Chapter 43 - Morgue Homicide

Although she didn't understand what Qi Weiwei meant by Grand Moon Ghost Path and Nine Yin Evil Body, her words confirmed my previous guess.

Dou Dabao said that the female ghost he saw was actually not a real ghost, but a pure devil.

The Evil Woman was originally human, but because she was refined by an evil technique, or because she lost her Immortal Soul to some other reason, only her murderous aura remained.

Ordinary Yin Yang Eyes wouldn't be able to see the Evil Woman, so I could only follow the instructions on the tattered book and use my own blood to cover the Yang Fire on my shoulders, before using the Blood Drawing Talisman to open the Ghost Eyes.

When Qi Weiwei's expression changed, I was already holding onto the cymbidium and slashing it towards the female fiends.

The wooden sword had fresh blood stuck to it and was even more powerful. With a single sword strike, it had cut a female devil into smithereens.

After the Evil Woman was struck, Qi Weiwei actually let out a pitiful cry, and started running out of the cave while chanting.

The rest of the females followed, and I caught up with one of them.

Just as I was about to give chase, a man wearing a hat and mask appeared from outside. He held a folding knife in his hand and stabbed at me.

Caught off guard, it was too late to dodge. I leaned back and reached for his knife wrist.

"Fuck you!" I kicked him in the stomach, but there was a sharp pain in his left shoulder.

By the time I got up to go after him, the man was already in the elevator.

Returning to the house, Ji Yayun and Sang Lan were frantically trying to save the frightened Ling Hong from fainting.

When Ling Hong left the hospital, he was wearing a set of loose clothes. Now, he was dragged by the two to the sofa, and his clothes slid down to her waist.

Looking at the skin on her waist, I couldn't help but be stunned …

After dressing the wound, I slept soundly on the sofa.

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I saw a woman's face that I didn't want to look at any more.

I sat up, pulled on my jacket, lit a cigarette, flicked the ash off my cigarette, and asked, "Mrs. Sang, did you find a master for your daughter?"

"Xiao Fu... No, Xu Huo … " The woman shook her head in panic, but quickly followed up with a nod.

"Xu Huo, go wash your face. Come over for breakfast." Ji Yayun carried a clay pot of porridge out of the kitchen.

I rubbed my face hard and said no, I'd go back to the hospital and eat in the cafeteria.

Down the stairs and into the car, I remembered a detail from last night. I thought about it, but still sent Sang Lan a text message for an entire day. Afterwards, I deleted her and Ji Yayun's numbers.

When I returned to my residence, the Old Army saw that I had hung up again and pointed at my nose as he scolded me.

I said shamelessly, "Old Army Uncle, I don't want to work anymore. Let's get some good dishes tonight and a bottle of good wine for two whole cups?"

Old Army glared at me, "Then let's make up two cups."

In the next few days, Sang Lan and Ji Yayun did not call me. It could be assumed that Sang Lan's parents paid a huge price to find a true expert for them, and settled the matter of the two of them.

Other than drinking beer with Sun Lu and Blind Liu, talking about Big Mountain, I even found the time to visit Dou Dabao at the hospital. After that, I was just waiting for the start of school.

That morning, before I could get up, there was a sudden sound of car brakes, followed by a flurry of footsteps.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang …"

"Xu Huo, quickly get up! Something has happened! " Old Army knocked on the door.

I opened the door and saw that his head was wrapped in gauze and one of his arms was wrapped in bandages. I couldn't help but be shocked. "Martial Uncle, how did you do this?"

The Old Army shook his head, "Don't worry about it for now. There's an accident down there. Hurry and go."

Looking down through the railing, he saw several police cars parked in the courtyard. Outside the building, the police cordon was already being pulled.

My heart thumped as I followed Old Army down.

"Xu Huo!" A large hat was placed in front of him.

"Officer Zhao?" You're out of the hospital so soon? "

Zhao Qi lifted his big hat, revealing the gauze underneath, "I was so bored in the hospital that I had to request for an early resumption of duties."

"What happened?" I glanced at the other cops heading downstairs.

Zhao Qi patted my shoulder familiarly, "Let's go take a look together."

I had a premonition that this matter might have something to do with the female corpse that arrived a few days ago. However, when I arrived outside the morgue and saw what was inside, I nearly vomited on the spot.

A man was lying in a pool of blood. His pants were pulled down to his ankle, but his head was smashed flat!

That's right, it was flat, like a washboard hitting a pumpkin. His entire head was flat, and his brain was all over the floor.

Restraining my disgust, I looked towards a carriage in the corner and asked in astonishment, "Where's that white dress?"

After I unzipped the white dress, the police medical examiner came twice, but the body became hard again, and I had no choice but to take photographs to verify the identity of the victim. The body remained in the morgue.

The carriage was empty!

One of the white coats who had his back to me turned at the sound of the commotion turned around, stood up and walked over.


Ma Li nodded at me, took off her mask, and said to Zhao Qi: "If I were to say that the victim had been slapped flat, would you believe me?"

Zhao Qi and I swallowed our saliva at the same time and Zhao Qi muttered, "Are you filming an American movie? A slap to the head? "

Ma Li shot me a glance, and said word by word. "That's right!"

Because I was a suspect, I had to be interrogated.

The one who questioned me was a policewoman, and Zhao Qi was smoking on the side.

As usual, the policewoman asked me about my personal data and if I knew the deceased.

I said I did. It was a nurse at the hospital. We usually called him Old Ma. His name was Ma Biao.

There are usually two people on duty at night in the mortuary. Old Army and I are on duty, and the hospital has arranged two courageous attendants to watch the night with us. Old Ma is one of them.

Honestly speaking, I don't like Old Ma. He's in his late forties and almost fifty years old, and he's an old bachelor. He's very polite in front of everyone, but when he turns his face away, it's like he's stabbing someone in the back and swearing.

The point was that sometimes there were female corpses, and he even touched them.

Because of this, I even fought with him, and in the end, he could only be arranged to work with the Old Army.

He was afraid of the Old Army, because if the Old Army were to make a move, he would have to mess with him no matter what.

I told him everything I knew.

Zhao Qi told the policewoman to do something else as he pulled me to the side and whispered:

"From the looks of it, you should be able to understand the general situation. The old horse was obviously trying to molest the body. Now that the female corpse is missing and the case is classified as a murder case, you and Old Army will have to follow me back to the Bureau to continue the investigation. "

I said yes, I'll go up and wash my face and brush my teeth and change my clothes.

Upstairs, when I opened the door, my blood was cold.

My unmade bed was now neatly made, and by my bed sat a woman in a white dress!

The woman rolled her big black grape-like eyes and just looked at me without saying a word. Her mouth and eyes were filled with an inexplicable smile.

This was clearly the female corpse!

I turned around and ran out, while shouting, "Officer Zhao, Zhao Qi! "Come up, come up!"

Zhao Qi almost bumped into me on the stairs.

He asked me what was the matter, and I was able to recover a little.

The dead woman was in my room.

I wiped off my cold sweat and told him to come with me.

Zhao Qi suspiciously followed me to my room and peeked his head in.

"You want me to know that the rooms where you study medicine are very neat, and you even fold up your blankets in the morning?"

My jaw dropped. There was no one in the room, but the quilts were neatly stacked at the foot of the bed.

I swear, ever since I was a kid, I've never had a quilt folded except during military training.

Because it was classified as a murder case, Old Army, along with the rest of the personnel in the hospital were all brought to the city police station for investigation.

It was three in the afternoon when we returned to the hospital. The hospital's leaders immediately summoned us to a meeting.

The main topic of the meeting was the question of the guards visiting the morgue, because I was a part-time worker and this was what had happened.

Therefore, the hospital decided to fire me and take back my residence.

I didn't say anything. I was able to live here for free for more than three years.

The decision to fire me was made for the safety of personnel and corpses.

The summer vacation was over, and it was also when the new students arrived. If he were to apply for a dorm at this time of the year, it would be nonsense. He could only rent a room.

That night, I called Sun Lu up and had a drink with Old Army.

Only now did I ask Old Army what happened last night and how he got injured.

Old Army's face darkened for a long time before he said two words: "Evil."

He said he also knew the spanking nature of the old horse, and that whenever a young woman's corpse was brought in, he and the old horse never took turns keeping watch.

This morning, shortly before dawn, he was dozing in the duty room when he heard a sound from the morgue and saw the old horse was gone.

However, before he could get a clear look of the situation, he was hit.

He didn't see clearly who the person who hit him was, but at least he had been in the army, so he reacted quickly and raised his hand to block it.

Although he had fainted and lost his arm, he had not been beaten to death.

He patted me on the shoulder and said, "Boy, it's time to move out. You're already a young lad, what if you stay here with me and start talking about girlfriends? "

I had a sour nose and wanted to tell him not to do it, too. Follow me, I'll raise him.

But I know that Old Army is stubborn and will not agree.

I discussed with Sun Lu about renting a room. He said that he would come and find a place for me early in the morning and that it would start in two days.

Returning to the hospital with Old Army, I remembered what happened in the morning.

Now I'm drunk and my head is spinning.

Who cares if your mother is a ghost or a demon, your father is a exorcist, I'm afraid of you.

When he went back to his room, there was no one there.

I just went to sleep.

The next day, Sun Lu and I drove for an entire morning before we finally found a set at the intersection between the new and old districts.

I didn't have much money to begin with, so I said my goodbyes to the hospital and moved in.

Although the house was old, with one room and one room, it was cheaper than the other.

Sun Lu and I joked that this place was really more of a mansion compared to my three years of living here.

Sun Lu insisted that I call Blind Liu out for a drink to celebrate my move.

I'm not against it, but I never would have thought that I wasn't the only one who moved here …

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