Chapter 80 - Funeral Shop, Ghosts Traversing

Seeing Old He, I felt a little sad for the old man, but at the same time, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

The old man was about 1.6 meters tall, with a round face and a fat face. At this moment, he was dejected. He lowered his head with a depressed look.

"Xiao Xu, am I unable to go out?" Old He asked me with a sad face.

"Uncle Old He, don't think too much. As long as you don't do anything that violates the law, I'll quickly let you go."

Old He heaved a long sigh.

"Sigh... This old man has followed the law all his life. If he had known earlier that that damned murderer wanted me to keep my head, I wouldn't have accepted it no matter what. You don't have to comfort me, I heard from the people inside that even if you believe that I don't know that it's a head, I still have to do it, at least for five or six years. "Oh, the old man is going to go down in jail."

"Don't listen to their nonsense. Is there any good person here?"

As I said this, I sighed to myself.

Being handed over to the custody of the detention centre itself had already convicted a person. Although it wasn't as serious as he said, it was impossible to escape within a year or so.

Old He rubbed his hands and said: "Xiao Xu, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Go ahead."

"I'm just a lonely old man, no son, no daughter …"

I hurriedly said, "Stop, you don't even know that it is a head. At most, it will only be awarded for half a year or eight months. As long as you catch the killer and verify, you might be released immediately. Don't let your imagination run wild. "

Alright, this is a matter of the back.

He didn't know what the bunch of bad birds inside had told him, but they had frightened the old man to this extent.

Old He rubbed his hands together again, he was actually a little bashful about it, "What I want to say is, can you pay me fifteen hundred yuan first? You don't have to pay next quarter's rent. "

I was stunned. "Big account? What big tent? "

The Da He who sent me over explained to me, "The main account is the prisoner's account in there. It is used to replenish clothes, bedding and other daily necessities. Also, it is used to improve the food and smoke during exercise.

I hurriedly said no problem, I will hand over the money for him later.

"Thank you, young man." The Old He nodded his head gratefully, and suddenly said: "There is one more thing that I need your help with."

I see that the old man is really pitiful, let him just say it, if he can help me, he will definitely help.

He glanced at Da He at the side, and unexpectedly appeared to be sneaking around, leaning forward and saying in a low voice: "I can't close my shop, you have to open it for me."

"Huh?" I was stunned. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.

This old miser was still thinking about opening a store to earn money even at this point in time. He had truly fallen into a financial trap.

Da He at the side could not help but laugh:

"Old man, Xiao Xu is one of our department. He has to go to work, so he doesn't have time to open a shop for you. Do you have any other relatives or friends in your family? We can help you contact them and get them to take care of the shop for you. "

Old He's expression became a little sad and desolate. He waved his hand and said:

"There's no one, there's no one else … In our line of work, who would be able to escape? This old man is destined to be Gu Xing, how can anyone help me? "

When I heard the words' five, three, five ', my heart froze.

The five ills refer to the female, the female, the single, the handicapped; the three defects are blessings, the earth, and the longevity.

Some of the members of the Daoist Path, because of their excessive comprehension of the Heavenly Secrets, would end up suffering from five evils and three defects, resulting in them being unable to live a perfect life.

He originally thought that Old He was just an ordinary owner of a funeral shop, he didn't think that he was actually a cultivator. It was no wonder that the Old Yin would give the head full of resentment to him for safekeeping.

I said: "Uncle Old He, I have to go to work. I can't help you open up a shop, but I can help you clean and tidy it up."

I mean, do it regularly, even if you don't want any thieves, don't let the rat ants destroy his property.

Unexpectedly, Old He said: "You have to help me with this, you are the only one who can help me."

Without waiting for me to speak, he quickly said, "There's no need for you to open the shop everyday. You only need to open the shop every month on the first 15 days of the month.

I was stunned again and asked curiously, "What on earth are you doing?"

Old He habitually rubbed his hands together, glanced at Da He, and said in a low voice: "Cross ghost person."

After saying that, he patted his thigh, feeling wronged. "I should be doing good in this business, how could I suddenly get into trouble and get into a lawsuit?"

Wasn't it all because of greed?

I whispered to myself.

The Ghost-Traversing Man was a rather special type of person in the yin and yang business. Legend had it that these people all held official positions in the underworld.

Some people could not go reincarnate because they had died, so they had to find a way to help the Demonic Travellers transcend their cultivation before they could enter the Yin Division.

But I am surprised, normally speaking, the super dead is doing good, why is Old He in trouble, and even got into a lawsuit?

"Xiao Xu, actually, when you came to rent a room with me on the first day, I already knew that you weren't an ordinary person. What are you doing? I really need your help with this matter. Otherwise, as more and more souls die, the whole street will be in chaos. " The Old He pleaded.

I frowned and said, "Old Master, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that we're not in the same business. I can't do your job."

Old He waved his hand:

"What can't I do? Those triangular talismans in my desk drawer were all talismans I drew beforehand." You already have a lot of Yin Qi. Once you pass this stage, as long as you light the rhinoceros' incense, you will have business. When the time comes, just write the name of the customer on the symbol paper and send them away. "

"It's that simple?" I looked at him doubtfully. I kept having the feeling that the old man's words were a bit inaccurate.

Old He's eyes flashed, he laughed and said:

"Sometimes there are a few slightly more troublesome customers, but with your ability, dealing with them is definitely not a problem. In the end, the ghosts that came to find us just wanted to reincarnate, and they wouldn't go looking for trouble on their own. "How about this, if you help me this time, I'll give you a year's rent exemption, how about that?"

I was not moved by his last sentence, but instead seriously thought about it, nodded and said, "There's no need to waive the rent, I'll just treat it as a peace for the streets of back street. "I promise you, before you come out, I will look after the shop for you."

I said this from the bottom of my heart. The one who took the initiative to look for the Ghostrat Man must have been a dead ghost who wanted to reincarnate.

If he failed to achieve his goal, it was very likely that he would feel resentful, and that he would bring harm to innocent people.

If that really was the case, not only would the people of back street be harmed, even the ghosts that died violently would also be deeply sinned, which was truly a very sinful thing to do.

Old He also told me a few other related matters.

As I was about to leave, he reminded me not to forget to pay the bill for him. The food inside was not as oily as it seemed.

He paid two thousand dollars for the old man's account and took the key to the shop from the item storage.

After exiting the prison, the Da He curiously asked me what the Ghost-Traversing Man was.

I explained to him that the last time the kid on him died from the gas after he was given a sleeping pill. If no one overestimated him, he would always be a ghost in the world. Ghosts Traversing Man specializes in transcending these lonely ghosts.

Da He nodded, and said that it was indeed a virtuous and virtuous job, and reminded me that today is fifteen, so don't forget to open a shop in back street tonight.

Then he asked me the difficult question that I was too lazy to answer:

You're the exorcist, and also a medical examiner. Aren't you afraid that ghosts will watch you dissecting the corpse?

… ….

After work in the evening, I went to eat a fast food, and also bought some instant noodles and ham sausages before heading straight to back street.

The back street was located in a corner of the old city and the people living here were all old and old. Other than a small noodle shop and a small smoking hotel, the only other place that the Old He had as a burial shop was relatively deserted.

On the other hand, in the middle of a street like this, there was only one funeral home.

Since I had no intention of doing business normally, I only took off one panel.

Walking in, he looked at the paper horses and paper man s by the wall in the dim light. Suddenly, he felt a little gloomy.

He turned on the light and found that the light bulb in the shop was actually an old-fashioned incandescent bulb.

Under the dim yellow light, he checked out everything in the store. He inadvertently raised his head and saw a gossipy mirror nailed to the wall opposite the door.

Unlike the ordinary Eight Trigrams Mirror, this mirror was made of real copper, and it looked very old. There were no runes drawn on the surface, but there was a red dot in the middle of the mirror.

I hadn't noticed such a gossipy mirror the last two times, and now that I've seen it, I can't help but be a little surprised.

This red dot is not blind. I once heard Blind Liu say that some experts would use wooden swords to stab their hearts and drip their heart blood on the Eight Trigrams Mirror when they knew that they were about to die.

The higher the cultivation of a Daoist Priest, the stronger the Eight Trigrams Mirror's mana would be.

If the dot on the Eight Trigrams Mirror was really Dao blood, then the Old He really had an expert who inherited it.

I checked the back of the front room. Seeing that it was still early, I sat down in the rattan chair behind the counter and started to play with my cell phone.

The person called Xiao Yu actually sent me a WeChat again, asking me where I am now.

I didn't have much ill intent towards the Imp Clan, who couldn't be bothered to even lie to me, but I still said mischievously that I opened a funeral shop, and the address is back street Number 31. If you are lonely and cold, you can come to me at the shop after eleven o'clock on the evening of the fifteenth day of the first month.

Her reaction was very flat, just an 'oh'.

The two chatted for a while, but time quickly passed.

It was almost eleven o'clock. I turned on the voice message and said in a suppressed voice,

"I'm sorry, it's time. The gates of hell are closed. I have to do business."


How boring! If he didn't pay up, he would lose all his passion!

I grumbled dejectedly and took out a thin incense stick from a drawer. I lit it up and inserted it into the incense burner. A faint and peculiar fragrance immediately drifted out from the shop.

"A raw rhinoceros does not dare to burn, and a strange fragrance wafts from it. A person can communicate with a ghost by burning it." After igniting the Lingxi Furnace, the dried up bones will give birth to a Devil's Snare. "

I muttered to myself in a slightly absent-minded manner.

Xu Huo, you really can't do this anymore …

Suddenly, a woman's gentle voice came from outside the door:

"This humble girl Di Jinlian has come to pay her respects to He Jiu Shi. Please allow me to enter."

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