Chapter 30 - Same School

"Let go of that woman!" I shouted to Sang Lan as I ran back.

Sang Lan was already at a loss as to what to do. When she heard me shout, she actually couldn't react at all.

I ran up to her and tried to pull the ponytail away, but it wasn't until I grabbed her arm that I realized something was wrong.

She's human!

But why was that dead woman in the chartered room dressed exactly like her?

Sang Lan seemed to have awoken from a great dream as she whispered, "The one inside is Su Mei, this is Su Yan, they are twins."

F * ck me …

My eyes almost fell off my feet.

I remember my teacher telling me about a terrifying case of twins in class, and everyone thought it was funny. Now that they met, it was not funny at all.

The police then arrived and began making statements to those present.

I said I saw it and left my ID number and wanted to go.

Sang Lan pulled me, insisting that I follow her to the Public Security Bureau.

I pointed to the few wealthy men who were being interrogated, said that there were people accompanying you, and walked out of the restaurant without her.

Zhao Fang followed and came out, asking me if the people who died were also under an Evil Curse.

I said it looked like it, but I couldn't make up my mind about that sort of thing.

She asked me, "If their souls are imprisoned, won't you help them?"

I looked back. "Help?" How? How many can I help? "

After breaking up with Zhao Fang, I went to the bank to deposit the money, then went to porcine nasal alleyway.

Blind Liu did not open any Feng Shui hall, as the clients only stayed in his study.

I didn't call him. I went into the alley and saw that the gate to his house was open.

The window of the study was open. Blind Liu was talking to an old man with glasses.

Seeing me walk in, Blind Liu pointed at the living room and said, "Take a seat first."

I came here just to kill time, got a can of drinks from the fridge, turned on the TV, and smoked and drank while watching TV.

After a while, Blind Liu saw off the person and walked in with a gloomy face.

"What's wrong? The B skin cutting operation has failed, do you need to cut off the roots?" I teased him.

Blind Liu glared at me. "Do you think you're not in enough trouble? You're still in the mood to talk nonsense? "

"It's already like this, why would I close the door and cry if I didn't?" I threw up my hands and offered him a cigarette.

Blind Liu lit up his cigarette and took a drag. He pointed to the door and said: "The one who just came was Director Zhou He of the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau."

I nodded my head, not feeling surprised at all. The Feng Shui pattern was different from the exorcist, most of the modern generation did not believe there was something wrong, but the majority of them approved of the Feng Shui pattern's existence.

Blind Liu said: "Supervisor Zhou is in charge of the Ten Lotus Pond's matter."

I sat him down and lit another cigarette myself.

Blind Liu sat down and pointed two fingers at me. "One good news and one bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

"F * * k, we're still trying to play tricks on each other?"

"Bro, I'm not trying to be mysterious. I'm just trying to prepare you."

Seeing that Blind Liu's expression was a little serious, I stopped smiling and said: "Tell me the good news first."

Blind Liu said: "The good news is that the stationery department has already verified that the sarcophagus was buried by a local family surnamed Ling during the early years of the Republic of China."

"Ling Family?" I immediately thought of Ling Hong.

Blind Man Liu nodded, "At that time, the Ling family was the only family that could be considered rich. There shouldn't have been any mistake. "According to the records of the county, not long after the Ling Family buried the coffin, the entire Ling Family moved away. No one knows where they moved to."

"What about the bad news?" I asked.

"The bad news is that Director Zhou said that the symbols on the sarcophagus are not ordinary corpse suppressing talismans, but a special kind of talisman." He said that he had seen that symbol once before. Many people died when the symbol appeared. In short, the symbols are very evil; those who carve the symbols on the sarcophagus are even more evil. "

I finally understood why he said it was bad news, and only the insiders knew how bad it was and how bad it was.

In the world of yin and yang, there was a saying, "It is better to fight against gods than ghosts; it is better to fight against the heavens than against men."

The logic was simple. Gods had their own rules, while ghosts did whatever they could to achieve their goals. The heavens had their own rules, and the humans had their own ill intentions. If someone used the diabolism as a demon, they would usually be much more terrifying than simply facing off against ghosts.

"I think I've already met the people from the Ling family. She's just an ordinary woman. Could it be that an evil person like Fang Shi helped the Ling family create an evil situation?" I tried to analyze.

Blind Liu shook his head:

"I specifically asked Director Zhou about the runes earlier. The old man has been working on archaeology for his entire life. It can be said that he is used to seeing great storms." However, when he mentioned that he had seen something similar to runes the last time, his face turned pale. Although he did not know how to practice the Celestial Gate technique, he was still familiar with it. He said that in terms of both the incident and his own feelings, it was definitely a rarely seen and extremely overbearing rune. It is not likely that someone who knows this evil technique will draw Talisman-Dollars for benefits. "

He took some photographs out of his pocket and handed them to me.

I took the photo and looked at it. It was the sarcophagus from that day.

After seeing the first photo, I couldn't help but sigh.

The photo was the inside of the coffin lid, with clear scratches on it. As expected, the person in the coffin was suffocated to death.

Looking at the other photos, I felt more and more strange.

"I'll go, won't I?"

Blind Liu noticed that my expression was off. He pinched a cigarette and asked: "What did you see?"

I went through the photo again, tossed it on the table, and leaned back in the sofa, breathing heavily.

"You recognize these runes?" Blind Liu asked.

"I don't know him, but I have seen similar symbols."

"Where did you see it?" Blind Liu widened his eyes.

I leaned over and pointed at my nose.

Blind Liu was stunned for a moment and then slapped his thigh: "It can't be? You are from the same sect as the person who made the poisonous phoenix, Yang? "

When I left Blind Liu's house, my mind was in chaos.

I haven't studied the Daoist charms seriously, I've only followed the records of the tattered book. But it's not as if I've never seen a genuine mantra.

The talismans on the tattered book and the Dao Gate talismans were completely different. Not only was there a huge difference in heaven and earth, there was even a tinge of evilness.

I have never seen the runes on the sarcophagus. They were not recorded on the tattered books, but I could tell with a single glance that they were the same runes as the talismans on the tattered books.

Weng … "Weng …"

I picked up the phone.

"Come to the police station to pick me up!"

"Sang Lan?"

"Hurry up and pick me up!"

I sneered, "Stop teasing me. Any of those male 'classmates' of yours would surpass me in terms of wealth. If you need me, I'll come pick you up."

Sang Lan was clearly anxious, "Why are you always so reckless? Can't I just let them explain? "Hurry, I have something to talk to you about!"

After hanging up, I took a direction and drove to the police station.

"Take someone's money to help them get rid of their trouble. I don't care if you are a slut or a gold digger. You are my boss, so whatever you say is fine." I grumbled and pulled up in front of the police station.

Sang Lan ran over and opened the driver's door, "Get out, someone wants to see you."

"Who is it?"

"Come down, you will know as soon as you come in. It will only bring you benefits and not harm."

Ye Zichen followed him into the police station with a look of confusion on his face, then arrived at an office in the back of the building.

When I opened the door, I was dumbfounded seeing the people inside: "Professor Lin! Examiner Ma! "

The old professor with white hair knitted his eyebrows and stared at me, "Xu Huo, it's really you!"

Another woman in her thirties, tall and slim, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a white coat turned around. She opened the coat and put one hand in her jeans pocket. She raised her chin at me and looked at me with a smile that wasn't a smile:

"Junior brother, I really can't tell. Other than studying medicine, you're also a yin and yang teacher." "Come, show me your hands."

"You two know each other?" Sang Lan opened her eyes wide in shock.

I glared at her fiercely, wishing I could strangle her immediately.

I'm not kidding. This damned woman doesn't know how much of a fool she has done …

Professor Lin stared at me again, he turned around and said something to a middle aged man, then turned and walked out as he walked, saying in a deep voice, "Xu Huo, you and Ma Li come with me!"

With a sullen face, I followed him out.

Sang Lan pulled me back, and said softly, "I told them that not only did you learn Forensic Medicine, you also know Dao Arts, so they invited you over to help them."

I looked into her pure eyes, and once again there was fire in them.

Examiner Ma casually put his hand on my shoulder and said to Sang Lan in a low voice, "Little friend, you killed him. Professor Lin is his mentor, and your enthusiasm might cause him to be unable to pass the psychological evaluation, and unable to complete his career! "

She curled her lips before raising her chin at me. "Junior Brother from the same sect, you better behave yourself."

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