiliar with this kind of wood. It's peach wood.

The two wooden tablets were almost identical. Both of them were oval shaped, sawn down from a log. Only one of them had the word 'Blessed' engraved upon it, while the other one had the word 'Misfortune' carved upon it.

I forced myself to open the paper. It was actually a suicide note!

— — Ding Fushun was nearing his end. He had no children, so he could only burn the inheritance items of his sect in an earthen basin. If fate wills me to inherit my mantle, remember this well: To obtain the yin-yang knife is to enter the path of yin and yang; to cut off one's soul with one's blade, one can draw one's soul with another; to be a good man, one must draw one's soul with one's will; to have evil thoughts, one must suffer disaster. There are also two peach talismans, fortune, disaster, fortune, and so on and so forth. Fortune and misfortune depended on each other, one's fate could not be told, one could not tell which was the best …

I reread the contents of the paper twice. Not only was I not pleasantly surprised, but I also had a strange feeling.

I subconsciously looked at the dagger and saw a faint black air rising from the blade.

"Hiss …"

I rubbed my eyes and looked again. The black gas was gone.

I thought I was seeing things, but the more I looked at the knife, the more I thought something was wrong.

The peach symbol was fine, but this saber was a bit demonic.

According to the will, this knife was called the yin-yang knife. After inheriting this knife, he would have to use his own blood to cut the knife.

Real magic tools didn't reveal any edge, but this knife was very sharp. Moreover, they had never heard of any magic tool that needed human blood to light up.

And, even if it was just a dream, let me inherit his legacy. Why was there signs of a corpse in the mourning hall?

If Ye Zichen didn't fall down for him, he, Ding Fushun, would become a zombie ghost... Now that he thought about it, this was clearly a threat.

Thinking back carefully, he felt that there was something fishy about this matter. Although the will said that the yin-yang knife could deal with vile spirits and spirits, it was still better not to get infected with something of unknown origins.

I wrapped the note and knife in oilpaper and put only the two charms in my bag.

After doing all of these, he found a knife and cut off a piece of mahogany from the corner of the wall...

In the morning, I called Zhang Xi, but I still couldn't get through.

He called Sun Lu, saying that he could not contact him either. Right now, he was preparing to take a ride to find Zhang Xi at his home in Qi Tian County.

Just as I hung up, Sang Lan called. She asked me if I had recovered from my injuries and if I could go over now.

Feeling that her voice sounded a little strange, as if it was a little out of sorts, I didn't think too much and said that the afternoon would be over.

I cleaned up the mahogany nail I sliced up that night and went to the hospital's cafeteria to eat. Then, I went back to Sang Lan's house.

When Sang Lan opened the door for me, her expression looked extremely unnatural.

Soon, I understood why.

The room was filled with smoke, and at the window, there was actually a Futai.

A Daoist Priest about fifty years old with three whiskers and dressed in robes was shaking a bell in front of the Futai.

At the side, there was a young man who looked like a little Taoist, holding a yellow paper, a wooden sword and other items in his hands.

Sang Lan told me in a low voice that this was a Taoist priest hired by one of her uncles, a Taoist dragon. That young Daoist was the roaming dragon's disciple, named Yun Qing.

As she spoke, she stole a look at my face.

When I saw that the owl peach was indeed hanging in the corner with a red string, I nodded my head and said that it would be best if I could have an expert to help me.

"Are you angry?" Sang Lan swept her hair.

I shook my head and was about to say that it would be all right as long as I could settle the matter. A middle-aged man with a slightly plump body came out of the kitchen with a phone in his hand.

Sang Lan introduced him to me. This is the uncle who invited the roaming dragon, Lin Hansheng.

Lin Hansheng looked at me, "You are Master Xu?"

"Xu Huo."

Lin Hansheng frowned slightly, and said: "You can stay, but I can only give you fifty thousand."

I was stunned.

Fifty thousand? The price I offered, including the extra car repair money, was only twelve thousand.

You can only give me fifty thousand … Then what was the price for the roaming dragon?

Hearing the obvious contempt and distrust in his voice, I laughed and said, "I told Sang Lan about this matter from the beginning, I'm not too happy with it. "Since you've hired someone else, just give me two thousand dollars to repair the car."

"No, you can't leave." Sang Lan panicked.

Lin Hansheng frowned: "Since Lan Lan trusts you so much, you should stay."

I could tell that he was just spending a hundred dollars for the meat. He wasn't afraid to spend another twenty and add a whole set of water, in case people ridiculed him.

Just as I was about to say it, the bell suddenly stopped, roaming dragon picked up the wooden sword from Yun Qing's hand and started dancing.

I was dazzled by what I saw.

Suddenly, the roaming dragon raised his wooden sword and picked up a Yellow Talisman from the Futai. The Yellow Talisman seemed to be stuck to the tip of the sword, and could not fall no matter how he swung it.

As the roaming dragon's movements grew larger and larger, Ji Yayun had no choice but to retreat to our side.

Suddenly, the Yellow Talisman on the tip of the sword started burning by itself.

Looking at the old Taoist's actions, then looking at the owl peach hanging by his side, I subconsciously walked over quickly.

However, before he could even get to the front, his wooden sword had already swept across the red thread with the owl peach.

The ordinary red cotton thread was cut off by the wooden sword.

I was in a hurry to get there, but I was too late.

The owl peach landed on the floor with a soft "pa" sound.

I went to pick it up and couldn't help but sigh. The dried fruit skin had already cracked open.

Just when I was feeling regretful that such a rare treasure had been damaged, I heard roaming dragon's "urgent order". He threw the Yellow Talisman whose sword tip was burning into a copper basin beside the Futai.

The items in the copper basin were immediately set aflame, and a one-meter-tall flame rose up all of a sudden.


Sang Lan and Ji Yayun cried out at the same time.

Lin Hansheng also uttered an 'eh' from his throat.

The flames in the copper basin rose and fell rapidly. After they fell, a human form actually appeared in the smoke. In addition, there was even a faint sound of mournful wailing!

When the human figure disappeared, roaming dragon withdrew his posture, and gave the wooden sword to Yun Qing, he picked up the cloth, and wiped his face as he said to Yun Qing: "Bring the altar out to the balcony, you must be burnt to ashes."

After saying that, he put down the towel, turned around, and walked to the front of Sang Lan and the other two with his hands behind his back.

"Daoist leader, was that ghost dispersed?" Ji Yayun trembled in excitement.

Lin Hansheng nodded his head in gratitude.

Sang Lan had clearly relaxed a lot.

roaming dragon shook his head and said with a serious expression: "Difficult to do, hard to do, hard to do."

When he said it was three difficult things to do, Ji Yayun and Sang Lan tensed up again.

Lin Hansheng asked: "Leader, what's the situation like?"

roaming dragon stroked his beard and said with a frown: "That demon is a female ghost from three hundred years ago, and a widow at that. After much difficulty, she found another family, not wanting to be robbed and killed by bandits on the way to marriage. To be widowed for seven years and then die on the day of her reunion, one could imagine just how resentful he was. but I don't know how you managed to offend her. "

Ji Yayun looked at me and said in a sobbing tone, "I really don't know."

roaming dragon's eyelids drooped down as he swept a glance at her chest, sighing: "Sigh, this humble one originally wanted to use the Three Purities Soul Search to subdue that demon, I didn't expect her mana to be this high. Now that I used the talisman to burn her bridal dress, I only seriously injured her and was unable to kill her. "Although I can guarantee your peace, in seven days …"

"What?" This is bad! "

Startled, I ran to the balcony, taking off my backpack.

Yun Qing came in from the balcony and almost bumped into me.

I ran out onto the balcony, but there was only half a bowl of smoking ash left in the copper bowl.

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