Chapter 35 - Corpse Oil (2)

Seeing Su Yan frowning at me, I nodded. "Let me remind you, do you remember what you did last night?"

Su Yan's face actually reddened slightly, but very soon, it turned deathly white, completely devoid of color. Her body swayed a few times and she actually passed out.

Ji Yayun hurriedly found some white oil and rubbed it on her nose and temples.

Su Yan woke up, but opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling in a daze, as tears silently flowed down her cheeks.

Ji Yayun walked in front of me and said:

"Xu Huo, we are very grateful for everything you have done for me and Lan Lan these past few days. I don't know why you suddenly became so agitated. Even if you don't care about us anymore, you should at least explain the reason why you are doing this to us right? "

I really didn't want to stay any longer. I pointed at Sang Lan's nose and said angrily, "Isn't it because the circle of people is too chaotic? It's not a problem for men to love women, but what's not fun about it, to actually play with corpse oil? "

"Corpse oil?" Sang Lan and Ji Yayun opened their eyes wide at the same time.

"Yes, corpse oil, oil from the body! Sang Lan, don't tell me you don't know what corpse oil is used for. "

Sang Lan was obviously stunned, she looked at me blankly for a moment, and then actually asked me what is the purpose of corpse oil?

On the sofa, Su Yan suddenly cried out, "Why is it like this, they only said that it was to cheer us up, they didn't say that people will die!"

"Fun? What is there to be happy about? " Sang Lan asked in astonishment.

Su Yan just cried and did not speak anymore.

I carefully looked at Sang Lan's expression, and surprisingly, there was only confusion.

I asked tentatively, "Don't tell me you don't know that body oil is used to do things between men and women?"

Sang Lan was startled, as though she had just realised what I meant by 'that thing', and she walked over to the side of the sofa and pulled Su Yan up.

"What did you do to me, Su Mei, Zhang Ling, and the others? What did you do yourselves? "

Su Yan lowered her head and said while crying:

"You also know that Zhang Ling and I are not rich, if those men are willing to pay, then we …" That day when Zhu Anbin took out a bottle at the KTV, he said that wiping it on his neck would boost his mood … I didn't know until later that he had brought it back from Thailand. "

Sang Lan's face turned white, his entire body shivered as she asked: "What did you do to me?"

Su Yan cried even harder: "Since you aren't willing to eat with Zhu Anbin and the others, Zhu Anbin will let me pour the corpse oil into your drink. My sister and I won't. "He let Zhang Ling do it..."


Sang Lan screamed at her crazily.

Coincidentally, Su Yan's phone rang.

The phone call was from her parents. When they heard that something had happened to Su Mei, the old couple caught the train and hurried over.

Ironically, Sang Lan wasn't willing to see this "good classmate" anymore, and so I acted as compensation for her misunderstanding. Together with Ji Yayun, we drove Su Yan to his parents' side.

After sending Su Yan away, I let Ji Yayun accompany him, and carried the dishes into the kitchen.

In no time at all. Then, he brought out an electric hotpot.

It's not that I don't know how to cook. On the contrary, when Grandpa was here, I was the one who grew the land and cooked the food. My cooking skills were not bad.

But when I went to college, I didn't have the time to cook. His culinary skills were unfamiliar, and he was not in the mood to eat, so he might as well eat hotpot.

As a medical student, I would have liked to drink only a little wine with my friends, but this night I opened another bottle of white wine.

Drinking while eating the hotpot, tasting my fucking life.

I poured another cup of wine. Sang Lan, who had been in a daze all this while, suddenly snatched the wine cup away and drank it all in one go.

After recovering from her shock, she stared at me and asked, "What will happen to me in the future? Will he die just like Su Mei and the rest? "

I shook my head and could only say that I did not understand drop head and that I did not know what would happen to her.

I refilled my glass and poured myself a glass of wine. "But you don't have to worry, I was unlucky enough to be your shield the day you fell into my trap. Even if I have to die, I will die first. "

I showed the Fire Thunder Mark on my left hand to her and told her what Duan Chengfeng said. I said that this was the evidence.

"I'm sorry, I've harmed you."

"There's no need to say sorry. It's still the same old saying. I chose the path, so I won't blame anyone."

Ji Yayun asked: "Last night, Su Yan slept with Lan Lan. What did she do?"

"She came into my room in the middle of the night and wanted to talk to me. She was very friendly."

"And then?" Sang Lan's tolerance for alcohol was obviously low. After drinking a cup of wine, everything seemed to be straight to the eye.

I pointed to the sofa. "Then I'll be the head of the department."

"Are you so honest?" Sang Lan asked.

I looked her in the eye. "I was able to get into university and see the future, which was the result of my grandpa's nineteen years of hard work. I don't want to fail him because I'm stupid. "

"Where are your parents?" Sang Lan asked.

"I have no parents." I said it decisively.

Sang Lan seemed to realize that she had said something that she shouldn't have said, and picked up a bowl of food on her plate:

"There's something I've always wanted to say, but I'm too embarrassed to say it. Every time that Zhu Anbin called me, I felt very uncomfortable. It was as if every time he called me, something strange would happen. The scariest time was when we crashed you on the way back from Qitian County. But … But I did see a woman in a white dress in the river that day. "

I shook my head. "It wasn't scary, but it was the night before at the hotel."

"Did Zhu Anbin call you that night?" Ji Yayun asked Sang Lan.

Sang Lan's face flushed red for no reason.

I said that although I do not understand decapitation, but I have heard of the notorious Corpse Oil. Some special corpse oil, on the body, is more violent than any other C love medicine.

When I knew that Sang Lan indeed didn't know about the matter of corpse oil, and wasn't on the same side as Su Yan and the others, I roughly understood some of the details from before.

Although he did not know the reason, but he was sure that after Sang Lan was tricked into drinking the drink with corpse oil, he would immediately react when he received someone's call.

On the night of the Qi Tian County Hotel, the voice that I started to hear outside the bathroom was probably Sang Lan's involuntary reaction to someone's call.

Hearing that, Ji Yayun grinded her teeth as she picked up the phone, saying that she wanted to call the police.

I told her not to bother. The police wouldn't accept this kind of report, not to mention the fact that there was no proof at all.

Looking at Ji Yayun's angry look, I suddenly remembered what Duan Chengfeng said on the phone.

"Let's not talk about her. Let's talk about you instead. I called Senior Duan in the afternoon. He said that if you didn't do what he taught you, you would die after you were destined to do it tonight. Just do as he says! "

Ji Yayun actually glared at me and said: "Don't mention this matter anymore. I've said it before, I would rather die than do it."

I found it more and more strange. "Duan Chengfeng is famous for asking for money even if his life depended on it, but his abacus is also real. Why didn't you do what he told you to do? "

Ji Yayun had only resolutely said that she would not do it, but had continuously refused to explain the reason.

The night passed in silence.

In the morning, after I woke up, I couldn't help but ask Ji Yayun if she had followed Duan Chengfeng's instructions.

She glanced at me, her face slightly flushed, and said firmly, No.

My heart sank.

Elder sister … I'm going to f * cking start school soon!

Can't you cooperate a bit and help me take care of one first?

I almost went crazy, wanting to ask her why she didn't follow Duan Chengfeng's instructions, but her phone started to vibrate first.

I looked at the name on the screen and felt my body tighten.

I picked up the phone: "Hello, Li-jie."

The phone call was from Ma Li. She used her usual cynical tone and said, "Little junior brother, don't worry, the professor didn't tell me to sentence you to death."

"That is …" I was still nervous.

"Come to the city police station, I'll wait for you!" Ma Li suddenly became serious.

"Li-jie... "Why?" I asked.

Ma Li loudly said: "I said that I would invite you to the main headquarters to play karaoke, bounce, and go to bed. Is this reason enough?"

ME: "…"

"exorcist Xu, right now, there is a beautiful lady who is crying her heart out. She says that only you can explain to her what happened. If you don't come, then she won't accept her sister's death certificate. Her entire family is making a ruckus. What can I do? I had to call you. "

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